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Say, only so that they were known as good Catholics by their pastor or priest.

If any one from fear took to flight, no one was allowed to intercede for him, or plead his innocence, neither the father for the child, nor brother for brother; but he was condemned on account of his flight, and his property confiscated.

Though one did even desist from his so-called error, and suffered himself to be better in

*In the following a few words are changed, without altering the sense, however.

Structed, as it were, by the pastor, according to the Romish manner, he had nevertheless to die. No greater mercy was shown him than that he was not put to death by fire, but executed with the sword.

The women were buried alive, and no judge could mitigate these decrees, unless he was willing to be regarded as a protector of the heretics, and be proceeded against as such.

From this decree (the one first spoken of) made by imperial power and authority, others were produced, and issued, almost every year.

And by virtue of these decrees, none might have in his possession, buy, give, carry, read, or communicate, the doctrines, writings or books, of the Lutherans, Zwinglians, etc. (he also makes mention of the Mennonites), or dispute about them; neither might they confer or dispute with any one about the holy Scriptures, or read the same to others, except (Romish) theologians or doctors of divinity, or those who were properly licensed.

No one was allowed knowingly to receive suspected persons (called heretics) into his house, to lodge them, to give them food, clothes, or money; but had to report them immediately, all on pain of death and confiscation of property.

Extracted from various Biographies of Emperor Charles V, Chron. Mich., 4th part; Chron. Sleyd., lib. 1, 2, to 25; Hist. Alons, Ullw, lib. 1-5; Chron. Hed., fol. 682; Chron. Saxon., fol. 649; Chron. Franc. (old edition), fol. 62, 63; Chron. Petr. Bor., lib. 1. Caprit., lib. 3. Pantal., lib. 3; Hist. der Mart. Doopsges., lib. 1. Eman. van Met., lib. 1; Mer., fol. 960; Chron. Petr. Scriv., fol. 593; D. Andries Hondd., lib. 1, cap. 15; D. Dirck heli., lib. 2; Manl., fol. 255; W. Baud., lib. 16, an old chronicle of the life and deeds of Charles V, throughout, etc.

NOTE.-A. D. 1522, Charles Stadius also declared his views, at this time, among the learned; he secretly held with the Anabaptists, says Leonhard Krantz in his German Chronology, lib. 7. Others, however, ascribe a different belief to him, which is not found with the Anabaptists; namely, that he said, that Christ, through His blood, had also redeemed the (fallen) angels. Conrad Schless, 1st part, cap. 5, compared with P. 7. Twisck, Chron., page 994, col. 2. What happened to him, however, on account of his belief, is not stated.

A. D. 1524.-Henry Zutphaniensis was horribly put to death for the Gospel of Christ, by Ditmarish peasants. See the above cited Chronicle, p. 1001, col. 1. Also, Rab., part 3; Sleyd., lib. 4.

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