Great French bourgeois revolution.
1.Causes of the revolution, main stages. 2.Jacobins’ period, its characteristics, activities 3.Results and historical significance of the revolution. Новая история стран Европы и Америки, c. 109-116, 131-138
France during the Napoleonic wars. 1.Napoleonic wars during Consular and Empire, their character 2.War in Russia in 1812, results and consequences
China in the 17-18 cc. 1. Manchu invasion. Isolation of China in the 17-18 cc. 2. China in the system of international relations. Opium wars Новая история стран Азии и Африки, т.1,с.237-239
China in the XIX- beginning of the XX c. 1. Inner development of China 2. Taipins movement, its significance. Новая история стран Азии и Африки, т.1,с. 239-241, 248-252, 254-255 3. Uprising of Ikhetuan Новая история стран Азии и Африки, т.1,сю258-261, 265-266
Foreign policy of Japan at the second half of the 19 c.-beginning of the XX c. 1. The end of the Japanese isolation. Japan-American treaty of 1854 and its significance. 2.Russian-Japan war.. 3. Japan before and during the WWI. Новейшая история стран Азии и Африки, т.1 India in the 17-20 cc. 1.Formation of the Great Mogul Empire. Peculiarities of political and economic development of the empire 2. National liberation movement in India. Sypai revolt, its significance 3. Indian National Congress