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However, our labor will be greatly lessened here (like one who, panting and perspiring, has climbed a steep mountain, and then leisurely

* This is adduced, from Thuanus and Cesar Heisterb., by D. B. Lydius, speaking of the Waldensian martyr Arnold, whom we have noticed for the year 1163, and some of his fellow martyrs. He says, "This Arnold was burnt, together with nine of his disciples, among whom were two women, on the fifth of August, at the Jewish cemetery, at Cologne. Before his death (or before he was dead), he laid his hand upon the heads of his then half-burnt fellow brethren, saying: 'Adhere steadfastly to your faith; this day you shall be with the holy martyr, Laurence.'";

One of the women, he writes, who from mercy, had been drawn out of the fire, with the promise that she should be married, or, if she were inclined this way, placed in a convent, asked where Arnold lay, who had been burnt, with his fellow believers, as a heretic. And when his body, which by this time was mostly burnt, was pointed out to her, she escaped the hands of those who led her, and threw herself upon Arnold's body, in order thus also to obtain the crown of martyrdom.-D. Bal. Lyd. Tract. Where the church was, etc., page 59, cot. 1, from Thuan., lib. 6, Hist. Also, Cesar Heisterb. dist. 5, cap. 19.

Descends, taking his ease), since, as far as the martyrs are concerned, the previous accounts and printed copies will serve our purpose; in which we do not propose to make any essential change, for we do not wish to diminish the good work of our dear fellow brethren who, in this matter, havje acted in a holy manner before the Lord, except where it may be necessary because of some account which we have added thereto.

At the same time we hope to enrich these accounts with various pious witnesses of Jesus, from faithful memoirs and written records, which were never before made public; as also their examinations, death sentences, letters, and other things connected with this matter; which we have obtained for this purpose from the hands of magistrates. criminal authorities, criminal clerks and other sources, at no small trouble and expense.

This, then, shall be the order of the following work, which we wish may be acceptable to God, edifying to our neighbor and conducive to the profit and salvation of our own soul through Jesus Christ, our only and eternal Saviour, praised and blessed forever. Amen.

Дата добавления: 2015-09-06; просмотров: 545. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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