The issue of language is also worthy of note. International collaboration brings with it substantial richness, drawing upon the various traditions represented. There are also sensitivities, not least with respect to language. When first formed EFPPA had three official languages: English. French, and German. The difficulties operating a trilingual system were apparent and English was chosen as the primary language for EFPPA and so English was agreed as the language for the Task Force. However, it was agreed that language would be reviewed consistently to ensure that subtle meanings in the developing context of the Meta-code were captured, with footnotes as appropriate. In the event only two significant issues arose; one concerned "confidentiality." Task Force members from Southern Europe were concerned that this word did not fully capture the essence of the common phrase in Romance languages "professional secret." The second concerned the use of the term "philosophy" in the draft preamble, changed to "general philosophy" in paragraph 3 of the Preamble. However, foregrounding language as a matter of sensitivity was important as it recognized the danger of the potential hegemony of English and ensured that concepts also were analyzed to avoid Anglocentricity.