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Why we study foreign languages

It's never too lateto learn.

Every educated and cultural person should know at least one or two foreign languages.

There are many reasons for people to learn foreign languages. One of the main reasons is the need to communicate orally or in writing with other people who use this language. You may communicate with them over the Internet or mail if they are far away. When you listen to tapes, radio, watch videos and read a book or newspaper in a for­eign language, it also means that you communicate. It is because you understand not only the words but thoughts and ideas of other people and you are ready to express your own thoughts in reply.

A foreign language is absolutely necessary for those who work in any branch of science. If you want to know much about the world's famous scientific research information, you need command of a for­eign language. And first of all you need English, because it is the lan­guage of most scientific books and magazines.

A more general aim to learn foreign languages is to make our intellec­tual and cultural horizons wider through reading foreign authors in the original and through contacts with people of another culture. Language study is an important key to understanding other peoples' cultures.

There are wide opportunities for people nowadays to go abroad to study. In Britain, for example, there are some summer schools for for­eigners that give a good chance to improve the knowledge of English and practise the language you have learnt in class. They also offer a number of excursions around London and the country. These excursions are very useful for widening the knowledge about Britain's cultural life.

Exchange visits, business and tourist trips give wide opportunities to talk to native speakers. More and more direct contacts are being established with the countries of Europe, with the United States and other English-speaking countries. Joint ventures, free economic zones in most Russian cities need specialists with good knowledge of for­eign languages. You may get a job there, do business and be an inter­preter or translator. You may also work as a customs officer or a com­puter operator if you know a foreign language quite well.

Those who like foreign languages as well as teaching may enter the Linguistic University and become a teacher of one or two foreign lan­guages - English, German, French, Spanish or Italian. Some gradu­ates may work as teachers at schools or Institutes, others - as inter­preters, translators, publishers, public relations agents or foreign correspondents.

If you intend to connect your life with international transporta­tion, you may work as a pilot, travel agent, tour guide, hotel manager.

Those who deal with foreign trade and banking may become a banker, international lawyer, export manager, overseas sales repre­sentative, bilingual secretary or fashion buyer.

There are wide opportunities to apply your knowledge of a foreign language in the practical work of many enterprises and offices in our country and abroad.

IV. Act as interpreters:

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