6.1 List of lecture employment
Subject name
| Volume, hour
| Literature
| Current control, point
| 1 Organizational bases of safety of vital functions (SVF)
| [4,5,6,7,8,9]
| 2,0…1,0
| 2 Emergencies peace and a wartime
| [4,5,6,7,8,9]
| 2,0…1,0
| 3 Dangers of an inhabitancy of the person
| [4,5,6,7,8,9]
| 2,0…1,0
| 4 Protection of the population at emergencies
| [4,5,6,7,8,9]
| 2,0…1,0
| 5 Organization of the Civil defence (CD) on object
| [10,12,13,14,]
| 2,0…1,0
| 6 Ways and methods of increase of stability of functioning of objects of managing at emergency
| [4,6,7,9,10,
| 2,0…1,0
| 7 Bases of the organization of rescue and other urgent works (ROUW)
| [4,6,7,9,10,
| 2,0…1,0
| 8 System of preparation of the administrative structure, formations of Civil defence and the population to actions in emergency
| [4,6,7,9,10,
| 1,0…0,5
| | 15,0…7,5
6.2 List of practical employment, IWST
Subject name
| Volume, hour
| Literature
| Current control, point
| 1 Primary problems of the Ministry of Emergency Measures of the Republic of Kazakhstan. The central device of Ministry of Emergency Measures
| [1,2,3,4,7,9]
| 0,5…0,25
| 2 Structure of the Civil defence Republic of Kazakhstan
| [1,2,3,4,7,9]
| 0,5…0,25
| 3 Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan «About a civil defence», 7.05.1997
| [3]
| 0,5…0,25
| 4 Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan «About emergencies of natural and technogenic character», 5.07.1996
| [1]
| 0,5…0,25
| 5 Actions on protection of the population at radiating and chemical infection of district. Realization of sanitary-and-hygienic and preventive actions
| [7,9,10,11,
| 0,5…0,25
| 6 The international organizations which problems include various aspects of a security of ability to live of the person.
Sources of radiating pollution (infection) of an environment and unit of their measurement
| [4,5,6,8,14,
| 0,5…0,25
| 7 Procedure of an assessment of radiating and chemical conditions of object of managing
Poisoning by strongly operating poisonous substances (SOPS)
| [10,11,12,13]
| 1,0…0,5
| 8 Organization of the Civil defence of a higher educational institution. Organizational structure of the Civil defence of object of managing. Formations of the Civil defence, purpose and the order of their creation
| [10,11,12,13]
| 0,5…0,25
| 9 Protection of plants against the weapon of mass defeat. Protection of animals from radioactive substances (RS), poison gases (PG), bacterial means (BM)
| [10,11,12,13]
| 0,5…0,25
| 10 Recommendations on conducting plant growing in conditions of radioactive, chemical and bacteriological infection of territory. Recommendations on conducting animal industries in conditions of radioactive, chemical and bacteriological infection of territory
| [10,11,12,13]
| 0,5…0,25
| 11 Protection of the foodstuffs, forages, water and water sources from RS, PG, BM. Ways of disinfecting of products, forages and waters in various conditions. Safety measures
| [10,11,12,13]
| 0,5…0,25
| 12 Instruction and moral-psychological preparation of the population. Bases of training of the Civil defence
| [10,11,12,13]
| 0,5…0,25
| 13 Preparation of various categories of the population of the Civil defence. Tactic-special employment and doctrines with formations of the Civil defence
| [10,11,12,13]
| 1,0…0,5
| Total
| 7,5…3,75
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