IV Scan text A to fill in the spaces with the prepositions.
1 Switching __ power supply systems is automatic __ pilot action. 2 However, the pilot can selectively isolate power sources and the distribution system __ emergency situations. 3 When operating normally, the buses receive power __ a series __ contacts and logic situations, depending __ the power source(s) __ use. 4 The GPM prevents application __external power not __tolerances. 5 If an undervoltage, overvoltage, underfrequency, overfrequency, or a phase reversal fault occurs, the GPM disconnects external power __ the power distribution system. 6 When all the power parameters are __ tolerance, the GPM relay energizes, supplying 28 V dc __ the GPM transformer-rectifier __ pin F __ the external power panel. 7 External electrical power is automatically inhibited __ some systems when external air conditioning is not being supplied __ the aircraft. 8 __ external power connected and engine start initiated, the left generator comes __ line when all parameters are __ tolerance. 9 The left TR unit receives power __ the left main bus. 10 This ensures all systems are available __safe flight and mission accomplishment. 11 If both engines flame __, the hydraulic pressure produced __ wind milling engines cannot operate the hydraulic motor at optimum output. 12 Equipment __ essential ac and dc number one buses must be capable __ operating __ below normal voltage __ an emergency. 13 Dc power goes __ the dc essential power transfer relays__ the dc essential and AFCS buses. 14 This configuration enables the flight crew __ jettison aircraft stores, communicate, and destroy classified equipment __taking emergency escape procedures.