Virgin territory
If something is virgin territory, it hasn't been explored before. Voice in the wilderness Someone who expresses an opinion that no one believes or listens to is a voice in the wilderness, especially if proved right later. Volte-face If you do a volte-face on something, you make a sudden and complete change in your stance or position over an issue. W Waiting in the wings If someone is waiting in the wings, or in the wings, they are in the background, but nearby, ready to act on short notice. Wake up and smell the coffee When someone doesn't realise what is really happening or is not paying enough attention to events around them, you can tell them to wake up and smell the coffee. Walk the green mile Someone or something that is walking the green mile is heading towards the inevitable. War of words A war of words is a bitter argument between people or organisations, etc. Weasel words If somebody uses vaque and unspecific terms to try to avoid being clear about their position or opinion, they are using weasel words. Well-oiled machine Something that functions very well is a well-oiled machine. When in Rome, do as the Romans do This idiom means that when you are visiting a different place or culture, you should try to follow their customs and practices.