| Subject name
| Task for
| Objective and content of IWS
| Recommended literature
| Form of
the control
| Date of delivery
| Asses-sment
| 1 Bases of safety of vital functions as independent discipline.
2 A role and seat CD in system of the Ministry of Emergency.
| 1 Homework: to make the abstract on subject matter.
2 On IWST to make subject matter № 1 and to present the abstract.
| 1 To study concept of discipline BSVF.
2 To know a role and seat CD in system of the Ministry of Emergency.
| [6, p.3-9; 4, p.5; 16, p. 3-12;
18, p.5-12]
| 1 The abstract of lectures
2 Work on group.
3 Check of abstracts.
| 1 week
| 1,0…0,5
| 1 International organizations which problems include various aspects of a security of ability to live of the person.
2 Sources of radiating pollution (infection) of an environment and unit of their measurement.
| 1 Homework: to make the abstract on subject matter.
2 On IWST to make subject matter № 2 and to present the abstract.
| 1 The nobility the international organizations and their problems.
2 To study sources of radiating pollution.
| [4, p.429;
6, p.255;
13, p. 60-62;
18, p. 43]
| 1 The abstract of lectures.
2 Work on group.
3 Check of abstracts.
| 2 week
| 1,0…0,5
| 1 A procedure of an assessment of radiating and chemical conditions of object of managing.
2 Poisoning by SOPS.
| 1 Homework: to make the abstract on subject matter.
2 On IWST to make subject matter № 3 and to present the abstract.
| 1 To know a procedure of an assessment of radiating and chemical conditions
2 Nobility SOPS, signs of a poisoning, first aid.
| [4, p.434;
6, p. 88-103;
13, p.236-252;
18, p.5-12]
| 1 The abstract of lectures
2 Work on group.
3 Check of abstracts.
| 3 week
| 1,0…0,5
| 1 Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan «About a civil defence», 7.05.1997.
2 Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan «About emergencies of natural and technogenic character».
| 1 Homework: to make the abstract on subject matter.
2 On IWST to make subject matter № 4 and to present the abstract.
| 1 To know law of the RК about CF.
2 To know law of the RК about emergencies
| [1, p.12; 3, p. 34; 18, p. 9]
| 1 The abstract of lectures
2 Work on group.
3 Check of abstracts.
| 4 week
| 1,0…0,5
| 1 Natural systems of protection of an organism.
2 Recognition traumatic damages, dangerous infections.
| 1 Homework: to make the abstract on subject matter.
2 On IWST to make subject matter № 5 and to present the abstract.
| 1 The nobility natural systems of protection of an organism.
2 To be able to distinguish traumas.
| [6, p.27, p. 278; 18, p.5-43]
| 1 The abstract of lectures
2 Work of a critical situation.
3 Check of abstracts.
| 5 week
| 1,0…0,5
| 1 Acts of nature.
2 Industrial accidents.
| 1 Homework: to make the abstract on subject matter.
2 On IWST to make subject matter № 6 and to present the abstract.
| 1 To be able to distinguish the basic types of acts of nature.
2 To learn properly, to distribute forces of formations at acts of nature, industrial accidents.
| [6, p.156-213;
10, p.23;
18, p.32,
p.150-164, p. 226]
| 1 The abstract of lectures
2 Work on group.
3 Check of abstracts.
| 6 week
| 1,0..0,5
| 1 The theory of accidents (acid rains, ozone gaps, warming of a climate, etc.).
2 Carrying out by formation of objects of managing ROUW in the centers of defeat.
| 1 Homework: to make the abstract on subject matter.
2 On IWST to make subject matter № 7 and to present the abstract.
| 1 To be able to distinguish types
2 To study carrying out ROUW in the centers of defeat.
| [6, p.21; 10, p.294-331;
13, p.281-295;
18, p.164,
| 1 The abstract of lectures
2 Work on group.
3 Check of abstracts.
| 1,0…0,5
The intermediate control the Module 1
| |
| 1 The organization of investigation of a route of promotion to object in area of carrying out ROUW.
2 The organization of special processing and reduction of a summary command readiness after performance ROUW.
| 1 Homework: to make the abstract on subject matter.
2 On IWST to make subject matter № 8 and to present the abstract.
| 1 To study the organization of investigation ROUW.
2 To know the organization of special processing after performance ROUW.
3 The nobility of means of an individual defence, evacuation.
| [10, p.310;
12, p. 27;
18, p. 206-218]
| 1 The abstract of lectures
2 Work on group.
3 Check of abstracts.
| 1,0…0,5
| |
| 1 Antiradiation protection of the population.
2 Antigas and antibacteriological protection of the population.
| 1 Homework: to make the abstract on subject matter.
2 On IWST to make subject matter № 9 and to present the abstract.
| 1 To study types of protective constructions.
2 The nobility of means of an individual defence, evacuation.
| [10, p.140; 12, p.123;
18, p.174]
| 1 The abstract of lectures
2 Work on group.
3 Check of abstracts.
| 1,0…0,5
| |
| 1 Protection of plants against the weapon of mass defeat.
2 Protection of animals from RS, PG, BM.
| 1 Homework: to make the abstract on subject matter.
2 On IWST to make subject matter № 10 and to present the abstract.
| 1 To study actions of CF
at defeat of plants by herbicides, biological means.
2 To know a mode of protection and a content of animals in zones radioactive, chemical, biological
| [13, p.281-295; 10, p.174;
15, p.512]
| 1 The abstract of lectures
2 Work on group.
3 Check of abstracts.
| 1,0…0,5
| |
| 1 Recommendations on conducting plant growing in conditions of radioactive, chemical and bacteriological infection of territory.
2 Recommendations on conducting animal industries in conditions of radioactive, chemical and bacteriological infection of territory.
| 1 Homework: to make the abstract on subject matter.
2 On IWST to make subject matter № 11 and to present the abstract.
| 1 The nobility the basic actions on decrease in transition of strontium-90.
2 To study variation of structure of conducting from manufacture on the grounds with raised content RS.
| [13, p.166-192; 10, p.351;
38, p.132]
| 1 The abstract of lectures
2 Work on group.
3 Check of abstracts.
| 1,0…0,5
| |
| 1 Protection of the foodstuffs, forages, waters and water sources from RS, PG, BM.
2 Ways of disinfecting of products, forages and waters in various conditions. Safety measures.
| 1 Homework: to make the abstract on subject matter.
2 On IWST to make subject matter № 12 and to present the abstract.
| 1 To study features of protection of the foodstuffs, forages and waters depending on their type and the location.
2 The nobility how to spend decontamination, deactivation, disinfection.
| [13, p.27, 10,
p. 278; 18, p.177]
| 1 The abstract of lectures
2 Work on group.
3 Check of abstracts.
| 1,0…0,5
| |
| 1 Actions on increase of stability of work of objects of managing.
2 Liquidation CF.
| 1 Homework: to make the abstract on subject matter.
2 On IWST to make subject matter № 13 and to present the abstract.
| 1 To study the factors influencing stability of work of objects of managing.
2 The nobility of a way and ways of liquidation CF.
| [2, p.67;
10, p.218;
12, p. 278;
13, p. 355]
| 1 The abstract of lectures.
2 Work on group.
3 Check of abstracts.
| 13 week
| 1,0…0,5
| |
| 1 Training and moral and psychological preparation of the population.
2 Bases of training on CF.
| 1 Homework: to make the abstract on subject matter.
2 On IWST to make subject matter № 14 and to present the abstract.
| 1 To study bases of moral and psychological preparation of the population.
2 The nobility of a basis of training CF.
| [10, p.163;
13, p.166-192]
| 1 The abstract of lectures.
2 Work on group.
3 Check of abstracts.
| 14 week
| 1,0…0,5
| |
| 1 Preparation of various categories of the population on CF.
2 Tactic-special employment and doctrines with formations CF.
| 1 Homework: to make the abstract on subject matter.
2 On IWST to make subject matter № 15 and to present the abstract.
| 1 To study preparation and training CF of various categories of the population.
2 To study tactic-special employment and doctrines with formations CF.
| [10, p.163-187; 13, p. 296]
| 1 The abstract of lectures
2 Work on group.
3 Check of abstracts.
| 15 week
| 1,0…0,5
| |
The intermediate control the Module 2
| |
| 15,0…7,5
| |