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Final results of teaching

Descriptors (according to the SOES "Bachelor...") Final results of teaching   Competencies
A Demonstrate a knowledge and understanding in the field of study, including the elements of the most advanced knowledge in the field To formulate, explain and classify the main laws governing the formation and regulation of the functions of all the systems of organism to achieve adaptive result, transfer of modern clinical lab tests of systems of organism, used in modern medical practice, to explain the information value surveys. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7
B Apply that knowledge and understanding at the professional level To carry out academic experiment, research methods of functioning of all systems of the body, to explain the significance of the most important techniques and information value of physiological indicators basing on the acquired knowledge. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7
C Formulate arguments and solve problems in the study area To estimate, interpret and explain the results of the learning experiments, the observed facts and phenomena and their causal relationships, the basic laws of regulating the functions of all systems of organism in the specific conditions of existence of the solution of problems, formulate their own conclusions in the form of recommendations on rational organization of life in order to prevent disease. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7
D Collect and interpret information to make judgments taking into account social, ethical and scientific reasons To compile information on the laws of functioning and regulation systems in a healthy body, to assess its significance in view of the social, ethical and scientific reasons, take the form of essays, presentations, projects. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7
Communicate information, ideas, problems and solutions, as specialists To present information, summarized in the form of reports, projects, and presentations in the classroom, student’s section meetings, student conferences, present it on the exam on discipline. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7
E Can be able to continue further studies in the following disciplines (post requisites) Internal diseases (use knowledge of basic laws and forms of regulation of physiological functions in the study of diseases of organism systems, knowledge of modern physiological methods used in medical practice, to interpret the results of the survey), surgical diseases (use knowledge of basic laws and forms of regulation of physiological functions in the study of surgical diseases of body systems, knowledge of modern physiological methods used in medical practice for the interpretation of the survey). 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 7

Competency list: 1. General education. 2. Knowledge of biomedical sciences.3. Communication skills. 4. Continuous improvement of skill 5. Research skills 6. Teamwork skills 7. Professionalism


Prerequisites of discipline: physiology-1, anatomy-1, histology-1

Post requisites of discipline: internal diseases, surgical diseases


· Brief contains of discipline:

In the course of Physiology-2 will be examined the following questions:
Module "Respiratory System": The main stages of the process of respiration. Respiratory cycle. Physiology of the respiratory tract. Mechanisms of inhalation and exhalation. Spirometry spirography, pneumography. Gas exchange in the lungs and tissues. Trapsport gases O2 and CO2 in blood. Regulation of respiration. Breathing during physical exercise, with high or low atmospheric pressure.
Module "Cardiovascular System": Functional characterization of the circulatory system. Physiological properties of the heart muscle. Cardiac cycle and its phase structure. Systolic and minute volume of blood, cardiac index. Electrocardiography. The regulation of the heart. Hemodynamic parameters. Organ blood flow and microcirculation. Regulation of blood circulation. Features of the circulatory system in children.
Module "Urogenital System": Blood circulation in the kidney. Basic processes of urine formation (glomerular filtration, tubular reabsorption and secretion). Urination. Neurohumoral regulation of urine formation. Role of the kidney in maintaining nitrogen balance, osmotic pressure. Reflex regulation of urination. Age changes in urine formation and urine. Total urine. Sexual Function. Physiological basis of reproduction. Formation and mechanisms of sexual motivation. Phase of the sexual cycle. Physiological principles of pregnancy and childbirth. Age features playback.
Module "Digestive System": A functional system supporting the consistency of nutrients in the body. Principles and mechanisms of the regulation of digestion. Digestion in the mouth, stomach, and intestines. Quantity, composition and properties of saliva, gastric juice, pancreatic juice, bile, intestinal secretions. Bile formation and biliary excretion. The value of the microflora in the gut and gas. Suction. Motor activity of the stomach, small intestine, large intestine. Electrogastrography. Age features of digestion.
Module "Endocrine System": structural and functional organization of the endocrine system. Hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal system. Thyroid hormones and their metabolic effects. Parathyroid hormone and its role in the regulation of calcium and phosphorus homeostasis. Endocrine function of the pancreas. Adrenal hormones and their role in the regulation of metabolism and body functions. Age features.
Module "Nervous System": The main methods of central nervous system in humans. Electroencephalography. Rheoencephalography. Spinal cord. Midbrain. Static and statokinetic reflexes. Cerebellum. Diencephalon. Subcortical centers. The functions of the cerebral cortex.
Module "Musculoskeletal system, skin and skin appendages": Functions of the musculoskeletal system. Kinds of movements, the degree of freedom. Age features. Regulation of motor function. Skin as the body and its functions. Sweat and sebaceous glands. Hair, nails. Age features of the skin. The function of the mammary glands, and their regulation, age features. Barriers external and internal environment of the body (skin, mucous membranes, gistogematicheskie, the blood-brain barrier).
Module "Hematopoietic system": the blood system (G.F.Lang). Composition, quantity and physical and chemical properties of blood. Erythrocytes. Hemoglobin. Leukocytes. Immunity. Platelets. Hemostasis. Fibrinolysis. Blood and kroverazrushenie. Concept of pathological changes of the blood.

Curriculum of lectures:

Topic Type of teaching Hours Competency
Module «Respiratory system»
1. Morpho-functional characteristics of the respiratory system. Methods of studying the respiratory system. Integrated lecture   1,2,4,7
2. Histology of respiratory section of lungs. Features at children. Gas exchange in the lungs and blood gas transport. Integrated lecture   1,2,4,7
3. Regulation of respiration. Peculiarities of respiration under various conditions. Features of breath at children Problem lecture   1,2,4,7
Module «Cardiovascular system»
4. Morphological and functional features of cardiac muscle Integrated lecture   1,2,4,7
5. Morpho-functional characteristics of the cardiac muscle. Features at children. Integrated lecture   1,2,4,7
6. Morpho-functional characteristics of the vascular system. Features at children Integrated lecture   1,2,4,7
  Regulation of the heart and blood vessels. Features at children. Problem lecture   1,2,4,7
Module «Urogenital system»
8. Physiological basis of reproductive human activities. Age features of the reproductive activity of the man. Integrated lecture Problem lecture   1,2,4,7
9. Physiology of kidney. The mechanism of urine formation. Survey lecture   1,2,4,7
10. Regulation of urine formation and urine excretion. Age changes of urine formation and excretion Survey lecture   1,2,4,7
Module «Nervous system»
  Morphology and physiology of the spinal cord Integrated lecture   1,2,4,7
  Physiological methods of research of function of the central nervous system. Survey lecture   1,2,4,7
  Integrative activity of the cerebral cortex. Problem lecture   1,2,4,7
Module«Digestion system»
  Regulation of secretary, motor and evacuation function of stomach. Features at children. Survey lecture   1,2,4,7
  Pancreas role in digestion regulation. Regulation of secretary, motor and evacuation function of intestine. Features at children. Survey lecture   1,2,4,7
  Histophysiology of extracellular membrane (wall) digestion. Hepatic role in digestion Integrated lecture   1,2,4,7
Module «Hematopoietic system»
  Concept about blood system. The basic functions and physiological properties of blood. Formed elements of the blood. Survey lecture    
  Hematopoiesis. Survey lecture   1,2,4,7
  Protective properties of blood. Problem lecture   1,2,4,7
  TOTAL:   18 hours  

Curriculum of practice lessons:

Topic Type of teaching Hours Competency
Module «Respiratory system»
1. Physiological methods of research of external respiration (spirometry, spirography). Age features Practical lesson TBL(team based learning)   1,2,3,4,5,6,7
2. Nervous and humoral regulation of respiration. Studying of parametres of external respiration at physical activity Practical lesson   1,2,3,4,5,6,7
3. Gas exchange in lungs and tissue. Gas transport by the blood Practical lesson   1,2,3,4,5,6,7
Module «Cardiovascular system»
4. Cardiac cycle and its phase structure. The mechanism of formation of heart tones. Electrocardiography. Features at children Practical lesson TBL(team based learning)   1,2,3,4,5,6,7
5. Haemodynamics. Functional characteristic of different departments of a vascular channel. Haemodynamics parametres: AP, pulse etc. Features at children Practical lesson TBL(team based learning)   1,2,3,4,5,6,7
6. Nervous and humoral regulation of heart activity and vascular tone. Features at children Practical lesson   1,2,3,4,5,6,7
Module «Urogenital system»
7. Physiology of sexual development of men. Age changes of sexual functions at men Practical lesson   1,2,3,4,7
8. Physiology of sexual development of women. Age changes of sexual functions at women Practical lesson   1,2,3,4,7
9. Mechanisms of glomerular filtrations. Tubular secretion. Age features Practical lesson   1,2,3,4,7
Module «Musculoskeletal system»
  Role of nervous structures in regulation of motor functions Practical lesson   1,2,3,4,5,6,7
Module «Nervous system»
  Methods of research of a spinal cord. Cerebrospinal fluid, functional value Practical lesson   1,2,3,4,5,6,7
  Physiology of trunk structures of a brain and cortex Practical lesson   1,2,3,4,5,6,7
Module «Endocrine system»
  Hypothalamo-hypophysis-adrenal systems role in regulation of organism activity. General characteristic of thyroid hormones. Practical lesson   1,2,3,4,7
Module«Digestion system»
  Techniques of studying of digestive system functions. Physiological bases of stomach digestion. Practical lesson   1,2,3,4,5,6,7
  Digestion physiology in various departments of intestines. Participation of a pancreas in digestion Practical lesson   1,2,3,4,5,6,7
  Hepatic role in regulation of bile production and participation of bile in digestion. Features at children. Practical lesson   1,2,3,4,5,6,7
Module «Hematopoietic system»
  The main physicochemical constants of the blood Practical lesson   1,2,3,4,5,6,7
  Protective properties of blood. Age differences. Practical lesson   1,2,3,4,5,6,7
  TOTAL:   hours  


Time of consultation:

Consultations carried out each week on Saturdays, from 9.00 to 13.00.

Time of border control:computer testing is carried out in accordance with the academic calendar.

Time of final control: carried out after completing 3 modules (respiratory, cardiac and urogenital) and 5 (digestive, endocrine, nervous, musculoskeletal, hematopoietic), and includes testing, conducted in accordance with the academic calendar.

· Tusks for individual work of students

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