And give the Kazakh or Russian equivalents. 1 electronic power supplies
1 electronic power supplies 2 backup power sources 3 secondary power sources 4 precise voltages 5 communicate 6 navigate 7 fire missiles 8 workload 9 precision voltage 10 output voltages 11 autotransformers 12 full-wave rectifiers 13 the unfiltered dc 14 feed 15 amplifier 16 the circuit 17 storage batteries 18 auxiliary power units 19 hydraulic motor driven generators II Match the following questions with the answers: a) What purpose of avionics systems is in high performance aircraft? b)What are aircraft secondary power sources? c) What components of devices of inverters do you know? d) Can you name all structural units of inverters? e) What general types of transformers do you know? f) What is a transformer, and what does it produce?
III GRAMMARPOINT: FIRST CONDITIONAL The first conditional refers to the future. It is used when there is a possibility that the if - event might happen. It is formed:
Sometimes going to is used in the first conditional to describe a future plan. If it rains, they’re going to visit their parents. There are a lot of variations in the tenses or verb forms that can be used in conditional sentences. The if clauses is usually in the present simple. But present continuous, presentperfect simple, present perfect continuous, can, should can be used too. If they are still waiting for us, they’ll be very angry. If she’s coming out with him tomorrow, she’ll need to be ready by 6 o’clock. If Aidana’s received my letter, I am sure she’ll phone me today. If it’s been snowing in the night, we’ll have to wear coats.If she can finish lessons early, she’ll come and help me. If we should see them, we’ll tell them the news. Note! When if + should is used, the conditional is less likely to be fulfilled. The main clause usually has the verb in the future with will / shall. However, ‘begoing to’, future, future continuous, future perfect, imperative, can / could, may / might, should / ought to, must can be also used. If Zhadyra passes her exam, her mother’s going to buy her a big present. If you need any help, call us. If they phone me after 10 o’clock, we might be in bed. If Anel doesn’t eat her dinner, she can’t have any ice-cream.