Manysinglepeopleneedhelp findinghusbandsorwives.Somepeople hire matchmakers. Others use computer dating services on the Internet. Now, at least two governments want to help their citizens tie the knot. One of them is the United States government. The government in Washington gives each of the 50 states money to encourage marriage. The states are using it to persuade people that marriage is good. Some states are also offering classes on marriage. The government says that the future of the United States depends on strong families. However, its programs are notforallfamilies.Theyareforonespecialgroup-thepoor. Theywant to tell low-income people about the benefits of marriage. Some government officialsargue thatwomen withchildrenshouldhavehusbands. Iftheyhave husbands, they will not need money from the government.Their husbands will work to earn money for their families. Some people are against government programs that promote marriage. They say that marriage is a private decision. They are also afraid that poor women might think they have to get married. The American government is not the only one that is interested in marriage. The government of the tiny island nation of Singapore is spending money on marriage, too. Why is the government in Singapore interested in marriage?The government has noticed that women with college degrees often do not get married. Government officials think it is important for them to get married, so theyhavestarted agovernment datingservice. TheSocialDevelopment Unit(SOU) began in 1984. It organizes parties and trips for single people. It also teaches single people about marriage. The SOU says that 50,000 Singaporeans have met and married through this service. And what do young Singaporeans think of the government dating services? Some of them are happy with it. Ms. Ralls-Tan says that the SOU helped her get married. She and her husband married two years ago.Today they have a six-month-old child. Others just laugh at it. "Single, desperate, and ugly:' says a young woman at a local bar. Another says, "We're adults. And the government is not our parent." Нижегородский государственный университет им. Н.И. Лобачевского Национальный исследовательский университет Филологический факультет Кафедра зарубежной литературы VII Всероссийский молодёжный научно-практический семинар с международным участием «ЛИТЕРАТУРА И ПРОБЛЕМА ИНТЕГРАЦИИ ИСКУССТВ»
Тема семинара-2015 «Философия и поэтика альтернативных миров»
Нижний Новгород СОСТАВ ОРГКОМИТЕТА VII Всероссийского молодёжного научно-практического семинара с международным участием
«ЛИТЕРАТУРА И ПРОБЛЕМА ИНТЕГРАЦИИ ИСКУССТВ» «Философия и поэтика альтернативных миров»
1. Ручина Л.И., декан филологического факультета ННГУ – Председатель. 2. Шарыпина Т.А., зав. кафедрой зарубежной литературы ННГУ, доктор филологических наук – сопредседатель. 3. Кобленкова Д.В., кандидат филологических наук, киновед, доцент кафедры зарубежной литературы ННГУ – сопредседатель. 4.Нефёдова Е. Г., кандидат филологических наук, доцент кафедры зарубежной литературы ННГУ – член оргкомитета. 5.Тоштендаль-Салычева Т.А., почётный профессор Уппсальского университета (Швеция), директор Российско-Шведского центра РГГУ – член оргкомитета. 6. Черняк М.А., доктор филологических наук, профессор кафедры русской литературы Санкт-Петербургского государственного педагогического университета им. А.И. Герцена – член оргкомитета. 7. Шарапенкова Н.Г., доктор филологических наук, зав. кафедрой скандинавской филологии филологического факультета федерального государственного бюджетного образовательного учреждения высшего профессионального образования «Петрозаводский государственный университет» – член оргкомитета. 8. Хабибуллина Л.Ф., доктор филологических наук, профессор кафедры зарубежной литературы ФГБОУ ВПО «Казанский (Приволжский) федеральный университет» – член оргкомитета.