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says, "As many of us as have been baptized have put on Christ.";

These are the words of Paul, Gal. 3:27, which the apostle does not speak to infants, but to the believing saints of the Galatian church, namely,"that they had indeed, become children of God by faith, but had put on Christ by baptism.";

Continuing he says, "Then he puts on our hand (namely, to us who through baptism have put on Christ) the ring, the seal of Christianity, which works in us." Again-"Everyone that is baptized, is also made a child of God, yea, readopted as such; he is also, when he is washed from sin, made a partaker of the fatted calf, and becomes the joy of the Father and His servants, the holy angels and men, even as one that. has arisen from the dead, and who was lost, and i's found.";

He here compares the candidates to the prodigal son who, repenting of his evil life, arose to go to his father, to seek grace, and was received by him with outstretched arms. Thus, he would say, it is also in baptism: The sinner seeks grace, confesses his sins, manifests sorrow for them, yea, prays' and supplicates for forgiveness. God, the Lord, who is the true Father of all men by reason of creation, meets him, embraces him with the' arms of His grace, yea, pardons all his past sins, and, in token thereof, commands one of His servants to baptize him. This he compares to the putting on of the ring, saying, "Then he puts on our hand the ring, the seal of Christianity." What he further says concerning the killing of the fatted calf; and the joy of the Father and His servants, has regard to the joy that is in heaven over the repentance of such a pentitent (and thereupon baptized) sinner, which is greater than over ninety and nine just persons, which need no repentance. Luke 15:7.

Hence, when Theophilact compares the candidate for baptism to the prodigal son, in the manner shown above, it is evident enough, yea, as clear as midday, that he is treating of no other baptism than the baptism of adults, and this of such adults as manifest sorrow for their past sins.

Page 572. Theophilact on John 8, says, "Since Christ came to take away the sins of the world, we can obtain remission of sins in no other way than, by means of baptism (however properly speaking the blood of Christ is the effective cause of the remission and taking away of sins), yet it is impossible that he,that has not believed; be baptized (aright); hence, the unbeliever must afterwards die in his sins, for he has not put off the old man, because he has not been baptized.";

Though several things are said here, which confirm our preceding explanation of the words of Theophilact, we shall nevertheless notice only these words, "It is impossible that he that has not believed, be baptized (aright);" for here certainly every baptism which is not received with faith is denied; hence, infant baptism cannot be admitted here, because it is without all faith, yea, it is utterly denied here. And thus, the words of The ophilact concerning baptism, are not only clear, but also Christian-like and apostolical.

Page 572. Theophilact on II Cor. 3, says, "Even as silver, exposed to the sun, does itself emit rays, because the sun shines upon it; so also we, when we are purified in baptism,. by the Holy Ghost, and illumined by His rays, emit a spiritual radiance, perceived only in the soul, and are changed into the same image, by the Spirit of the Lord, to our glory." And, a little further on, "All believers are illumined in baptism by the Holy Ghost, that their souls shine (or, emit radiance) thereby." Again, "As we are all dead by one sinner, even so we are all made alive, and are risen through Christ, in baptism; and we justly recognize no one as believing, who lives after the flesh, that is, who leads the old, carnal life; but all who are regenerated by the Spirit, begin a new, spiritual life.";

The words which Theophilact speaks from or on II Cor. 3, concerning-the candidates, Paul speaks of believers; and the simile borrowed by the aforementioned writer from the silver, which, when the sun shines upon it, reflects his rays, which he applies to the candidates, who become illumined by the Holy Ghost, and reflect a spiritual radiance of virtues, confirms, in a good degree, that he is speaking of such candidates as can be illumined by the Holy Ghost, and live virtuously, to the honor of God, the edification of their neighbor, and to the salvation of their own souls. What he says after that, fully confirms our opinion, namely, that he is speaking of believing candidates; for, this he clearly expresses with these words, "All believers are illumined in baptism by the Holy Ghost." What he adds finally, tends in the same direction, for he says that,"As we are all dead by one sinner (Adam), even so we are all made alive and are risen, through Christ, in baptism." Who does not see that this making alive and rising (in baptism) has respect to the renewing of the old life; according to the teaching of Paul (Rom. 6:4), "Therefore we are buried with him by baptism into death

that like as Christ was raised up from the dead by the glory of the Father, even so we also should walk in newness of life." That this is his meaning, be indicates by the following words, when he calls those whom he has previously termed candidates, believers and regenerated persons, saying, "We justly recognize no one as believing, who lives after the flesh; but all who are regenerated (thus he calls the candidates or the baptized) by the Spirit, begin a new, spiritual life.";

Page 573. Theophilact on II Tim. 1, says, "The Holy Ghost hovers over us at baptism; now, if we keep this Spirit, and do not drive Him away by wicked works, He keeps us and what we have received from God; therefore, use all diligence, that you keep the Holy Ghost, and He, who has been given you, will also keep you.";

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