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Словник - Переглянути докладний словник

abbreviation a short form. Ad is an abbreviation for advertisement.

absent away, not at work.

access We have access to that information = we can get it.

accommodation a place to stay (please arrange hotel accommodation).

to achieve to be successful, to reach an objective or goal.

to acquire to buy (Facit acquired Halda Typewriters in 1938).

an advantage a good point, a strength. Opposite = a disadvantage.

an advertisement Publicity designed to sell a product or service (We put advertisements in the daily papers and sales increased by 20%). Also to advertise, advertising. Abbreviations: advert, ad.

to advise to make helpful suggestions or recommendations: or, more formally, to inform (Please advise us of your arrival date). Also advice.

an agenda a list of things to discuss at a meeting.

an agent a person or company that represents the interests of another company in a market. Also agency.

an alternative a choice, a possible course of action, an option.

to apply to ask for something, officially and in writing (I’ve applied for a US entry visa: he’s applying for another job.) assets the things a company has or owns, including property, plant, equipment, stocks, money in the bank, and money owed by customers. Opposite = liabilities.

to assist to help.

to attract to create interest (Good shop window displays attract customers).

an auditor a person who examines a company’s accounts, usually yearly, to see that they are in order.

average The average of 4, 5, and 9 is six.

to award to give a prize or certificate (They awarded the Nobel Peace Prize to Lech Walesa in 1983). Also an award.

an axis a fixed reference line for measuring on a graph (vertical axis, horizontal axis.)

a barrel a container for oil.

a benefit an advantage (We offer a good salary and other benefits such as a company car).

blue-chip profitable, offering a reliable investment and good prospects (IBM is a blue-chip company).

a bonus an extra sum of money paid to an employee (for example, a productivity bonus).

booming growing fast (Business is booming: sales are up 80% on last у ear).

a border a frontier, a line dividing two countries.

a brand a particular make of goods or their trade­mark.

to break down to stop working (This machine has broken down. Can you repair it?). Also a break­down.

to break even to make neither profits nor losses on a business or product.

a breakthrough an important scientific, technological, or industrial discovery.

to brew to make beer.

to bribe to offer an illegal commission (He obtained his competitors’ plans by bribing a security guard). Also a bribe.

to brief to inform (Could you brief us on the progress of your project?).

a broker a person who buys and sells things or (financial) services: a stockbroker, an insurance broker.

a budget an amount of money set aside for a special purpose (for example, the advertising budget). Also to budget.

a bumper a part of a car at front and back which protects it in small accidents (US English: fender).

to cancel to stop (I’d like to cancel my appointment).

capital a sum of money used to start a business. Also capital expenditure = money spent on buildings, equipment, etc.

cash money that is ready to spend, in notes and coins or (for a company) in a bank account.

cash flow the movement of cash in and out of a business.

to catch to take, and to be on time for, a plane, train, etc. (I have to catch a train at 7 a.m.): or to hear (I didn’t catch your name). Opposite = to miss.

charity organizations that help poor or sick people (for example, the International Red Cross).

CIF (adjective/adverb) an export price including Cost, Insurance and Freight.

a clause a paragraph, section, or part of a legal contract.

colleagues people who work together.

a competitor another company operating in the same area of the market. Also to compete: competition: competitive.

to compile to collect and arrange information (We’re compiling statistics on regional sales costs). a component a part of a product.

to compromise to change a negotiating position in order to reach an agreement (They wanted 10°/o and we wanted 6%, so we compromised and agreed to 8%). Also a compromise.

to confirm to say something is true or correct (Could you confirm that in writing?). Also confirmation.

to construct to build. Also construction.

a consumer a person that buys goods or services. Also consumption.

to contract work out to pay another company to supply services (We can stop employing security guards and contract the work out).

convenient fitting in well with people’s needs or plans, giving no problems (Is 3.30 on Friday a convenient time?).

core main, central, basic (for example, core markets, core business).

costs expenses, the money that has to be spent: sales costs, energy costs. Also to cost = to require a certain price to be paid (This book costs £10.00: the price is £10.00): or to estimate costs (We need to cost the packaging. Ask for quotations from our suppliers).

a crash a dramatic fall (for example, the Great Stock Market Crash of 1929).

a crate a box or container for goods.

a currency the money system of a country (The currency of the USA is the dollar).

a curriculum vitae a person’s life history showing education and previous work experience (abbreviation: c.v.).

customary usual practice, normal (It’s customary to tip waiters 10% or 15%).

to cut to reduce (for example, prices or budgets). Also cuts, cutbacks.

data information.

a debt money one has borrowed and must pay back: money one owes. Also debtors = people or companies that owe money.

to defend to argue in support of something: to protect against attack.

a deficit the amount by which a sum of money is too small (We have £lm and we need £3m. That’s a deficit of £2m).

demand how much customers want goods or services. (A rise in demand will result in a rise in supply or a rise in prices).

to demonstrate to show something (for example, a machine) working. Also a demonstration.

dimensions the width, height, length, etc. of an object.

a discount a price reduction (There’s a 5% discount on large orders).

to dismiss to stop employing someone, to sack or fire.

to distribute to send goods into a market. Also a distributor: distribution.

a division a major section of an organization.

a document an official paper.

a donation an amount of money given away (We made a small donation to charity).

due expected (Payment is due at the end of the month): or because of (The increase in sales was due to the large orders from Japan).

duty tax paid when importing goods.

to earn to get money, by working or as a return on an investment. Also earnings = returns, profits on an investment.

economical saving money (Get a smaller car. It’s more economical).

an economy a country’s finances, trade and industry (The Soviet economy entered a crisis in the late 1980s), Also economic.

EDP Electronic Data Processing.

efficient working well and quickly, producing a good result in the minimum time. Also efficiency.

to employ to give work to someone (This factory employs ISO people). Also employer (the company): employee (the worker): employment and unemployment.

to enclose to put something in an envelope with a letter. Also enclosed.

engaged busy (on the telephone).

enhanced made better, improved.

to enquire to ask questions to get information. Also enquiry.

to establish to set up, to begin (We established our first Asian subsidiary in Singapore last year): or to find out, to discover (to establish the facts).

to exceed to be more than, to go above (temperatures in Britain don’t often exceed 30 degrees Celsius).

expenditure money spent on something.

exports goods sold abroad. Also to export.

facilities rooms, equipment or services.

a factory a building where goods are manufactured.

a fault a defect or mistake.

a feasibility study a study to see if something is possible, or will work, or will be profitable.

to fire to sack, to dismiss, to stop employing someone.

a fleet a group of ships, cars or lorries (CGM has 77 ships in their fleet).

to focus to concentrate (We focused our attention on the East European market).

a forwarding company a company in the business of transporting goods.

a fraud a crime where money is obtained by lying, or by hiding the truth.

global worldwide, covering the whole world.

grateful thankful (I’d be grateful if you could send me...).

gross before anything is taken away: for example, gross profits = profits before tax. Opposite net.

a guarantee a promise accepting responsibility for something. Also to guarantee (We can guarantee delivery in seven days).

headquarters the main office of a company. The headquarters of BMW are in Munich.

a holding company a parent company, a company controlling shares in a subsidiary.

imports goods bought from abroad. Also to import.

to improve to make better: to get better. Also improvement.

an incentive something (for example money) that encourages people to do things.

inflation the general increase in the price of goods and services.

to insist to refuse to accept an alternative or a compromise.

to install to put in place (We’d have to install the new machine before we can start production).

interest money charged (for example, by a bank) for borrowing money.

inventory stocks of goods.

to invest to spend money in order to make a profit, for example by buying machinery for a factory, or shares in a company. Also investment = the activity of investing or the money that is invested.

an invoice a list of goods sold with a request for payment. Also to invoice.

an item a subject, a thing (An item on the agenda).

an itinerary a plan for a visit or journey, showing places, dates, times, and people to see.

a joint venture a co-operative operation between two companies, sharing expertise, resources, etc.

to justify to show that something is fair or reasonable. Also justification.

labour force staff, employees, the people employed or who can be employed.

to launch to introduce a product to a market.

leading in the first position, in front of the competi­tion (IBM is the world’s leading computer firm.)

to lease to rent or hire. Also a lease = the written agreement to lease.

a letter of credit a bank document arranging payment for goods. Synonym = a draft.

liabilities debts, money a company owes to suppliers, shareholders, banks, etc.

a lift a machine for moving from one floor of a building to another (US English: elevator): or free transport (I’ll give you a lift to the office).

links connections (Holland has excellent transport links with Europe).

a list names, items, etc., written or printed (Can I see the wine list?).

a load What’s this lorry’s maximum load? = the maximum it can carry. Also to load = to put goods onto a lorry, train, ship, plane, etc.: a loading bay = the place where lorries are loaded.

a loan a sum of money borrowed from a bank.

located positioned, placed, situated (The United Nations is located in New York). Also location.

a loss the money lost by a business: total sales minus total costs (if this figure is negative). Also a profit and loss account = a company’s trading figures, usually for one-year period.

mail order buying or selling goods by post.

mains services supplies of gas, electricity, water, etc.

to maintain to keep in good working order. Also maintenance.

to manage to control and organize a business. Also management, and a manager.

to manufacture to produce, in large quantities with machinery.

a market a geographical area, or a section of the population, where you can sell products.

mass production production in large quantities, on a large scale.

a merchant bank A bank specializing in commercial loans and finance for industry.

to merge To join together (usually two companies). (Renault and Volvo merged in 1990). Also a merger. a mile 1.6 kilometres.

to modify to change, to alter. Also modification.

a mortgage a loan used to buy a house or property.

a multinational a company with operations in many countries.

to negotiate to bargain, to discuss a business deal or contract, to reach an agreement by discussion. Also (a) negotiation.

net after everything is taken away. For example, net profit = profit after tax and other deductions. Opposite = gross.

an objective a target or goal.

an overdraft a negative sum in a bank account.

to owe to be in debt: (We borrowed £5m and we’ve paid back £3m, so we still owe £2m).

to own to possess, to have something as one’s property. Also owner, ownership.

to pack to put in boxes or containers ready for sale. Also a pack = the box a product is sold in: packaging = the container or materials that provide protection for a product to be transported.

to pay to give money in return for goods and services. Also payment.

a penalty a punishment for breaking a contract.

personnel employees, staff. Also the section of a company dealing with staff matters such as recruitment or training.

(a) plant a factory: or the machinery that is in a factory.

a policy a plan of action, or usual rules for doing things (It’s our policy to ask for payment within 30 days).

a pool a common supply of things. For example, a car pool = where cars are available when people need them.

to postpone to delay, to put something off to a later date.

premises buildings, offices, property.

to produce to make or manufacture. Also a product = the thing you produce: a product manager = the person responsible for the production and market­ing of a product: production = the activity of produc­ing: productivity = the efficiency of production.

a profit the money made by a business: total sales minus total costs (if this figure is positive). Also profitable = making a profit: a profit and loss account = a company’s trading figures, usually for a one-year period.

a project a plan, a scheme of work.

to promote to give someone a more important job: or to organize an advertising event. Also promotion.

to provide to offer, to give (We provide a 24-hour emergency service).

public relations the work of distributing information to give a good impression of an organization.

to purchase to buy.

qualified having the right education, diplomas, and experience for a job. Also a qualification.

quality How good or bad something is (A Rolls-Royce is expensive because of its very high quality).

quarterly every three months (a quarterly report).

to quote to give an estimate for the cost products or services. Also a quotation.

a range a group of products sold by one company.

a rate how fast something happens (the rate of inflation) or the level of something (interest rates, exchange rates, etc.).

a receipt a document showing you have paid for something.

reception a meeting place in a hotel or company: or a party where you can meet people. Also a receptionist = the person who receives visitors when they enter a company or hotel: a reception desk = the place where a receptionist works.

to recommend to suggest, to speak well of someone or something (Can you recommend a good hotel?). Also a recommendation.

to recover to get better after a difficult period. Also recovery.

to recruit to employ or take on new staff. Also recruitment.

redundant no longer needed, dismissed, without work. Also redundancy.

reference With reference to... (in a letter) = concerning, about. Also a reference = a recom­mendation from an employer.

to refund to pay back money spent (If you are not satisfied with this product, send it back within 30 days and we will refund you).

refurbished completely redecorated.

to register to give your name when you arrive some­where (He registered with the receptionist and went into the conference).

to reject to say No to a proposal, idea, offer, etc.

reliable consistently good in quality or performance or work.

to rent to hire, to borrow something in return for money. Also rent = the money paid to rent something.

a reservation a booking (You have a reservation at the Hilton for 3 nights from Sunday). Also to reserve.

to resign to give up or leave a job.

a retail outlet a place where goods are sold to the public, for example a shop or supermarket. Also retailing = selling to the public: a retailer = a person or company that sells to the public: the retail price index = an index to measure inflation.

retained kept, saved (The retained profit is added to the company’s reserves).

to retire to stop working at the end of a career, usually between the ages of 55 and 65.

a return profit, earnings on an investment.

to review to re-examine, to consider in order to improve (We’re reviewing our distribution arrange­ments).

to sack to dismiss, to fire, to stop employing someone.

a salary a monthly payment for doing a job.

a sales prospect a possible future customer.

a sales representative a person in a company who sells products to distributors or customers in a certain market (abbreviation: a sales rep).

a schedule a timetable. Also to schedule (Shall we schedule a meeting for Thursday?).

to set up to begin or establish something (Henry Ford set up his first business in 1899).

(a)share a part, a fraction (We have increased our market share by 2%): a part of a company (We now have 51% of the shares, so we control the company). Also a shareholder = a person who owns shares.

to shelve to postpone, to delay, to stop (We had very little money left, so we had to shelve the project).

to ship to transport, by sea or air. Also a shipment = the goods being transported.

to short-list to reduce a large number of alternatives to a short list of perhaps six or less, (for example, applicants for a job, sites for a new factory).

a shortage a situation where there is not enough of something (There is a constant shortage of water in the Sahara).

to sign to write one’s name on a document. Also a signature.

single not married (He’s single): for one person (I’d like a single room): in one direction only, one-way (I’d like a single ticket).

skilled trained, experienced (It’s a difficult operation: we’ll need skilled workers).

sound secure, certain, steady (a sound investment).

specifications details and instructions describing design and materials (product specifications: building specifications).

staff the people who work for a company, its per­sonnel, its employees.

a stake a number of shares in a company.

stock goods in storage waiting to be sold: components

in storage waiting for use in manufacturing.

a strategy a major plan or policy (How are we going to achieve this objective? What’s our strategy?). Also strategic.

a strength a strong point.

a strike the organized stopping of work by employees as a result of a disagreement (The workers went on strike for higher wages).

a subsidiary a company that is controlled by another company (NV Philips owns over 50°/o of Philips UK: so Philips UK is a subsidiary of NV Philips).

a suite a group of rooms in a building.

to supply to provide customers with goods. Also a supplier = a person or company that supplies goods.

support help, assistance.

to take over to take control of a company by buying a large number of its shares. Also a takeover.

a target a result one wants, a goal or objective.

a task a job, a piece of work.

tax money that a person or company pays to the government.

a track record a history of past success or failure.

trade buying and selling. Also a trade balance = the difference in value between a country’s imports and exports.

to transfer to move from one place to another (We’ve transferred the finance department to the new offices: Could you transfer me to Peter Keller in the finance Department?)

a trend a pattern of change, a general movement (a downward trend in the market, etc.).

turnover the total sales of a company. Also staff turnover = the rate of staff leaving and joining a company.

a TV commercial an advertisement on television.

urgent needing immediate attention.

a volunteer a person who asks or offers to do a job (I need three volunteers to work late tonight).

a wage a weekly payment for doing a job, usually paid to manual workers.

a warehouse a large building where goods are stored.

a warranty a legal guarantee, a promise to repair or replace a product if it is not satisfactory.

to win to come first, to beat competitors.


Список використаних літературних джерел, підручників та методичних матеріалів


1. Богацький І.С. Дюканова Н.М. Бізнес-курс англійської мови. — К.: ТОВ ”ВП Логос-М”, 2009. — 352 с.

2. Буданова С.І., Борисова А.О. Ділова англійська мова. 2-ге вид. – Харків: ТОРСІНГ ПЛЮС, 2006. – 128 с.

3. Дацюк Л.С. Ділова англійська мова. Частина 1. - Дрогобич "Коло". 2000. – 40 с.

4. Дацюк Л.С. Письмо ділової англійської мови. Частина 2. - Дрогобич "Коло", 2000. - 48 с.

5. Дудкина Г.А. и др. Учебник английского языка для делового общения. (часть 3).-М. 1994.-144 с.

6. Жданова И.Ф. и др. Учебник английского языка для делового общения (часть 6).-М. 1994.-142 с

7. Орлова О.О. Збірка економічних текстів для читання для студентів ІІ курсу спеці­альностей 6104, 6105, 6106, 6110 / Уклад.: Н. І. Орлова, О.О. Феденко. — К.: КНЕУ, 2001. — 44 с.

8. Пінська О.В. Ділова англійська мова. Частина 1. - К. 1998. - 63 с.

9. Пінська О.В. Ділова англійська мова. Частина 2. - К. 1998. ~ 63 с.

10. Тарнопольський О.Б., Кожушко С.П. Ділові проекти. - Вінниця: Нова книга, 2007. -97 с.

11. Уэстон Л., Халсолл Э. Бизнес английский за 30 дней. Учебное пособие. – К.: Методика, 2008. – 288 с.

12. Шамхалова Н.А. Сучасна ділова англійська мова: Навч. посібник. — К.: КНЕУ, 2000. — 164 с.

13. Edward P. Bailey, Jr. The Plain English Approach to Business Writing. Oxford University Press. 1996. - 120 c.

14. John H. Montagn Butler. Practical Business English. Books 1-2. Hulton Educational Publications. 2000. - 127 c.

15. http://www.library.tane.edu.ua/files/EVD/nmp_dil_eng_lan.pdf

16. http://www.ih.kiev.ua/uk/corporatecourses/

17. http://aabe.com.ua/index.php?language=Ukrainian&path=studiProgram/BusinessEnglish/obshBuisEnglish/business-english-for-pre-intermediate.cont&plugin=Content

18. http://www.sumdu.edu.ua/ua/general/structure/faculty/retraining/english

19. http://www.osvita.org.ua/press/business-spotlight/


Opredelenie kardiomegelii v pediatricheskoĭ praktike provodit·sya posredstvom opredeleniya vozrastnyh granits otnositelʹnoĭ serdechnoĭ tuposti i smeshchenie i rasshirenie ploshchadi verhushechnogo serdechnogo tolchka. Dlitelʹnyĭ i rezistentnyĭ verhushechnyĭ tolchok harakteren dlya gipertrofii levogo zheludochka i yego peregruzki davleniem i sohranyaet·sya pri razvitii dilatatsii zheludochka. Pri yego obʺemnom peregruzke, t.ye. pri mitralʹnoĭ i aortalʹnoĭ nedostatochnosti verhushechnyĭ tolchok korotkiĭ i vikokoamplitudniĭ. U nekotoryh bolʹnyh verhushechnyĭ tolchok ne opredelyaet·sya. V takih sluchayah polʹzuyut·sya tolʹko perkutornyĭ opredeleniya granits serdtsa. Dlya bolyee tochnogo opredeleniya kardiomegalii polʹzuyut·sya rentgenografiyeĭ i otsenkoĭ kardiotorakalʹnogoindeksa. Inogda kardiomegaliya proyavlyaet·sya tolʹko v bokovoĭ proektsii gde fiksiruet·sya uvelichenie sagittalʹnogo razmera serdtsa. Znachitelʹno chashche vstrechaet·sya psevdokardiomegeliya. Yee osnovnymi prichinami yavlyayut·sya: 1. Sindrom pryamoĭ spiny. Pri otnositelʹno nebolʹshih peredne-zadnego razmera grudnoĭ kletki. 2. Vypot v polostʹ perikarda pri ekssudativnom perikardite, gidroperikarditi, gemoperikarditi, miksedeme, metastazah opuholyeĭ v perikard. 3. Nasloeniya teni vilochkovoĭ zhelezy. 4. Vrozhdennoe ot·sut·stvie perikarda.

Словник - Переглянути докладний словник

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