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Donau, in Flanders, A. D. 1421, a great number was discovered, who professed the doctrine of the Waldenses, many of whom, remaining steadfast, were burnt alive." Also, hignier, Hist. Eccl., in the year 1421, ex Monstrelets. NOTE.-Whether those of Dort, in Holland, were also guilty at this time, of the blood of the saints, we have not been able to ascertain; nevertheless, the Lord severely chastised them in this year, 1421, so that, through heavy floods, the city became an island, and was deprived of seventy-two villages that lay round about, and were all swallowed up in the water. Hence, the following inscription is found carved on the outside of the Speuy Gate of said city, over the arch, in blue stone: "All land and water which here you see, were Seventy-two parishes, chronicles state, Swallowed by water's resistless power; Thousand four hundred seventy-one by date." This event is so generally known, and has been described by so many authors, that I deem it unnecessary to add anything by way of confirmation. A sad thing for the place of our birth. NOTE. A. D. 1423.-At this time, writes P. J. Twisck, Henry Gruenfelder was burnt for the truth, in the city of Regensburg, in Germany; and shortly after, in the same city, Henry Rathgeber. Chron., p. 787, cot. 1, compared with Georg. Pac., cap. 11. A. D. 1425.-About this time Peter Torea was executed at Speyer, in Germany, and others in Roman countries; because they confessed the truth and opposed the Roman superstitions. Compare the last mentioned Chron., p. 788, cot. 2, with Georg. Pac., cap. 11. A. D. 1427.-At this time, Jerome Savonarola, of Ferrara, preached throughout Italy that the pope was the antichrist; for which he was burnt at Florence. He wrote some meditations on the 51st and 80th psalms, in which he reproves the tyranny of the pope and his clergy, saying that they are the boars and wild beasts of the field, which, according to the words of David, have devoured and utterly destroyed the Lord's vineyard, and wholly subverted the church of God. In the last-mentioned Chron., ¢. 762, cot. 2, compared with Georg. Pac., cap. 11. MARTYRS MIRROR: SECOND PART