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Speaking English and Talking American

English in the USA differs considerably from British English. Pronunciation is the most striking difference but there are also a number of differences in vocabulary and spelling as well as slight differences in grammar. On the whole, British people are exposed to a lot of American English on TV, in films and so on and so they will usually understand most American vocabulary. American spelling is usually simpler. For example, British English words ending in -our and -re, end in -or and -er in American English, e.g. colour/color, centre/center.

Mark Twain once wrote: "English and American are separate languages. When I speak my native tongue an Englishman can't understand me at all". The great writer was definitely exaggerating. Everybody seemed to understand me when I spoke American English, but I was unable to understand everything at first. That was because of the dif­ferences in intonation and pronunciation. But I got used to it very quickly. Of course, some words are different too. Let me tell you in British English what I did in London. I'll give the corresponding American words in brackets.

I had to fill in (fill out) some forms in which I was asked to write my last name (family name). I had to write my date of birth like this: day/month/ year (month/day/year). There was a queue (line) in front of the Immigration desk. Mr. Brian Smith took me to a hotel in (on) a small square in Central London. On the way we stopped at a filling station (gas station) to get some petrol (gas). The recep­tionist (front desk clerk) gave me the key to my room. I didn't have to use the lift (elevator) as it was on the ground floor (first floor).

Brian lived in a block of flats (apartment house) not far from my hotel. His flat (apartment) was on the third (fourth) floor. He was sorry he couldn't give me more of his time as he wasn't going on holi­day (vacation) until the autumn (fall).

Next morning I took the tube (subway) to Buck­ingham. On my walks in London I sometimes had to use a subway (underpass) to cross a busy street.

1. Use the words in the brackets and retell the story in American English:

2. Study the table below and translate the following into British English:

1. I had a blow-out. 6. It's in the trunk.

2. Pass me the cookies. 7. One-way or round trip?

3. It is in the closet. 8. He left the faucet on.

4. Open the drapes. 9. We're leaving in the fall.

5. We've run out of gas. 10. I hate waiting in line.

Travel and on the street American English British English   In the home American English British English  
gasoline petrol truck lorry baggage luggage blow-out puncture sidewalk pavement line queue vacation holiday trunk (of a car) boot freeway motorway round trip return   antenna aerial elevator lift apartment flat closet wardrobe drapes curtains faucet tap yard garden cookie biscuit candy sweets garbage rubbish  

Note; the fall = autumn semester = term [semester is becoming common in Britain.]


3. Study the table and try the quiz:

When they say An American means what a British man calls: And a British man means what an American calls:
a bill the first floor potato chips purse subway wash up a (bank) note the ground floor potato crisps a handbag an underground railway wash your hands a check (in a cafe) the second floor french fries a wallet an underpass wash the dishes  

1. Where would you take (a) an American visitor (b) a British visitor who said they wanted to wash up - the kitchen or the bathroom?

2. Would (a) an American (b) a British be expected to get something hot or something cold if they asked for some potato chips?

3. You have just come into an unknown office block. If (a) an American (b) a British says that the office you need is on the second floor, how many flights of stairs do you need to climb?

4. If (a) an American (b) a British asks for a bill, is he or she more likely to be in a bank or a café?



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