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See, these are the identical words of the extract or copy taken from the town-book; we let the reader judge, as to what was her reason in applying

*"Enter ye in at the strait gate. Because strait is the gate, and narrow is the way which leadeth unto life" (Matt. 7:13, 14).

*"In our Dutch," says the original.

For admittance into the nunnery. Certainly, some did not presume so badly, who have maintained, that experiencing in her heart the beginnings of true godliness proceeding from an ardent faith, she was impelled by a holy desire to reveal to the other recluse nuns the true knowledge of Christ Jesus; finding herself sufficiently gifted by the Lord, to do this. This is very probable; since credible witnesses have declared that in said book Talamus it was also recorded, that some time after the death of Catharine Saube, the whole convent in which said Catharine had been confined was burnt, together with all the nuns; doubtless on account of their religion.

The same public records state, that the year following, A. D. 1417, on the second of October, about two o'clock in the afternoon, when M. Raymond Cabasse, D.D., of the order of Jacobine or Dominican monks, vicar of the inquisitor, sat in the judgment seat, under the chapter which is beside the portal of the city hall at Montpellier, in the presence of the Bishop of Maguelonne, the Lieutenant governor, the four orders, yea, of all the people, who filled the whole city hall square, he declared by definite sentence, that the aforesaid Catharine Saube, of Thou, in Lorraine, who, at her request, had been put into the cloister of the recluses, was a heretic, and that she had disseminated, taught and believed divers damnable heresies against the Catholic faith, namely, "That the Catholic (or true) church is composed only of men and women* who follow and observe the life of the apostles." Again, "That it is better to die, than to anger, or sin against God." Again, "That she did not worship the host or wafer** consecrated by the priest; because she did not believe that the body of Christ was present in it." Again, "That it is not necessary to confess*** one's self to the priest; because it is sufficient to confess one's sins to God; and that it counts just as much to confess one's sins to a discreet, pious layman, as to any chaplain or priest." Again, "That there will be no purgatory after this life.";

Said town-book Talamus contained also four other articles with which Catharine was charged, or at least which she professed; from which it can be inferred that she rejected not only many papal institutions, but among these also infant baptism. The extract from the aforesaid town-book, concerning these four articles, reads literally as follows

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