PUT TO DEATH AT AUGSBURG, FOR THE TRUTH OF THE HOLY GOSPEL, A. D. 1524 From A. D. 1160 until this time (A. D. 1660) we have followed according to our ability the trail and footsteps of the ancient Waldenses, of which we have by no means, until this time, lost sight; neither have we now lost sight of them, but still keep them in view. This appeared in the case of two pious men of said profession. (which agrees with that of the Anabaptists) who, loving the truth of Christ, which they maintained more than their own lives, were put to death at Augsburg, in Germany, in accordance with the rigor of the court, there, in the year 1524. Concerning this, we read in Jacob Mehrning's History of Baptism the following words, translated from the German, "From these Bohemian and Moravian Old Waldensian brethren afterwards sprang several excellent men; as, among others, Hans Koch and Leonhard Meister, who were both put to death at Augsburg, A. D..* Bapt. Hist., page 748. NOTE.-The year 1160 was the time in which Peter Waldo appeared against popery, at Lyons, in France, and made a sound confession, of which we gave an account in the first book. As regards his descendants, this Hans Koch and Leonhard Meister are counted as none of the least of them; as also, afterwards, Michael Sattler, Leonhard Keyser, John Hut, etc. See Jac. Mehr., Ba¢t. Hist., page 748. *A. D. 1527, the printer had set it; but it is an error.