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Kazaksha kures, kokpar, kyz kuu, arkan tartu, asyk, at jarys.


Exercise 4 Look at the photos. Have you ever done any of these sports?

  b) Read Part 1 of an article about five students who do the sports in the first picture and answer the questions: 1 What do the boys study? 2 What’s their house like? 3 How do they earn extra money? 4 How often do they do sport a day? 5 Who do you think is the fittest?

Part 1.

When you walk into number 4 Walpole Street, Chester, in the North of England, you have to be careful you don’t fall over the mountain bikes, sports bags and various pieces of sports equipment all over the hall. The house is occupied by five sports science students from University College, Chester, who eat, live and breathe sport. They work hard to keep fit. Karl, the canoeist, describes a typical day: “In the morning, we go for a run before breakfast, and then we have lectures at college. Then we go running again and or swimming, and then a quick lunch. In the afternoons we do coaching to earn some extra money, and evenings are spent in the gym or playing football”.

All five boys are obviously fit. But who is the fittest? We asked them to do a series of tests to find out the answer.

Exercise 5 Look at the questions and in pairs, guess the answers before you read Part 2. Choose from:

the footballer the tennis player the canoeist the runner the shot putter


1 Who had the least body fat? _________________

2 Who could keep running the longest time? ___________________

3 Who was the most flexible? _____________________

4 Who jumped the highest? _____________________

5 Who was the fastest sprinter? ___________________

Exercise 6 Read Part 2 of the text. Check your answers in exercise 5.

Body fat. The testing started by measuring body fat. Not surprisingly, the one with the most was the shot putter, and the one with the least was the tennis player.

Endurance. The athletes had to run at a speed which was controlled by an audio signal from a cassette. After each minute, the signal got faster, and they had to try to keep going for as long as possible. The first to get tired was the shot putter who lasted 10 minutes followed by the canoeist (“you don’t have to run in a canoe!”), and the runner, not surprisingly, lasted the longest.

Flexibility. When they had recovered, they had to do some stretching. This gave the shot putter the chance to win some points, and he was the most flexible, followed by the runner.

Strength. The next test involved lifting weights to test the strength of their arms. Logically, the shot putter was the strongest. Then leg strength was measured using a jump test, and the runner jumped the highest, 1 cm more than the canoeist.

Speed. An electronic timing system was used to measure sprinting speed and the result, a surprise, was that the tennis player was the fastest, just ahead of the footballer, and the shot putter was last.

Abdominal muscles. To complete the fitness test, their abdominal muscles were tested by doing continuous sit-ups. The footballer only managed two minutes, and after five minutes the only one left was the tennis player who lasted the full eight minutes.

Exercise 7 Write the missing letters:

1. mo__ __ l (фристайл) 3. b__ __ th __ __ n (биатлон)

2. wei__ __ tl __ __ __ er (штангист) 4. figure __ __ __ __ ing (фигурноекатание)

5. b __ __ ing (бокс)

Exercise 8. Look at the photos of the Kazakh champions in London Olympic Games-2012and Winter Olympic games in Sochi 2014. Write their names in correct order:


Olga Rypakova Serik Sapiyev Iliya Iliyn Alexander Vinokurov Yuliya Galysheva Denis Ten


1. ____________   2. ____________ 3. _____________  
4. ________________     5. _______________   6. _______________  


Дата добавления: 2015-10-02; просмотров: 838. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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