At cross purposes
When people are at cross purposes, they misunderstand each other or have different or opposing objectives. At odds If you are at odds with someone, you cannot agree with them and argue. At sea If things are at sea, or all at sea, they are disorganized and chaotic. At the crossroads If you're at a crossroads, you are a point where an important decision or choice has to be made. At the fore In a leading position At the top of the list If something is at the top of the list, it is of highest priority, most important, most urgent, or the next in one's line of attention. Avowed intent If someone makes a solemn or serious promise publicly to attempt to reach a certain goal, this is their avowed intent. Away with the fairies If someone is away with the fairies, they don't face reality and have unrealistic expectations. AWOL AWOL stands for "Absent Without Leave", or "Absent Without Official Leave". Orignially a military term, it is used when someone has gone missing without telling anyone or asking for permission. B Babe in arms A babe in arms is a very young child, or a person who is very young to be holding a position. Back burner If an issue is on the back burner, it is being given low priority.