Студопедия — The following earnest prayer to God was spoken by Hans Koch and Leonhard Meister before their death, and left for the consolation of all their fellow believers
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The following earnest prayer to God was spoken by Hans Koch and Leonhard Meister before their death, and left for the consolation of all their fellow believers

O God! behold now from Thy high throne the misery of Thy servants, how the enemy persecutes them because it is their purpose to walk in the narrow way, and how abominably they are scorned. He who learns to know Thee, and holds fast to Thy words, is despised and scorned by them. O God of heaven! we have all sinned before Thee; therefore chastise us in mercy. We beseech Thee, let us enjoy Thy grace, that Thy honor may not be profaned by us before this world, which now seems determined to extinguish Thy Word. We might well have peace with them, if we would not confess Thy holy name, and not believe on Thy Son, that He atoned for us on the cross, bore our sins, and paid our debt. The enemy has no other reason for his daily raging against us, than because we do not fulfill his will, but love Thee, O God, in our hearts, which neither Satan nor his adherents can endure. Therefore they compel us with great distress, and afflict us with much tribulation. Thus, our misdeed, on account of which the enemy fights so hard against us, is, that we place our hope in Thee alone, and in Thy dear Son Christ Jesus, and in the Holy Ghost; therefore we must suffer reproach, because we do not set ourselves against Thee; if we would give ourselves up to idolatry, and practice all manner of wickedness, they would let us live unharmed, in peace and tranquillity. Therefore, O dear Lord, take up arms for us, and judge all those who disregard Thy power and might. If we would deny Thy Word, antichrist would not hate us; yea, if we would believe his false doctrine, follow his error, and walk with the world on the broad road, we would have favor with them; but because we seek to follow Thee, we are hated and forsaken by the world. But though the enemy brings us to torment, it does not happen to us alone, but was also done to Christ our Redeemer; for they afflicted Him first with much reproach and suffering; and thus it was with all p~hat adhered to Him, and believed in His Word. Hence Christ says Himself, "Marvel not, if the world hate you; for it hated me first; they have not received my words; thus shall they also not receive your words. If they have persecuted me, they will also persecute you; and when all these things happen to you, rejoice and be exceeding glad: for great is your reward in heaven." Christ comforts us still more through the mouth of His beloved apostles, saying, "If we suffer with him, we shall also rejoice with him, and reign in everlasting joy." What matters it, if we are ridiculed and scorned here for a little while? since God promises us eternal rest and bliss. O Lord, Thou seest and hearest the derision and contumely, and the suffering with which Thy children are afflicted. Thou also knowest their small and feeble ability;therefore we pray Thee, O God, that Thou wouldst protect Thine own honor, and sanctify Thy name, which is now so fearfully profaned by all those who, here on earth, are of high and low estate. Manifest Thy power, that the enemy may perceive and understand Thy divine strength, and may learn to be ashamed. O Lord God, have compassion upon Thy poor sheep, that are scattered, and have no longer a true shepherd who will henceforth teach them. Send them Thy Holy Spirit, that He may feed and satisfy them with Thy grace, and that they may not hearken to the voice of a stranger, unto the end. O God, in Thy high majesty, graciously hear our petition, and do not forsake us, since we are in great tribulation and conflict. Give us steadfast patience through Christ Thy Son, our Captain, who can vanquish Satan with all his host. To Him be honor, and praise to His holy name. Amen.

Matt. 7:14; Ps. 106:6; Dan. 9:5; I Pet. 2:24; Matt. 22:37; I Pet. 4:3; Matt. 7:13; John 17:14; 1 Pet. 4:1; Isa. 53; Matt. 27; Luke 24:26; John 15:18; I John 3:13; Matt. 5:12; Rom. 8:11; II Tim. 2:12; John 10:5.

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