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Substitutes for Passive

As in other languages passive meaning can find its expression not only in the paradigmatic forms of the verb. There are other techniques in English which can serve this purpose. There is always a selective way in the distribution of various means adapted to this purpose in each case. The peripheral elements of the passive field in Modern English are:

1) "get-passive".

2) verb-phrases with the semi-copulative verbs become, stand, rest, and go, e. g.:

I have become sunburnt.

He stands prepared to dispute it.

We rest assured.

They go armed.

3) active verb-forms with reflexive pronouns, e. g.:

it sees itself; it manifests itself, it displays itself, etc. 1 4) syntactic patterns of causative meaning, e. g.: He had his photo taken. I went it done. See the letters delivered.

5) infinitival phrases: a thing to do = a thing to be done; the house to let, a book to read, etc.

6) gerundial phrases:

The house needs repairing.

1 Pronominal patterns of this type are sometimes referred to as "semantic" or "syntactic passive". Cf. French: Cela se voit; cet air se chante partout; cette étoffe se lave bien.

My shoes want mending.

7) phrasal verbs of analytical structure.

8) prepositional noun-phrases.

Phrasal-verbs of analytical structure type VN function with rather a high frequency value as stylistic alternatives of -passive and get-passive. A few typical examples are given below. Others will readily occur to the student.

to find expression to be expressed

to find favour to be favoured

to find reflection to be reflected

to find support to be supported

to find solution to be solved

to win recognition to be recognised

to gain respect to be respected

to get publicity to be published

to receive a study to be studied

to receive criticism to be criticised

to receive recognition to be recognised

to receive punishment to get punished

In infinite cases such formations verge on the "quasi-grammatical" and serve, in fact, rather grammatical than lexical purposes. They carry grammatical information of voice distinction, moreover, this is often the dominant feature of their linguistic status revealed with sufficient evidence in regular Oppositional relations between simple and phrasal verbs and between phrasal verbs themselves. The relevance of many phrasal verbs to the voice-field is most obvious. Compare:

Active Passive

to attend to pay attention to receive attention

to help to give help to find help

to support to lend support to find support

to offend to give offence to suffer offence

to credit to give credence to find credence

to defeat to inflict a defeat to suffer a defeat

to publish to give publicity to get publicity

Phrasal verbs approach analytical forms: one of the components has lexical meaning, the second, a function verb, is semantically depleted and comes to function as a semi-copulative verb. In their linguistic status phrasal verbs remain, in fact, on the borderline between syntax and morphology. The process of converting notional words into lexico-grammatical morphemes is most active in this area.

Verbs which are part of such analytical structures differ semantically. Some of them are synonymically related in the English vocabulary irrespective of the context. Others are synonymous only in combination with certain nounal components.

to gain attentionto get attentionto receive attention; to win recognitionto get recognitionto receive recognition

— to gain recognition.

Most frequent are such verbs as: get, obtain, receive, find, gain, win, undergo.

We also find here such verbs as: achieve, attain, earn, escape, demand, claim, require, suffer, endure, deserve, merit.

Overlapping of Oppositional relations of voice and aspect is not infrequent. Consider the following for illustration:

Active Passive

Common Aspect Inchoative Aspect

to suspect to fall under suspicion

to despise to fall into contempt

to observe to fall under observation

Actions of Single Occurrence

Active Active Passive

to laugh to give a laugh to receive a laugh to eye to give the eye to get the eye

to hug to give a hug to receive a hug

In such lexico-grammatical oppositions one member (the "marked" member) signals the presence of the aspectual meaning, while the "unmarked" member may either signal "absence of marked meaning" or else be noncommittal as to its absence or presence.

These two volumes comprised all the short stories he had written, and which had received or were receiving serial publication. (London)

Not being as attractive as Doyle, it was not so easy for him to win the attention of girls. (Dreiser)

She was a cold, self-centred woman, with many a thought of her own which never found expression, not even by so much as the glint of an eye. (Dreiser)

There is a close parallel to this development in other languages. Such structural elements in the English verbal system merit consideration not only in terms of their synonymic correlation with a simple verb of similar meaning. Formations of this kind are most evidently relevant to the problem of covert grammar, implicit predication, in particular.

Synonymic correlation of simple and phrasal verbs of kindred meaning merits attention in different spheres of usage. Such linguistic units are organically related and constantly aiding to and supporting each other in communication. And this is fairly universal. The choice between simple and phrasal verbs predetermines to a great extent the structural pattern of the sentence 1. Consituation and considerations of style in the nominal-verbal contrast will generally determine the selection of grammatical forms in the organisation of the message.

Examine the grammatical organisation of the text in the following sentences with nominality adapted to its purpose in each case:

1 See: А. Д. Апресян. Экспериментальное исследование семантики русского глагола. М., 1967.

Everyone was out in their Slab Square, perambulating to either get or give the eye;perhaps in an odd moment stopping to hear a few words of admonition from Sally's Army... (Sillitoe)

Having given and received another hug, he mounted the window seat, and tucking his legs under him watched her unpack. (Galsworthy)

This last was the shock Jon received coming thus on his mother. (Galsworthy)

The speed with which Joe worked won Martin's admiration. (London)

The passive field includes also patterns with prepositional noun-phrases functioning as substitutes for ordinary passive forms of the verb.

Formations of this kind contribute significantly to the development of grammatical synonymy in sentence structure. In such syntactic patterns we find, for instance, nominal phrases with the prepositions above, at, beyond, in, on, out of, past, under, within, without. A few typical examples are:

beyond belief, beyond pardon, beyond (or past) cure, beyond doubt, beyond dispute, beyond expression, beyond expectation, beyond grasp, beyond help, beyond all measure, beyond praise, beyond price, beyond question, beyond repair, beyond recognition, beyond reach, beyond (above) suspicion, beyond words, in use, in print, out of use, in question, on sale, under consideration, under control, under discussion, under repair, under supervision, etc.

...June had twice been to tea there under the chaperonage of aunt. (Galsworthy)

Outside the river, and out of sight he slackened his pace still more. (Galsworthy)

...She remained under the care of Doctor Thoroughgood until August the fifteenth. (Cronin)

...he ran his beaming eyes over Martin's second-best suit, which was also his worst suit, and which was ragged and past repair. (London)

Unconsciously he absorbed her philosophy. Under her guidance he was learning to cultivate the superficialniceties and let the deeper things go hang. (Cronin)

The passive meaning of the phrase is generally signalled by the context, the lexical meaning of the subject in particular. Compare the following:

(a) children in charge of a nursechildren are taken care of;

(b) a nurse in charge of children → a nurse takes care of children. Functional similarity of structures with nominal phrases and those

with passive forms of the verb is quite obvious.

above criticism too great to be criticised

beyond repair too old to be repaired

without hearing near enough to be heard

beyond all measure too large to be measured

out of use no longer used

under his guidance guided by him the house is under construe- the house is being built tion

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