NOTE. The division into positive and negative qualities is relative and is made here only for convenience. Literary characters (especially round ones) may combine positive and negative qualities. A negative character may possess such qualities as “cautious” or “courteous”, which are basically positive, and vice versa, a positive character may be imprudent or careless, which are basically negative qualities. So, when describing a character, it’s helpful to look through all categories. Certain qualities (such as “experienced”, “emotional”) may be considered either positive or negative, depending on the interpretation, so they are classified here as “neutral”.
LINKING YOUR IDEAS Order of ideas: in the first place, firstly, secondly, finally
Cause and result: therefore, for this reason, so, as a result, thus, consequently, hence
Comparison and contrast: likewise, however, nevertheless, on the one hand/on the other hand, on the contrary
Giving examples: for example, for instance, such as
Addition: moreover, furthermore, besides
Summarizing: on the whole, to sum up, in short, in general [*] Foreman, George – U.S. boxer [†] baseball contest in America. [‡] a standardized letter to deal with frequently occurring matters. [§] “malicious + software” – software that is intended to damage or disable computers and computer systems. [**] one of the UK’s leading retailers of clothing, foods and houseware. The company has 150 stores worldwide operating in 30 countries. [††] from American Hairdresser, July 1893 [‡‡] a very large multiaxle lorry/truck often used for international cargo transportation. [§§] Pseudonym of a webmaster. [***] The state song of Florida named after the river flowing through the state into the Gulf of Mexico with many cotton and tobacco plantations in its valley. [†††] (Port.) This lady wants to know what you are going to do with the fish. [‡‡‡] (Port.) It’s for sale. [§§§] (Port.) This lady wants to buy the fish. How much is it? [****] the name of the ship. [††††] the Pacific coast of North America. [‡‡‡‡] Yale University drinking song. [§§§§] This plan is primarily for analyzing fiction. Though sometimes it is difficult to distinguish between fiction and non-fiction (e.g. in essays, biographies)