Written out of love, to edification and amendment.
Page 363 THE BLOODY THEATER, OR MARTYRS MIRROR OF THE ANABAPTISTS OR DEFENSELESS CHRISTIANS Who baptized only upon Confession of Faith, and who suffered and died for the testimony of Jesus, their Saviour, in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries, that is, from A. D. 1500 to A. D. 1660 Being an Enlargement of the preceding Martyrs Mirror, augmented from many authentic Chronicles, Memoirs and Testimonies; together with an Account of the Holy Baptism, and other Articles of Divine Worship practiced in those times. AN ACCOUNT OF THE HOLY BAPTISM IN THE SIXTEENTH CENTURY SUMMARY OF BAPTISM IN THE SIXTEENTH CENTURY [The controversy of the so-called clergy the cause, in this century, that the Anabaptists increased the more, which forms the beginning of this account. In the meantime, the difference is shown, between the old Waldenses and the apostate Hussites, respecting the article of holy baptism. The Waldenses in Hungary were now, in the year 1507, greatly persecuted; concerning whom it is stated, that they led an innocent life; and it is also declared that in their confession, which they delivered this year, as well as in their defense, in the year 1508, nothing at all is said about infant baptism. Ludovicus Vives is introduced, for the year 1521, who, commenting on Augustine, says: That formerly the adults alone were admitted to baptism, and that even in his time said practice was still maintained in some cities of Italy.