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Chapter 1 My Big Teenage Problem



I said, 'Hi! Donna, this is Jack. Jack, this is Donna.'

Donna gave him a big smile. Her smile usually makes men weak in the legs.

Susie has freckles, and she hates them! 'When I'm older they'll be one BIG freckle, all over me!' she thinks. And Susie has problems with boys. 'Great legs, but I don't like the freckles,' one boy says about her. Her best friend, Donna, never has problems with boys. Donna has pretty hair, nice teeth and blue eyes — and she hasn't got freckles! Boys fall at her feet. But now there's a new boy at the school, and Donna wants him too!

Will Jack fall at Donna's feet? Will he laugh at Susie's freckles? In this story, Susie and Donna learn an important lesson about life.

Andrew Matthews was born in Wales in 1948. He taught English for many years, but he also wrote more than forty books for children and young people. Two of his books for teenagers are Writing in Martian and Seeing in Moonlight. He wrote this story for Penguin Readers.

Andrew Matthews now lives in Reading, England, with his wife and their cats. The cats sit on his books and push his pens on to the floor.


Chapter 1 My Big Teenage Problem


I hated my freckles when I was young. Every day I looked in the mirror and thought, 'Look at them! They're getting bigger! When I'm older they'll be one BIG freckle, all over me!'

At school, the other little children in my class laughed at me and my freckles. 'Hello, Freckle-face!' they shouted.

But when I was a teenager, it all got worse. My freckles were my Big Teenage Problem.

Why did I think that? Because one lunch-time, I went to the school library and started to look for a book. Suddenly, I heard a conversation between two boys.

'So who do you think is pretty?' one said.

'Donna Marshall?' said the other boy.

My ears went - DING! - because Donna's my best friend.

'Yes!' said the first boy.

'Susie Carpenter?'

My ears went — DING! — again, because that's me.

'Great legs...' began the first boy.

I thought, 'That's a good start, but don't talk about the freckles! Please don't talk about the freckles.'

'... but I don't like the freckles.'

'Oh, no!' I thought. I wanted to run away and cry. 'Perhaps that will wash my freckles away,' I thought.

Donna is pretty, of course. She has it all: pretty hair, blue eyes, nice teeth — and no freckles! Boys fall down at her feet when she walks past them. She can go out with any boy — and she goes out with a lot of them! When she gets bored with somebody, she says goodbye to him. Then she turns to the next boy.

That was Donna's life. A lot of young men, and they happily did everything for her. I only had freckles! I was very unhappy in those days.

But not now. Now I'm quite happy with my freckles. So what changed things? I'll tell you...

It was lunch-time in the Dining Room, and I was with Donna. Suddenly, Donna said, 'A boy over there is looking at us.'

'Looking at you, you mean,' I said. 'What boy?'

'I don't know,' she said. 'I never saw him before now.'

I started to turn my head.

'Don't look!' Donna said quickly. 'He'll see you! Look at him when he's not looking.'

'Donna, I have to look at him,' I said. 'Or how will I know when he's not looking? What's wrong? Will he run away when he sees me?'

'OK, look at him,' said Donna. 'But be careful. We don't want him to think, "So they're interested in me!" Go and get a glass of water.'

'I've got some water,' I said.

'Go and get another glass!' she said. 'You can look at him on the way. He's sitting alone, near the door.'

I went for some more water and looked at the boy. He smiled at me. I smiled back and he blushed.

When I got back to the table, Donna nearly pulled me down into my chair. 'Do you know him?' she asked. 'His name's Jack,' I said. 'He came to the school at the beginning of term. We're in the same class for History.' 'He's got a nice face!' said Donna. Her eyes were excited.

Did he? Did Jack have a nice face? I thought about it. I said, 'But he's not handsome. Is he?'

'No,' said Donna. 'But he isn't handsome in a really nice way. Do you know him well?'

'Not very well,' I said. 'I say hello to him.'

'Who's he going out with?' asked Donna.

'Nobody!' I said. 'He only came here at the beginning of term!'

Donna's brain started to work — fast. 'You've got History last lesson today,' she said. 'Talk to him after the lesson. Give me time, and I'll find you.'

I said, 'Wait a minute! Excuse me? Aren't you Donna Marshall? Aren't you going out with Steve Bridges?'

'Not really,' said Donna.

I said, 'Last week you said, "Steve's wonderful, Susie!'"

'That was last week,' said Donna. 'I like Steve, of course, but...'

I knew two things: Donna was bored with Steve ('Goodbye, Steve!'). And Jack was next, because... well... Donna always got her man.

So after the history lesson, I put my books in my bag slowly. And when Jack went past my table on his way out, I went after him. I said, 'Jack?'

He turned and saw me. He blushed again.

I thought, 'He's very shy.' l said, 'Hi, I'm Susie!'

'I know you are,' said Jack. 'Did you want something?'

'Do you like it here?' I asked, because I couldn't think of anything more interesting. 'Is it difficult at a big school when you don't know anybody?'

'It's OK,' he said. 'Everybody's friendly. And it smells right.'

'What?' I said.

Jack smiled — a nice smile! He said, 'My last school was near a farm. The smell was bad! We had to shut the windows, summer and winter.'

'So you're a country boy?' I said.

'No,' he said. 'My school was in Basingstoke.'

'Oh, Basingstoke!' I said.

'You know it?' he said.

'No, ' I said. 'Is it a nice place?'

'It's OK. ' He looked at me strangely, but I couldn't stop now. Where was Donna?

I said, 'Are there any cinemas in Basingstoke?'

'Er, yes,' he said.

'Did you see the film -?' I began.

Then I saw Donna. She came to us and smiled. She said, 'Hi, Susie!'

I said, 'Hi! Donna, this is Jack. Jack, this is Donna.'

Donna gave him a big smile. Her smile usually makes men weak in the legs.

Jack put out his hand and said, 'Hello, Donna. Nice to meet you.'

Usually makes men weak in the legs. But not this time!

After a minute, Donna tried again. She gave another smile and put her hand in Jack's hand. I thought, 'Why isn't he falling at her feet?'

I left them. She could do the work now.

Donna phoned me at six o'clock. She wasn't happy. She said, 'That Jack - really!'

'What's wrong with him?' I asked.

'I could only get about six words out of him!' she said.

'He was all right when he talked to me,' I said. 'Perhaps he was shy.'

'He's slow,' she said. 'I want to go out with him but he didn't ask me.'

I thought, 'Donna was alone with a boy for more than five minutes, and he didn't ask her out! What's wrong with her!'

I said, 'I think he's shy. He blushes easily.'

'I'll try something different next time,' said Donna. 'What does he like to do? What doesn't he like?'

'I don't think he likes farms,' I said.

'Farms?' said Donna. 'Who wants to talk about farms? Does he I like dancing? Does he like the cinema? You'll have to ask him.'

'Why don't you ask him?' I said.

Donna did this big sigh down the phone. She said, 'Oh, Susie! You don't know anything about boys.'

She was right, I didn't. And it was because of the freckles.


Дата добавления: 2015-09-06; просмотров: 980. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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