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Student’s personal information Family name Given names
Date of birth (day/month/year) Gender Female
Mother tongue Citizenship
Place of residence Address
Postal code City/Town
Telephone number E-mail
Current study place Name of university of applied sciences/institution
Name of degree programme Name of option/major
Form of education
Education leading to a Bachelor's degree  
Adult education leading to a Bachelor's degree  
Education leading to a Master's degree
Date when you began studies in your current university of applied sciences/institution
Number of terms you have been present at your current university of applied sciences/institution Number of terms you have been absent at your current university of applied sciences/institution
Total of credits (cr) completed at your current university of applied sciences Total of credits (cr) completed at your current university of applied sciences but not registered in the transcript of records yet
School certificate/ diploma, on the basis of which you were admitted to your current university of applied sciences Educational Background Name of the degree
non-Finnish qualification Year of graduation
Upper secondary school (matriculation...)  
Vocational qualification
Polytechnic/University of applied science
Information on the programme that you are applying for at Oulu University of Applied Sciences School
Name of degree programme Name of option
I am applying for
Education leading to a Bachelor's degree   Education leading to a Bachelor's degree as a double/joint degree (based on the agreement between your current higher education institution and Oulu UAS and the pre-selection is made in your home university)  
Adult education leading too a Bachelor's degree  
Education leading to a Master's degree   Education leading to a Master's degree as a double/joint degree (based on the agreement between your current higher education institution and Oulu UAS and the pre-selection is made in your home university)  


  Reasons for your application (on a separate sheet if necessary)  
Signature Date Signature of the applicant  
/ 20    
Following documents must be included with the application · a transcript of records with the stamp and signature of the university of applied sciences/institution · an enrolment certificate confirming your eligibility in your current university of applied sciences In addition, you can enclose with your application · a certificate signed by your teacher confirming the completion of courses that are not registered yet in the transcript of records Please send the application form with enclosures to the educational unit that you are applying for · by 10th June, at the latest · if the above mentioned deadline falls on a weekend or public holiday, the deadline will be the following working day  
To be filled in at the Oulu University of Applied Sciences □ I am not in favour of admission to Oulu University of Applied Sciences  
□ I am in favour of admission to Oulu University of Applied Sciences  
to the following degree programme/option  
  On the basis of the prescribed duration of studies the right to study is valid until  
/ 20  
Date The representative of the school  
/ 20    


This application form should be printed on paper. Please send the signed application form with enclosures to the following address:


Bachelor’s Degrees Degree Programme in International Business Degree Programme in Business Information Technology Bachelor’s Degrees Degree Programme in Information Technology Master's Degrees   Degree Programme in Information Technology Degree Programme in Industrial Management
  School of Business and Information Management Student Affairs Office Teuvo Pakkalan katu 19 90130 OULU Tel. 010 27 23199   School of Engineering, Raahe Campus Student Affairs Office Rantakatu 5–7 92100 RAAHE Tel. 010 27 23066     School of Engineering, Oulu Campus Student Affairs Office Kotkantie 1 90250 OULU Tel. 010 27 23066   School of Engineering Student Affairs Office Kotkantie 1 90250 OULU Tel. 010 27 23066


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