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Theatres of Minsk

Ex. I. Before reading the text look up in the dictionary and make sure you know the right pronunciation and meaning of the following words:

to be on tour soloist wounded

to endeavour lyricism miraculous

ingenuousness heroic to evacuate



In Minsk, the capital of the Republic of Belarus, there are at the present time theatres with professional companies, representing all kinds of theatrical art.

All conditions have been created in the Republic for training personnel of the national theatre. The Institute of Theatre and Art trains actors, scene-designers and specialists in theatre science.

The theatres of Minsk are often on tour, not only in Belarus but also in other countries. Soloists from Belarus are also invited to take part in concerts and performances abroad.

The Yanka Kupala Belarusian State Academic Theatre is the oldest national theatre in the Republic. It opened on September 14, 1920. Its first performances included the plays dedicated to history of the nation and inspired by Belarusian folklore. "The Ruined Nest" by Y.Kupala, "On Kupala Night" by M. Charot, "Masheka", "Kastus Kalinovsky" and "The Blacksmith Voevoda" by Y. Mirovich, "Ganka" by V. Galibok were staged in the 20th. In the 20th and 30th the repertory was largely made up of plays which reflected social remaking of urban and country life. During this period "The End of the Friendship" by K. Krapiva and "Death of a Wolf by E. Samuylonak were staged. A great achievement of the theatre was the production of "The Last" by M. Gorky and "Who Laughs Last" by K. Krapiva. During the Great Patriotic War the theatre was evacuated to Tomsk. The artists of the theatre often gave concerts for wounded soldiers and at the front. In the war years "Paulinka", a comedy by Y. Kupala was staged; the comedy is one of the best works of the national playwright and became a regular feature of the repertory. In 1944 the theatre returned to Minsk. Here "Kanstantin Zaslonau" by A. Mauzon was staged; the play is a real masterpiece, describing the struggle of the Belarusian people during the Great Patriotic War. In the 50th many performances reflecting post-war life were staged. The Yanka Kupala Theatre is rightly considered to be the laboratory of national drama. It strives for depth and passion in art, to express the social theme. The theatre group endeavours to keep up with the times, promptly responding to all important events in the life of the people. Some plays by playwrights of the other countries and dramatic works of foreign writers have also been staged. Works by Shakespeare, Moliere, Lope de Vega, Shaw, Goldoni and so on have been produced.

The State Academic Bolshoi Theatre of Opera and Ballet of the Belarus was opened on May 25, 1933. Its inauguration was a very important event for the development of musical culture in the Republic.

From the very start the new artistic company concentrated all its efforts on the creation of a valuable repertory. The best operas and ballets of Russian, European composers were staged at the theatre. The creative activity of Belarusian composers also increased, they set themselves the task of creating a national opera and national ballet. In 1939 operas by E. Tsikotsky, A. Turankou, A. Bagatyrou and the ballet "The Nightingale" by M. Kroshneu were produced.

In the autumn of 1944 the theatre returned to Minsk, where the cast worked to revive the productions of classic works and to stage new national productions the first of which was "Alesya", an opera by E. Tsikotsky about the partisan movement in Belarus. It was followed by the opera "Kastus Kalinovsky" and the ballet "The Prince-Lake", both by U. Zalatarou. In the 50th the repertory of the theatre was enriched by Russian and foreign musical classics. At the same time works of Belarusian composers were staged as the operas "Nadezhda Durova" by A. Bagatyrou, "The Bright Dawn" by A. Turankou, children opera "Marinka" by B. Pukst, and "the Dummy Bride" by G. Vagner.

The M. Gorky State Russian Drama Theatre of the Republic of Belarus was organized in 1932. The creative element was gradually built up in the company. A number of good actors joined it.

A considerable place in the repertory of the theatre has been and is occupied by plays of M. Gorky. The theatre has produced "Yegor Bulychov and others", " The Philistines", "The Enemies", " Children of the Sun". The theatre also stages plays of other playwrights- A. Arbuzov, V. Vishnevskij A. Korneychuk, and V. Rosov etc. Works of the Russian classic drama have also been staged and among them plays by A. Ostrovsky, L. Tolstoy, and A. Chekhov. The theatre stages Belarusian playwrights, among them are K. Gubarevich, U. Palessky, A. Mauzon and others. Foreign drama was represented by Shakespeare, Shchiller, Lope de Vega, and Goldoni.

The Minsk State Musical Comedy Theatre of the Republic of Belarus is the youngest in the Republic: it opened on January 17, 1971. However, in a very short time the theatre has caught the fancy of audience in Minsk and other towns, which it has visited with bright, lively operettas.

The theatre staged and produced "The Skylark Sings", a heroical musical comedy by Y. Semyanyaka, a Belarusian composer, "Violet of Montmatre" by I. Caiman, "Free Wind" by I. Dunayevsky, "The Bondmaid" by N. Strelnikov, and "The Caucasian Niece" by R. Gadjiyev. These performances are different in their themes and styles. This shows the variety of the operetta as a genre and the wealth of its possibilities. The first performance of the young troupe has shown that heroic style, lyricism and romance are close to the theatre. At the same time it remains true to the main principle of the genre, vitality and optimism.

In the Republican Young Spectators' Theatre t he curtain was rung up on April 8, 1956. The repertory of the theatre is designed to interest spectators aged from young children to students. In addition a number of evening performances may attract adult audience. But particular attention is paid to the production of modern plays for children and young people.

Besides national plays the theatre stages works by Russian classic and other playwrights. On different occasions the theatre has staged plays by N. Gogol, A. Ostrovsky. V. Mayakovsky etc. The repertory of the theatre also includes the plays of foreign authors: G. Rodari, A. Lindgren, M. K. Machado.

The State Puppet Theatre of the Republic of Belarus opened in 1950. Its task is education of the youngest spectators. The theatre stages short plays, full of gaiety and miraculous and unbelievable adventures, and they always find response among children with their ingenuousness and depth of perception.

The repertory of the theatre is rich and varied: it includes fairy tales and plays by Belarusian, Russian and foreign authors. A number of performances for adults are staged.


Ex. I. Find the English equivalents in the text:

профессиональные труппы; подготовка персонала; пьесы, посвященные истории нации; репертуар; отображать; большое достижение; давать концерты для раненных солдат; национальный драматург; постоянный номер репертуара; изображающий послевоенную жизнь; лаборатория национальной драмы; быстро; соответствовать времени; ценный репертуар; создание национальной оперы; возобновить постановки классических работ; значительное место.


Ex. II. Answer the questions:

1. What kind of theatres are there in Minsk?

2. What academy trains the specialists in theatre science?

3. What theatre is the oldest in our republic?

4. What play (comedy) was staged in the war years?

5. What characterizes the work of the Yanka Kupala Belarusian Theatre?

6. What can you say about the State Academic Bolshoi Theatre of Opera and Ballet of Belarus?

7. Which theatre performs only Russian / Belarusian plays? Which both?

8. Which theatre have you never been to?


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