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say is true, and promise to live 'accordingly, to the best of their ability, are admonished to pray, and to ask God, with fasting, for the forgiveness of past sins, we ourselves praying and fasting with them. After that, we lead them to the water, and they are then born again in the same manner of regeneration in which we ourselves were born again, for then they are washed with water, in the name of God, who is the Father and Lord of us all, and of Jesus Christ, who is the Saviour of us all, and of the Holy Ghost; for Christ says: 'Except ye be born again, ye cannot enter into the kingdom of heaven.'";

These are certainly clear arguments, which confirm the institution of Christ as regards baptism upon faith; for, when justinus writes, "As many then, as are convinced, and believe," and adds, "are admonished to pray," and finally says, "After that, we lead them to the water, and they are then born again in the same manner of regeneration," that is to say (speaking by way of metonymy), baptized; he certainly gives to understand with this, that the candidates for.baptism, in his day, had to be convinced; namely through the preached word, and had to believe, and, also, that they had to be admonished to pray, before they were led to the water, to be baptized, or, as he calls it, regenerated.

A little further on in the same apology or defense, he writes thus, "This, concerning this matter, we have learned from the apostles; for, since we are ignorant by our first birth, and have been brought up in evil practices and wicked habits; therefore, in order that we may not remain children of ignorance, but become children of free volition and of knowledge, and may obtain the remission of sins committed, there is invoked over those who voluntarily desire to be born again, and who repent of their past sins, the name of God, the Father and Lord of all men; and, invoking Him alone, we lead the one to be baptized to the washing of water; and this washing of water is called an enlightenment, because the understanding of those who learn these things, becomes enlightened. But those who become enlightened, are also washed, that is, baptized, in the name of Jesus Christ, who was crucified under Pontius Pilate, and in the name of the Holy Spirit, who, through the prophets, has foretold all concerning Christ." H. Most. Nietighz., page 6, ex Justino.

From this it is again quite evident, that Justinus has in view, nothing else than to give an account of the true baptism, which Christ and His apostles taught that it should only be administered upon faith and repentance for sins; for, when he says, "Those who voluntarily desire to be baptized again, and who repent of their past sins," and adds, "Invoking the name of God, we lead the one to be baptized to the washing of water," he certainly says nothing else than what was said to those baptized by John. Matt. 3:6, "And were baptized of him in Jordan, confessing their sins," and what Peter said to the contrite penitents, who inquired what they must do to be saved. Acts 2:38, "Repent, and be baptized every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ, for the remission of sins." The very same idea is expressed here.by Justinus, as is shown.

Further on in the same apology or defense, Justinus writes these words, "But we, after he who, being convinced, has become of one mind with us, is thus washed, we lead him to those who are called brethren, where they are assembled, ardently offering up the common prayers, for ourselves, for him who is enlightened, and for all other men, wherever they may be; that we may be worthy to be disciples of the truth leading indeed a good conversation, and be found observers of that which is commanded us; in order that we may obtain eternal salvation." H. Most. Nietighz., page 7, ex Justino.

This is the third, citation from Justinus, from which it appears certainly no more, than from the first two, that he mentions any other baptism, than that upon faith and repentance. For, when he says, "After he who, being convinced, has become of one mind with us, is thus washed, we lead him to those who are called brethren," he gives to understand with this, that those who were washed, that is baptized, must first be convinced, and consent to the doctrine, which agrees with Christ's command, Matt. 28:19, "Go ye therefore, and teach (or, make disciples of) all nations, baptizing them," and mark, "Preach the gospel to every creature. He that believeth and is baptized shall be saved."*

Jacob Mehrning, in his account of baptism in the second century, cites from the Centuries van Mcegdenborg the following words, "The teachers of the church of that time held, that regeneration was effected through baptism and the Word, to both of which together they ascribed a power, namely, the forgiveness of sins, which required repentance from adults." Many clear testimonies concerning this are found in Justinus.

In the disputation with Tryphon, the Jew, he writes, "Through the washing of water of repentance (Wasserbad der Busse), and the knowledge of God, which has been instituted for the forgiveness of the sins of the people, as Isaiah says, we believe and feel assured, that this is the blessed baptism, which was proclaimed in former times, and that this alone can cleanse the penitent, yea, that this is a water of life.";

A little further on he calls baptism a spiritual circumcision acceptable to the merciful God. And in conclusion he says, "Through water and faith, the regeneration of the whole human race is effected." Jac. Mehrn., Baptism. Histor., 2d part, on the second century, page 202.

* In the year 141, justinus taught that is matters of controversy we must in ge from tfte apostolic writings."In the 119th question. Also, that the true church of Christ must not be knows (is not distinguished) by the great number of members, but by the doctrine."In the answer to the first question." Also, in the"Geslachtregister der Roomscher Successie, second edition, 1649, page 114.

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