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EXERCISES. I. Answer the following questions:


I. Answer the following questions:


1.What is blood? 2. What does blood consist of? 3. What is anemia? 4. In what way are the red blood cells related to anemia? 5. How is anemia diagnosed? 6. What are the most frequently observed types of anemia in very young children? 7. What types of anemia are typical for preschool ages? 8. What does the treatment of anemia depend on? 9. What measures usually prevent anemia?



II. Define the types of conditional sentences and translate them into Russian:


A. 1. The child’s appetite will improve, if his health improves. 2. The child’s appetite would improve, if his health improved. 3. The child’s appetite would have improved, if his health had improved.

B. 1. If children are given sugar or sweets before or between meals, their appetite will deteriorate or even disappear. 2. If children were given sugar or sweets before or between meals, their appetite would deteriorate or even disappear. 3. If children had been given sugar or sweets before or between meals, their appetite would have deteriorated or even disappeared.

C. 1. If poor appetite is connected with a decreased function of the salivary glands, the child will take his food in very small amounts at a time. 2. If the child had fallen ill, he would have lost his appetite. 3. Unless treatment and care had been properly managed, he would not have recovered so quickly. 4. If you spend much time in the fresh air, you will never lose your appetite or sleep. 5. Were the child given high-energy food and kept out in the fresh air as long as possible, his condition would improve quite rapidly. 6. Had the patient desired to stay in the hospital 10-12 days longer, he would have greatly improved his condition. 7. Protein digestion will be disturbed provided a child is given too much fat. 8. Had the child had a severe form of anemia, he would have been treated under hospital conditions. 9. But for faulty diet anemia would have never developed in the baby. 10. Should pallor of the skin, poor appetite and general weakness develop in the child, the doctor would immediately suspect anemia. 11. Could you make blood tests essential for diagnosing anemia quickly, we should explain the case quite definitely. 12. Unless this ointment relieved skin irritation, the doctors would not prescribe it.


III. Translate into Russian:


1.The blood’s consisting of corpuscles in addition to the fluid is well known. 2. People are divided into four groups of blood. Their being divided into these groups depends upon the capacity of the serum of one person’s blood to agglutinate. 3. This child’s lying in bed during two months resulted very badly, the doctor had to send him to the children’s sanatorium. 4. The professor insisted on their continuing the experiments and receiving positive results. 5. The student told the ward doctor about her having written the case history of patient Petrov. 6. Doctor’s gathering complete clinical findings helped him to treat this patient and soon the patient was discharged from the hospital. 7. The mother objected to her son’s being operated upon because he was very weak. 8. The serums used to produce passive immunity are made by giving repeated injections of the specific causative bacteria or their soluble toxins into animals. 9. This patient’s having been made x-ray examination in time helped to find free abdominal air under the diaphragm. 10. Whenever possible the staff assigned to the immediate care of patients suffering from a communicable disease should be immune by reason of having had the diseases or by having been artificially immunized.


IV. Translate into Russian:


1.Gastric digestion requires from about an hour to six or seven hours depending on the food eaten. 2. Moistening food with saliva enables it to be rolled into a plastic mass and gives it a lubricant (смазочное масло) coating which facilitates swallowing. 3. The chief way of eliminating waste nitrogen from the body is by means of the water passing through the kidneys. 4. The amount of water necessary for proper waste elimination and for feeding the tissues in a person of average weight is four or five pints (=0.568 l) per day. 5. The observation of the action of the salivary glands can be made quantitative, by recording the number of drops of saliva secreted. 6. By applying various kinds of fistulae, Pavlov studied the work of the whole digestive tract, thus making clear the interconnection and interaction between its different parts. 7. Hemoglobin acts as a medium of interchange between the oxygen of the air in the lungs and the tissues requiring it. 8. The reaction of agglutination depends on antigens in the red corpuscles and antibodies in the serum. There are two of each, the antigens being known as A and B.9. Nowadays blood transfusion is being used on a large scale, having been found useful in the treatment of quite a number of diseases.


V. Translate into Russian. State the function of the verb “should”:


1. It is important that children should be fed at definite time. 2. All measures should be taken to ensure proper growth and development of a child. 3. Children should be never overfed. 4. The doctor recommended that the patient should not keep late hours. 5. I assured the pediatrician that I should follow his instructions in order to prevent the development of rickets in my baby. 6. It is necessary that the child should get his vitamin C with raw fruits and vegetables and their juices. 7. The child should be given water to drink during his meals in case that he is unable to swallow it. 8. Pediatrician insisted that the boy should be sent to a special sanatorium to recuperate. 9. It is usually recommended that the antimeasles serum should be injected not later than the fourth day after the contact.


VI. Define the function of the word “provided”, translate into Russian:


1. In acute infections the patient must be provided with a sufficient amount of food with high dietary values. 2. In prolonged cases of influenza coughs and subfebrile temperature will disappear much sooner, provided the patient spends much time in the fresh air. 3. Each pediatric hospital where children are hospitalized for prolonged periods is usually provided with its staff of schoolteachers. 4. Infants provided with breast-feeding grow and develop well, are better protected against contagious diseases. 5. Vaccination is considered positive provided on control examination day, there is a clearly marked nodule, vesicle or crust. 6. When the anemia patient is provided with nutritious food and kept out in the fresh air as long as possible, his condition improves quite rapidly. 7. The personnel of the hospital have provided an efficient treatment for anemia patients.


VII. Complete the following sentences choosing the right parts from below:


  1. Anemia may be caused by…

a) specific microorganism; b) contact with infected persons; c) faulty nutrition and faulty hygiene; d) ingestion of contaminated food;


  1. The most important method for early diagnosis of anemia is …

a) clinical history; b) X-ray examination; c) physical examination: d) blood test;


3. Treatment of anemia requires …


a) surgical intervention; b) special pharmaceutic preparations; c) physiotherapy; d) bed regimen and good nursing;


VIII. Write down the summary of the text.




The transfer of blood from a donor to a recipient is one of the most widely used procedures in medical treatment. When severe hemorrhage has resulted in a great loss of blood, a transfusion will restore the circulating blood volume and the red blood cells which provide oxygen and food to the body tissue.

Blood transfusion is invaluable supporting treatment for surgical shock, to replace an excessive loss of blood at childbirth or in such condition as leukemia.

In some cases, even when the circulating blood volume is normal, transfusion is used to replace a deficiency in one of the constituents of the blood, thus providing red cells in cases of acute anemia or in hemophilia which is due to the lack of a specific clot-promoting factor in the blood plasma.

The first recorded transfusion is believed to have been performed between two dogs in 1665. However, the results in human beings were disastrous.

The existence of human blood types was established only in 1902 when the scientists began a study to determine why fatalities occurred following some blood transfusions. It was discovered that the cause was in an incompatibility between the blood of the donor and that of the recipient. Progress was made in this field. For many years only direct transfusions were made, because no means of keeping fresh blood from clotting were known.

However in 1914 it was found that sodium citrate served this purpose and by this discovery an incalculable number of lives were saved during the First World War.

Since that time methods have been perfected for obtaining and storing human blood for future use. Blood banks for emergency use have become a part of many hospitals. All blood which is to be used for transfusions is obtained under the most exacting sanitary conditions completely free from germs or other contaminating influences.

As a safety measure, before a patient receives a whole blood transfusion, the compatibility of his blood with the donor blood is checked by a cross-match test.

Small samples of red blood cells and sera of the two bloods are combined and examined under a microscope for signs of incompatibility or clumping.



1. hemophilia –кровоточивость

2. sodium citrate –лимоннокислый натрий – цитрат натрия

3. cross-match test –проба на перекрестную совместимость

4. clumping –склеивание, агглютинация


Active Words to remember:

To transfer, transfusion, to result in, to restore, to lose (lost, lost); loss, food, to replace, deficiency, clot-promoting factor; field, to serve, purpose, a cross-match test.

Дата добавления: 2015-10-01; просмотров: 411. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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