This Melchior Vet. was a companion of George Blaurock, who was of the same faith with him, andalso served with him in the Gospel. He was burned in the time of Michael Sattler, at Drache, for the testimony of the faith and of the divine truth, which he boldly confessed. AN ACCOUNT OF THOSE WHO SUF FERED IN THE SEVENTEENTH CENTURY, FROM 1600 To 1660 SUMMARY OF THE MARTYRS IN THE SEVENTEETH CENTURY [After the preceding, sixteenth century closed with the burying alive of Anneken van den Hove, in the year 1597, the following, seventeenth century commenced, not without threats, and the shedding of the blood of the pious witnesses of the Lord. The first year of this century begins with a decree (though not unto death), published by those of Groeningen and Sneeck against the Anabaptists. Huybert op der Straten, Trynken his wife, Pieter ten Hove, and Lysken to Linschoten, near Witgensteyn, for the afore-mentioned faith, led around the gallows, scourged and banished from the country, in 1601. Hemes Nimrich, a teacher of the aforementioned people, and others, four years subsequently, namely, 1605, near Steyn, scourged out of the city, Hemes having first been led through under the gallows. Marcus Eder and Hans Poltzinger apprehended on the 24th of April, of the same year, at Nimbach, in Bavaria, and on the 26th of the same month taken to Riet; and, for the steadfastness of their faith finally put to death with the sword, and burnt with fire, on the 26th of August, A.D. 1605.