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This indicates that the old orthodox Waldenses, notwithstanding the severe persecutions, existed also at this time, yea, insomuch that now they increased more than ever before.

But this was also the century in.whichLuther in Germany, Zwingli in Switzerland, and afterwards Calvin in France, began to reform the Roman chLr,-h; and to deny, oppose and contend with the authority of God's holy Word against the supposed power of the Roman Pope, and many papal superstitions, however, in order to avoid too great dissatisfaction, as it seems, they remained in the matter of infant baptism, in agreement with the Roman church, though they abandoned many incidents which the papists observe at the baptism of infants, such as the salt, spittle, exorcism, and the like.

They also have retained with the papists, the swearing of oaths, the office of secular authority, war against enemies, and sometimes also against each other, etc., of which things the old Waldenses had purified themselves, and would have no communion with any who would practice these things. Hence, we will leave them, and turn to our fellow believers.

It is true, that already before the beginning of this century, some of the Waldenses had united with the Hussites, apparently in the confidence, that with the doctrine, these would also follow the meekness of their former teacher, John Huss. But when said Hussites would retain infant baptism, and avenge the death of their teacher, yea, began to wage a bloody war against those who had put him to death, those who had united with them found themselves greatly deceived, and left them, not daring to trust their salvation with such people; some, however, though few, remained with them. Thus the Waldenses returned for the most part to their old brethren, but the Hussites were received by the Lutherans, Zwinglians and Calvinists, who, with them approved of infant baptism and war.

But since, some Waldenses had united with the Hussites before the apostasy of the latter, and some though few,.had still remained with them, it came that said Hussites received, though erroneously, the name of Waldenses. Hence it originated, that they had a mixed confession of faith, which was partly conformable to the old confession of the Waldenses, and party adulterated with innovations or human institutions. For example, the article of the holy baptism of these Hussites reads as follows, "The faith which God has given us, constrains us to believe and confess such things respecting baptism, which is the first sacrament

Whoever, now, in adult age, has become believing through the hearing of the Word of God, by which he; being regenerated and enlightened in his soul, has received power, such an one is bound to be baptized in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost, into the unity of the holy church, by an external washing of water, in token of his inward purification obtained through faith.";

(So far this article accords with the confession of,the old Waldenses;,but what follows it, is held to have been added by said Hussites.), "This our confession extends also to infants, who, according to the command of the apostles, as Dionysius writes, must be baptized, and afterwards, through the wise direction of their sponsors, who are taught in the law of Christ, be guided, or urged and trained to the life of faith, that is, to worthily practice the faith.";

We see here, a great departure of these Hussites, who have added to the old rule of the Waldenses, which is confirmed by the authority of holy Scripture (namely, to baptize upon faith), a new rule, namely, to baptize also infants, and for proof of this, adduce not the testimony of Christ or His holy apostles, but of one Dionysius, who never was an apostle or teacher of Christ, but a fallible man.

And still, the preacher Mellinus would make the readers of his book believe, 2d book, page 614, Col: 3, that this last part was also the confession of the Waldenses; but the contrary is evident, as previously stated; yea, according to his own account, fol: 446, col. 1, the Waldenses, A. D. 1544, forty years after the Hussites, whom he calls Bohemian brethren, made the above article, issued a confession and delivered it in the parliament of the King of France, in. which, where speaking of baptism, they make no mention at all of any baptizing of infants; but the work of the Hussites, according to the account of said preacher, is said to have originated A. D. 1504. Compare fol. 611, col. 1, with f al. 614, Col. 3.

A. D. 1507-"In this year," writes P. J. Twisck,"the Vaudois, Waldenses, or believers were cruelly persecuted in Hungary, and delivered the confession of their faith, together with an apology, to

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