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If I Were King

I often wish I were a King And then I could do anything. If only I were King of Spain, I'd take my hat off in the rain. If only I were King of France, I wouldn't brush my hair for months. I think, if I were King of Greece, I'd push things off the mantelpiece. If I were King of Norroway, I'd ask the elephant to stay. If I were king of Babylon, I'd leave my button glove undone. If I were King of Timbuctoo, I'd think of lovely things to do. If I were King of anything, I'd tell the soldiers "I'm the King!"

(A. Milne)


Ex. 385. Use the right forms of the verbs in brackets.

1.1 have never seen your kids. I wish you (have) a picture of them with you. 2. The police wish they (be) better equipped to work more efficiently. 3. They wished their daughter (be) more careful in choosing friends. 4. Susan wishes she (go) to college instead of leaving school and getting a job. 5.1 wish we (buy) a house of our own long ago and not (live) with our grandparents all these years. 6. Melanie wished she not (say) she was going to the party. 7. He wished his mother still (live) nearby. 8. The Dixons wish their son not (marry) that punk girl. 9. We wish you (can wait) to see him. 10.1 wish I (be) nicer to my parents when I was a teenager. 11. Ted wishes he (follow) his tutor's advice. 12. How I wish I (can play) some musical instrument! 13.1 wish people (be) more honest. 14. People wish the government (do) something about unemployment. 15. I wish I (start) learning English much earlier.


Ex 386. Paraphrase the following so as to use the Subjunctive Mood in object clauses after the verb wish.

1. What a pity that I have grown up and that I am not a child any longer! 2. The patient is sorry that he lost control of himself and spoke to the doctor rudely. 3. What a shame that you can't believe us! 4. Mike's parents regret not having listened to what their son wanted to do in life. 5. My brother is a born worrier, I'm sorry to say. 6.1 am awfully sorry I disturbed you in the middle of the night, but the matter was urgent. 7. It's a pity she couldn't find accommodation in the city. 8. What a spendthrift you are! But today you really spent too much! 9. It's so annoying but we have to go. 10. We're upset that our plan failed. 11. Marina was sorry that she hadn't invited her classmates to her party. 12. What a shame! I forgot to call Robert again. 13. The whole family was disappointed that they couldn't buy the house. 14.1 must say she's an extremely tough woman. 15. Unfortunately, you will not receive the job you've applied for.


Ex 387. Translate into English.

I. Хотелось бы, чтобы люди были более дружелюбны­ми. 2. Жаль, что люди так напряжены. 3. Хорошо бы он позвонил мне вечером. 4. Напрасно я позвонила ему первой. 5. Жаль, что Петр не умеет работать с компь­ютером. 6. Зря я научилась работать на компьютере. Это как наркотик. 7. Хотелось бы, чтобы этот психо­лог не испытывал свои методы на моем ребенке. 8. Хорошо бы этот психиатр использовал более со­временные методы лечения. 9. Напрасно я не при­нял это лекарство от головной боли. 10. Зря я выпи­ла эту таблетку от зубной боли. Теперь хочется спать. II. Жаль, что Нина не всегда искренна со мной. 12. До­садно, что ты часто откровенничаешь с моими друзьями.

13. Напрасно вы были так откровенны. Ведь он наш конкурент. 14. Как жаль, что она не умеет ни петь, ни играть на музыкальном инструменте. 15. Жаль, что наш шеф не смог предупредить нас, что дело очень рискованное. 16. Я бы хотела, чтобы мой день рожде. ния длился и длился, и чтобы я всегда была так же счастлива!

Ex. 388. Comment on the use of the Subjunctive Mood in subject clauses after the expression It's (high, about) time.

1. Your car is absolutely filthy! It's high time you had it washed. 2. Well, well, young man, it's time you settled down, had a wife and nice kids! 3. It's time we turned over a new leaf in our life, my darling. 4. Isn't it time we should put an end to this horrible war? 5. It's high time you should forgive me. 6. Well, it's high time you should realize that times have changed. 7. Sergeant, it's high time you reported to the captain. 8. Isn't it time the children switched off TV and went to bed? 9. It was high time she got used to his strange ways. 10. Don't you think it's high time you changed your manner of dressing? 11. I'm sure it's high time you told it to her face. 12. It's time you earned your own living.

Ex. 389. Paraphrase the sentences using It's time.

1. Marina should think of her future. 2. Oleg must consult a specialist. 3. The family ought to have a holiday. 4. The house needs to be given a new coat of paint. 5. We need to call an electrician. 6.1 must become independent from my parents. 7. The children should go to bed and switch off the light. 8. You ought to feel responsible for your family. 9. Will you stop asking me provocative questions about my personal life? 10. Why should you live throwing your parents' money around? 11. I'm sorry, I have to say goodbye and leave. 12. How can you watch that boring programme? 13. You are a modern woman. Don't you want to learn to drive a car? 14. Your parents need your support. Why don't you help them? 15. Will you get down to business, all of you!

Ex 390. Translate into English.

1. Всем давно пора понять, что назад пути нет. 2. Ка­кой стыд, тебе давно пора выучить английский алфа­вит! 3. Шесть часов. А не пора ли пригласить гостей к столу? 4. — Не пора ли тебе сменить майку и джин­сы? — А не пора ли тебе перестать делать мне заме­чания? 5. По-моему, тебе давно пора переключить те­левизор на другую программу. 6. Пора тебе перестать сплетничать о друзьях и коллегах. Разве тебе нечем заняться? 7. А не пора ли нам вытащить торт из печ­ки? Он может подгореть. 8. Ты не думаешь, что тебе пора отремонтировать кухню? 9. Не пора ли устано­вить охрану в твоем офисе? 10. Я считаю, что нам давно пора перестать встречаться, хотя бы на некото­рое время. 11. Тебе давно пора поменять свое отно­шение к браку. 12. Это плохая идея! Тебе пора понять, что я не приму ее. 13. Адвокату давно пора предъя­вить главный козырь в этом деле. 14. Давно пора тебе сказать ей, что ты думаешь о ней. 15. А не пора ли вам, детки, идти в школу?


Ex 391. Comment on the Subjunctive Mood in predicative and comparative clauses introduced by as if, as though.

1. Erik looks as if he were at peace with himself and the universe. 2. Samantha looks as if she had fallen in love. 3. Sindy felt as if she had lived a long, long time. 4. He looks as though butter wouldn't melt in his mouth. 5. Adrian felt as if he were suddenly transported into a different world. 6. The children now felt as if their father had never been away on that terrible war in the Persian Gulf. 7. The girl looked happy as though she had been waiting for that moment all her life. 8. Daniel felt as if he were being reprimanded, as if he had let his friends down. 9. Molly dropped the bracelet instantly, as if it were red-hot coals. 10. Bill behaves as if he had got into

a pretty good mess. 11. We began talking as though we were old friends, as if we had known each other for many years. 12. For a second she hesitated as if she were taking the last chance to refuse. 13. The Stones behaved as though we were the bitterest of enemies and hadn't been living next door to each other for twenty-four years.

14. Glan pushed his father's chair closer to the table and tucked a serviette under his father's chin, as if he were a baby in a high chair. 15. Don't act as if you cared nothing for my feelings. 16. They were looking as though someone had died.

Ex. 392. Complete the following sentences

1. The situation was as if.... 2. The weather looked as though.... 3. The policeman nodded as if.... 4. They feel as if.... 5. She always looks smart as though.... 6. Dan always interrupts people as if.... 7. The sheriff spoke firmly as if.... 8. Why is Nell looking at Ted as if...? 9. The child was scared as though.... 10. Why are you crying as if...? 11. She looked nervous as if.... 12. They met again as if.... 13.1 know London so well as if.... 14. You are asking so many questions as if....15. Margaret did the job as if.... 16. The inspector behaved as though.... 17. She felt his pain as acutely as if....


Ex. 393. Open the brackets using the right form of the Subjunctive Mood

1. When you watch all those soaps on television, you feel as if people in them (think) only of love and (not have) any problems. 2. She walked as if she (be) a Queen, as if the world (belong) to her. 3. He felt fresh and rested as if he (not work) for twelve hours non-stop. 4. In that small dress Miranda looked as if she (be) a teenager. 5. What a fuss and what a mess! It looks as if the last preparations for Christmas (make). 6. He was holding the baby as if it (be) something very fragile. 7. Some­times it seems to me as though the world (come) to an 226

end! 8. It appears now as if Cora never (love) Martin, as if it (be) a bad dream. 9. While reading the novel I felt as if I also (live) in those times and actually (take) part in the events. 10. When you are looking at the Vesuvius you feel as if it (can erupt) at any minute. 11. Nigel is searching for something. It looks as though he (lose) the key. 12. The agent felt as if he (watch) by somebody. 13. She put on her sunglasses as if she (try) to hide the expression of her eyes. 14. Surprisingly, there were no people in the streets. It looked as if they (stay) at home or (leave) for their country houses. 15. Adrian looked at Pamela so tenderly as if he (forgive) her and (be) in love with her again. 16. She looked as though her mouth (be) full of lemon juice. 17. He kept gazing at her as if she (be) some sort of goddess or something. 18. Snape looked as though Christmas (cancel). 19. In so many ways he felt as though he (know) nothing, (learn) nothing, though he was sixty-eight years old. 20. She looked to him as if she (need) a good meal.


Ex 394. Translate into English

1. Жизнь протекала гладко, словно никогда ничего не происходило. 2. Будь я на твоем месте, я бы по­пытался вести себя так, словно ничего не случилось. 3. Она чувствовала, словно что-то необычное должно было случиться с ней. 4. Почему ты ведешь себя так, словно что-то скрываешь от нас или словно совер­шил что-то плохое? 5. Мы не обратили внимания на слова Чарльза, словно они не были важны, словно никто их и не слышал. 6. Он понимающе улыбнул­ся, словно прочитал мои мысли и знал обо всем. 7. Я уже взрослый. Почему ты все еще обращаешься со мной так, словно я ребенок? 8. Она выглядела так, словно была вполне довольна своей жизнью и не пе­ренесла такого страшного шока. 9. Все это выглядит так, словно Николай всю жизнь учит английский язык; и все-таки не может на нем говорить. 10. Лек­тор начал говорить медленно и красноречиво, словно старался с самого начала завоевать внимание аудитории. 11. В комнате был такой аромат, словно в ней был миллион роз. 12. Пирог был таким необычным на вкус, словно в него положили все пряности Вос­тока. 13. Фильм произвел на меня такое сильное впечатление потому, что казалось, словно он о моей собственной жизни. 14. Все выглядит так, словно они узнали о моем решении и сейчас пытаются заставить меня изменить его. 15. — Я чувствую себя так, слов­но я абсолютно счастлив. — Словно это возможно! 16. Эмма взглянула на него и улыбнулась так, слов но опять прочитала его мысли.


Ex. 395. Comment on the use of the Subjunctive Mood

1. It's absolutely necessary that I should see them before you do. 2. It's vitally important that the child should have all the care he needs. 3. It was contrary to the traditions of the school that one of the lower masters be chosen. 4. It is requested that each member contribute ten dollars. 5. It was necessary that somebody should sit up with the child for a couple of hours. 6. Doreen would have adored to live in the country. Besides, it was vitally necessary that she should look after the estate. 7. It was suggested that the students consider the shifty nature of the mood. 8. It is most strange that she should have chosen such a profession. 9. Is it possible that he should have been so rude? 10. It is recommended that everybody have a thorough medical check-up every year. 11. It is time she should be back. 12. It was most important that no one should see them entering the secret garden.


Ex. 396. Complete the phrases, using the Subjunctive Mood in

subject clauses

1. It's ironic.... 2.1s it advisable...? 3. It was un believable.... 4. It is so unusual.... 5. It was doubtful.... 6. Isn't it strange...? 7. It's high time... • 8. Wasn't it recommended...? 9. It's rather odd...10. It's quite natural.... 11. Isn't it amazing...? 12. It's so disappointing.... 13. It's surprising.... 14. Isn't it high time...? 15. It's discouraging.... 16. Isn't it shocking...? 17. It was imperative....

Ex 397. Translate into English

1. В этом мире совершенно необходимо, чтобы мы помогали друг другу. 2. Как вы думаете, необходи­мо ли, чтобы пациент знал, что написано в его медицинской карте (a medical record)? 3. Необходимо, что­бы требования шахтеров были удовлетворены. Они справедливы. 4. Вполне естественно, что он боится операции. Случай серьезный. 5. Очень странно, что она отказывается от такой работы. 6. Приказ был, чтобы отряд переправился через реку до рассвета. 7. Возможно ли, что он передумает и присоединит­ся к нам? 8. А не пора ли тебе рассказать нам все твои секреты, дорогая? 9. Было очень важно, чтобы сведения держались в секрете. 10. Желательно, что­бы мы обсудили все свадебные приготовления в се­мейном кругу. 11. Возможно ли, что она наконец со­гласилась издать свои мемуары? 12. Странно, что ребенок опять заснул. Ведь он проснулся всего лишь полчаса назад. 13. Сомнительно, чтобы он ее крити­ковал. Он же с ума по ней сходит. 14. Желательно, чтобы все переодевали обувь, прежде чем войти в отделение. 15. Удивительно, что они решили поже­ниться. Они знакомы всего три дня.

Ex 398. Comment on the mood of the verb in the subordinate object and predicative clauses

1. The job demands that the employee be in good physical condition. 2. We are anxious that you should take part in the debates. 3. Then the innkeeper suggested everybody should go to bed. 4. Every single person suggested he should join in the search. 5. When we insisted he should tell the truth he said he was in no mood for it. 6. The chairman proposed that every speaker have five minutes. 7. They arranged that all the preparations stay secret. 8. The children feared lest the dog should run away. 9. All the time she fears lest she should be rejected by the committee. 10. Everybody fears lest the weather should suddenly change for the worse. 11. The general suggestion was that there should be no hurry. 12. My friendly advice is that you take it easy. 13. The strikers' demands were that they be paid their money immediately. 14. My ambition has always been that I should become a writer. 15. Nigel's father insisted he become head of the company. 16. It was imperative that he detain her at all costs.

Ex. 399. Complete the given phrases using the Subjunctive Mood in predicative and object clauses

I.We advise.... 2. They insist.... 3. The speaker demanded.... 4. His proposal is....5. The president ordered.... 6. The headmistress's advice was.... 7. The doctor's demand was.... 8. The councillor strongly advised.... 9. The women requested.... 10. The kids feared lest.... 11. The manager was determined.... 12. The order was.... 13. The objective has always been.... 14. He thinks it is reasonable.... 15.1 suggest....

Ex. 400. Translate into English

1. Почему ты настаиваешь на том, что ты должен сда­вать экзамен досрочно? 2. Ее заветная мечта о том, что когда-нибудь она станет известной актрисой. 3. Мой совет таков, что вам нужно бросить курить. 4. Зимой они опасались, как бы их дачу не ограби­ли. 5. Порядок таков, что вы прежде всего должны зарегистрироваться. 6. Ветер был настолько сильным, что путники опасались, что старая хижина развалит­ся. 7. Все опасались, что с похищенными детьми бу­дут плохо обращаться. 8. Рекомендация врача зак­лючалась в том, чтобы мне перейти на диету. 9. Зак­люченные опасались, что стражник выдаст их. 10. Я предлагаю, чтобы мы организовали пикник в воскре­сенье. 11. Вся страна опасалась, что президент опять может солгать. 12. Вы согласны, чтобы мы работали вместе? 13. Я предлагаю, чтобы мы продолжили пе- реговоры. 14. Партнеры настаивали, чтобы Фрэнк организовал эту встречу.


Ex 401. Make the sentences complete by using the Subjunctive Mood in adverbial clauses of purpose, introduced either by so that or lest.

1. Stay away from those people.... 2. Cut your expenses.... 3. The children hid in the barn.... 4. Let's make a stop.... 5. Control what your kids watch.... 6. Change your shoes.... 7. Switch off the gas.... 8. You'd better tell the truth.... 9. Stay calm.... 10. Don't display your feelings.... 11. Eat more fruit and vegetables.... 12. Follow me attentively.... 13. Close the window.... 14. Put a cactus near the computer....

Ex 402. Translate into English

1. Ольга опасалась, что он может прочитать ее мысли. 2. Она нервничала, что все может пойти не так, как нужно. 3. Анна надела парик и темные очки, чтобы никто не узнал ее. 4. Он смертельно боялся, как бы кто-нибудь не вошел и не увидел его. 5. Водитель гнал машину на предельной скорости из боязни, что может опоздать к самолету. 6. Я пригласил всех своих род­ственников на юбилей, чтобы никто не обиделся. 7. За­пишите мой номер телефона, чтобы не забыть его. 8. Приходи вовремя, чтобы не пропустить начало мат­ча. 9. Сконцентрируйтесь, чтобы не наделать ошибок в тесте. 10. Позвони им еще раз, чтобы они не забы­ли о нашем заказе. 11. Поставь сигнализацию, чтобы машину не угнали. 12. Я объясню это еще раз, чтобы не было недопониманий. 13. Агент опасался, что его могут разоблачить. 14. Петя, придержи панаму рукой, чтобы ее не сдуло ветром! 15. Уберите подальше день­ги, чтобы они не пропали.


Ex. 403. Open the brackets using the right mood of the verb in brackets

1. — Fiona (get) the job if she (know) computers. — What a shame! 2. If they (be) more careful and (lock) her flat the burglars (break in). 3. If the head master (be) here he (tell) us what to do. 4. If I (have) enough money next year I (go) to Cyprus. 5. Do you think it (be) a good idea if we (phone) the police? 6. Well, honey, what you (say) if I (ask) you to marry me? 7. We (go) and see the Lovedays tomorrow if we (know) the address. 8. If we (have) time next Sunday we (go hiking). 9. If Mason not (be) so short­sighted he (notice) the change in the figures at once. 10. We not (be) in such a tough situation now if you (make) all the arrangements beforehand. 11. If you (be) a stamp collector at the beginning of the 1840s, you (have) no problem in getting an example of every different stamp in the world. After all, there were only two! For 1840 was the year the postage stamp was invented. 12. Her daughter-in-law was coming toward her; she looked as if she (walk) on air, so graceful was she. As if she not (have) two kids. 13. I'm sure Gideon not (make) the announcement if he not (be) deeply in love with Lenore. I just wish the situation (be) a little less complicated. 14. This (be) a headache years ago; now all the programs are computer-aided. 15. If you (have) 30 children and (be asked) which is your favourite you (have) to say that the youngest, because they are the ones who still need you the most.

Ex. 404. Comment on the Subjunctive in the following sentences Translate them into Russian

1. Far be it from me to marry a woman for her money!

2. Be that as it may, but I know nothing about it. 3. Peace be with you! Success attend you! 4. Blessed be the day of his birth! 5. If it means that one day I will face execution for my presumption, then so be it. 6. Blessed be he who expects nothing, for he shall never be disappointed. 7. Manners be hanged! 8.1 suggest he do the job. 9. The miners demand they be paid at once. 10. Be yours a lucky choice!


Ex 405. Read and translate the sentences Comment on the use of mood

1. It was best he remain out of it altogether. 2. It was vital that he get help immediately if he was to save Sir Maxim. 3. You should have insisted that he stay here tonight. 4. So it's much better that he spend the night at the Queens Hotel in Leeds, and travel home comfortably tomorrow. 5. She was fully aware that it was imperative that she know everything there was to know. 6. If she is going to make you happy, then so be it! 7. It was imperative that he be fresh tomorrow morning when he would make a final decision about his latest business proposition. 8. I'll suggest we all have lunch after our Friday morning meeting. 9. She was eager that they buy that house. 10. We're a bit short of staff quarters, if the truth be known.


Ex 406. Translate into English

1. К черту эту английскую орфографию! 2. Да будет благословенна земля, которая дает миру таких сынов! 3. Кто бы он ни был, мне до этого нет дела. 4. Ну что же, я сдаюсь. Да будет так! 5. Он велел, чтобы все при­сутствовали. 6. Необходимо, чтобы у вас были все дан­ные. 7. Пусть вам сопутствует удача! 8. Желательно, чтобы вы поддержали его. 9. Да благословит вас Бог! 10. Осмелюсь заметить, сэр, что вы не правы. 11. Будь что будет, а я все-таки рискну.


Ex. 407. Open the brackets using the right tense, voice and mood of verb.

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Образование соседних чисел Фрагмент: Программная задача: показать образование числа 4 и числа 3 друг из друга...

Шрифт зодчего Шрифт зодчего состоит из прописных (заглавных), строчных букв и цифр...

Краткая психологическая характеристика возрастных периодов.Первый критический период развития ребенка — период новорожденности Психоаналитики говорят, что это первая травма, которую переживает ребенок, и она настолько сильна, что вся последую­щая жизнь проходит под знаком этой травмы...

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