III. Conclusion
I. Introduction A. Thesis statement: The situation with immigrants became a very hot issue nowadays, and it affected on social situation and economy of countries-receivers, considering that issue, I suggest two ways of solving that problem, they are quite reasonable and possible in fulfillment II. Body A. Background B. Solution 1 Topic sentence strengthening of immigration control Feasibility Advantages 1. Simple in fulfillment 2. Fast method Disadvantages 1. Corruption
C. Solution 2 Topic sentence creating special reservations for immigrants Feasibility Advantages 1. It gives country the opportunity to get additional population 2. It helps people to change life better Disadvantages 1. A huge number of migrants
III. Conclusion a. Summary b. Recommendation
Migration is process when people change their live countries and move to another, this process is very old as an science, because it is very important process in politics, and in order to control it people created special terms for them and special committees to control these process, however sometimes this system doesn't work, and it leads to some bad consequences, such as immigrants. Immigrants is one of the most urgent problem in nowadays society, which has many points and sides. If watch on it globally, world can be divided into two sides: countries who send the immigrants and countries-receivers. Immigrants, by virtue of that their level of wealth is low, causes several problems in countries where they go. First of all, the reason of immigration is always unhappy life and money. The countries donors of immigrants are almost always have hideous and adverse life conditions, they are always poor countries, where people have no opportunities to make life better. Such countries always are problematic in politics, which add another problems, as a unreasonable and strict laws, and punishments for them often affects on peoples' health. In search of happier life and money, immigrants leave their countries and go to better developed countries, usually it’s USA, Europe, Australia, Canada and Russia. For example, formally USA has 11 million of immigrants, but some specialists states that the number is much higher (Gevorg Mirzayan, 2013). In new countries for them, immigrants faces with several obstacles, such as a getting job and finding good places for homing. But also, as a rule, newcomers become the reason of problems by themselves. The situation with immigrants became a very hot issue nowadays, and it affected on social situation and economy of countries-receivers, considering that issue, there can be two ways of solving that problems, first of all it's a making immigrations control more strength, the second solution is a creating special reservations for immigrants. The problem is that immigrants causes many problems in social and economic fields. Specialists speaking about economic problems made by immigrants usually refers to local people who lose their jobs, because of newcomers, also they states that newcomers don't pay taxes, what leads to loss of money for government, by another words immigrants are leeches, because they get all abilities of citizens but they don't give any benefits. The problems in social field mean that indigenous people have bad relations with newcomers. As usual, these people don’t have education and have luck of professionalism, but despite that they get job, and it leads to lowering the quality of work they do. In many cases employers knowing that immigrants have poor qualification give them work places on constructions as a laborer, but constructed buildings usually have little defects, which lead to big problems in drainage, incorrectly constructed load-bearing walls (Alexey Sheglov, 2012).Another point of this problem is that immigrants don’t have money to buy or build the normal houses, instead of that they have to live densely in inadmissible conditions, the districts of immigrants are always criminal, by virtue that many of them can’t get job, and the only way they can get money is racketeering. Also many of such districts don’t have police control, because newcomers try to hide from police and sanitary epidemiology control. It affects on citizens of more developed country, as in case with Russia, where Central-Asian immigrants is scourge, according to Konstantin Romadanovskii one in five cases of crime made by immigrants (2013). Speaking about criminal situation which immigrants caused, it must be noticed that most of them weren't success in their motherlands, what made them predispositioned to making crimes, there are two reasons why they make crimes, first of all they want to get money by theft, another reason is that immigrants have no good life situation and it make them very agressive, what lead to conflicts and crimes. Another issue is that newcomers have bad relations with local people, it can be proved by Mary Hickman's study where group of professors observed the situation with newcomers and indigenous people in Great Britain. Cultural and social differences are the main reasons of local people to hate newcomers, because usually immigrants move from countries where very different rules of life, for example, when people move from Muslim countries to European (where the majority of population is christs) they faces with absolutely new for them style of life. Such problems have Germany, Australia, Russia, USA and UK. Also, it must be noticed that it can lead to racism and nationalism, according to executive director of the Latin and Caribbean community center in USA Janvieve Williamson Comrie. She states that immigration reform polarized the community, also she claims that situation in United States is the hottest than everywhere in the world, in USA there are about 40 million immigrants (not officially, according to different calculates) (2013). As a consequence of migration, people of countries-receivers started to making meetings against immigrants, what making political situation in their countries very fragile. In combination, consequences of newcomers such as lowering the quality of work, criminal problems and bad relations with indigenous people are very big question for governments and people of countries which receive immigrants. According to worldwide statistics, there are in the world about 191 million immigrants (officially), 115 millions of them live in developed countries, USA, Europe, Australia (Anup Shah, 2008). First solution is strengthening of immigration control, it includes making border control more complicated and searching and identification of immigrants inside the country. This method is desired to be dominating, because if developed countries make border control very strict, it will lead to crossing the board impossible. Also, raids inside the country can give impressive result, it's similar to hunting, but instead of hunters there should be the migration police, and after catching the immigrants they must deport them. Making borders impossible is not only help to escape from migration problems, also it made clear to understand that this country is closed for immigrants, and governments can close this issue forever. So, this solution seems very simple and possible, but why hasn't it yet used widely in the world? Why does such problem exist? Thinking about that there can be added that even this method has some disadvantages. first of all, it's the most evident solution, in contrast with another. The main advantage is that it simple in fulfillment. Let's look closer, borders is the main difficulty, as it could seem, because it's very wide, and governments can't control each kilometer of it. But people who know that system can confidently say that it's not a problem, modern methods of observing the attempts of illegally crossing borders make impossible to cross it everywhere you want. For example on USA-Mexico borders American Customs and Border protection (CBP) uses special heat and motion sensors (CBP United States, 2013). If someone passed the border, detectors will show it, and to catch the lawbreaker CBP send special forces on armored vehicles or even on helicopters. In Kazakhstan border patrol uses frontiers and they every 3 days check each kilometer of border. It made possible to pass borders only through posts, where migration police sift immigrants, also police can improve their combat skills, because the best way to force people to do something is violence, but of course it must be just punishment, and not unreasonable violence. Making raids is reasonable idea, otherwise how governments can catch the immigrants who have already passed the border. The second advantage of the solution is that it fast solution. Strengthening borders and searching inside country can fast change the situation with immigrants. For example, raids in cities of country don't need a lot of time for preparing and finding, because the places where they can catch them are well known for all people, it's a bazaars, places of constructions and dens. This migration police service must be closely connected with all another services as a police, spy services and border keepers. Not so different situation with controlling borders, but in order to be objective, it has strong disadvantage, corruption. It can spoil this method, there were some cases when corruption worked against the migration control, for example when immigrants from Central Asia go to Russia they use special schemes, one person or group of people who work in border control get money and skip large autobuses and trucks which loaded by immigrants in cargo bay, trunk and in carcasses of cars (Eduard Petrov, 2002). Another issue is that there can be the corruption between performers of raids. Immigrants usually have the person who manage them, and usually this person has links with police and migration services. This method can't work, if immigrants bribe the policemen. The second solution is that governments make the fundament for immigrants to get citizenship, this idea at first time were suggested by representatives of United States Senate, and supported by special services. Now this idea is under consideration in USA. But Germany has already used this method, and they have some experience in conducting it. This solution consider the special reservations where immigrants can get right education, learn language and learn the culture and traditions of country where they go, and after passing the special examines they would be allowed to be the citizenship, without any punishment from police migration side. The main advantage is that it help to get new qualified population, for country is very important to increase not just population, also this population should be well educated and friendly set. As It was mentioned before Germany made reservations where immigrants officially can become a legal citizen of the developed country. The second advantage is that people who want to change their life to better side get such opportunity. No one have rights to teach newcomers, but without it they can't live well among indigenous population, relations between immigrants and local people. This solution is more humane than the first, and as it can be noticed that solution has pluses for both sides, immigrants and countries-receivers. There are officially 191 million people suffering in unsuitable for life conditions all over the world, if they get any opportunity to change their lives they will be happy. But also, there is a disadvantage, the number of immigrants is very high, and help to every person is not possible, it takes time and money. The number of immigrants is high, and it increase. For example, in Germany this number is about 7 million (2012), in USA this is about 40 millions, according to GALLUP there are in the world about 640 millions of people, who want to change country but don't have opportunity (Jim Cliffton, 2013). Teaching and training that such number of people is very difficult. For example, according to Judie Haynes, created methods of learning english, she states that learning language just for conversation takes 2,5-3,5 month of intensive courses (Judie Haynes, 2010). Another bad side of this issue is that people knowing that country is ready to accept them, moreover the country is open to help them change their lives and teach them, will increase the flow of immigrants, by another words the number of foreign people will grow, what will lead to a big collapse. To summarize all, I can say that situation with immigrants took very long beginning and touches many issues. Nowadays, on TV there are many cases which by different ways connected with immigrants. Especially, countries of Europe and Northen America affected from such problem. Newcomers, in finding new place for live go to states where they can't or don't want to integrate with local people. Another bad consequence of migration is a increasing the level of criminal. Of course, it has more points and consequences, but to observe it takes a lot of time and efforts. Trying to give objective analysis many specialists became to one opinion, the problem is still exist and it expanding from year to year. As it mentioned before, there are two reasonable solutions, the first is changing the system which prevent migration problems and the second is creating special centers, reservations where newcomers can learn culture and language of local people, also there they can improve their professional qualification. Both solutions have as disadvantages, as a advantages. Going through rich experience of countries-receivers in fighting with immigrants, it can be noticed that it's not a simple problem which can be solved easily, it's a system of problems which includes many points and issues.
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