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The Legal Profession

Law Institutes and faculties train specialists for Ukrainian Law offices- for courts, Procurator’s Officers, Notary office, the Bar, the organs of the Ministry of the Interior, etc.

We know that the profession of a lawyer is not an easy one. Whatever we may become - judges, procurators, investigators, notaries - we shall have to deal with human destinies. The activities of the lawyer in our country are aimed at bringing the conduct of the people, their interrelations, their attitude towards the state and the public organizations into accord with the law and morality.

Our lawyers are waging a decisive struggle against criminal phenomena. This struggle consists not only in punishing but also in reeducating offenders. Tremendous work is carried on by the lawyers in rooting out the causes and in eliminating the conditions creating these phenomena. Lawyers also do a lot to prevent crimes.

There is a steady decline in crime in our country. But if a crime has been committed it is necessary to find the criminal, to investigate the case carefully and rapidly in order to guarantee the principle of the inevitability of punishment.

There is no need to say how responsible all that work is. To carry it out successfully one needs a high general education level and good professional training. Each of us realizes that to become a lawyer one must arm oneself with great and concrete knowledge. It means to study thoroughly, to master the theory of Law and to know the legislation in force. Each of us must constantly raise the cultural level. We must know classical and modern literature and art, regulary attend public lectures, theatrical performances, concerts, etc. Mastering foreign languages greatly contributes to the general education and cultural advance.

A lawyer is of course to be a person of high moral qualities. He must strictly keep to the rules of the community, his conduct is to be irreproachable and he must be an example for other people. He is to be truthful honest and just.

Every year thousands of graduates from law institutes and law faculties join the great army of those who stand on guard of the interests of our state, of the nights of our citizens and of public order.

Our people have a deep feeling of respect for their lawyers. I am proud that I shall become one of them.

Every year thousands of graduates from law institutes and law faculties join the great army of those who stand on guard of the interests of our state, of the nights of our citizens and of public order.

Our people have a deep feeling of respect for their lawyers. I am proud that I shall become one of them.


Дата добавления: 2015-09-07; просмотров: 760. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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