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Verb patterns

Sometimes in a sentence, one verb follows another. For example, I want to buy an electric car. The first verbis 'want', the second verbis 'buy'. In sentences like this, there are different possible patterns. For example: (a) I want to buyan electric car. (b) I hate driving. In sentence A, the first verb is followed by an infinitive. In sentence B, the first verb is followed by a gerund (-ing) form. The verb patterns are dependent upon the first verb. There are several different types of pattern. Here are examples of some of the patterns:


Verb+ infinitive Agree, decide, expect, fail, happen, hope, manage, mean, pretend, promise, refuse, seem, want Verb+ ing form Avoid, can’t face, can’t help, can’t stand, enjoy, fancy, feel like, imagine, spend (time), suggest
!!! Note that LIKE, LOVE, PREFER and HATE can be followed by the infinitive or the –ing form without changing meaning!!! I hate to get up early. I hate getting up early.


  • Complete the text with the infinitive or –ing form of the events in bracketsThe magazine editor

“I can’t stand _______ (hear) celebrities complain about paparazzi. If they don’t feel like ______ (have) their photo taken, they could stay at home. But instead, they decide ______ (go) to expensive restaurants. They’re only pretending_______(hate) the paparazzi. I often phone stars and suggest _____ (take) some photos of them, and they usually agree________(co-operate). And celebrities sometimes phone me and promise _______ (be) at a certain place at a certain time – and they expect _____ (see) photographers there! Stars need publicity, and they enjoy _______ (be) on the pages of magazines”


· Complete the sentences with the infinitive or – ing form of the verbs in the box. Which opinions do you agree with?

not be lead read understand write
  1. I enjoy __________ about celebrities, but I think their privacy is also important.
  2. Magazines always seem ______ about the same people.
  3. I pretend ______ interested in celebrity magazines, but I secretly look at them!
  4. I fail ______ why people are so interested in celebrities
  5. I love celebrity magazines. I often imagine __________that kind of life.

Exercise 10 The words below come from the conversations: two from each. Work in pairs. Discuss which pairs of words go together, and what kind of story they might come from.

close down funeral
get divorced have an affair
stab midfielder
pass away made redundant
sign victim

Exercise 11 Now listen and check your ideas. Take notes on: which of the words in Exercise 10 appear in which conversation.


Exercise 12 What story is being discussed in each case in the conversations (Ex.10).



1. Choose the right variant.

They agreed _______all their money

a) not spending

b) not to spend

c) has been spending

d) is not to spend

2. Choose the right variant.

Kate can’t face ________to the gym tonight

a) go

b) going

c) goes

d) not to go

3. Choose the right variant.

I feel like_______ out tonight

a) eating

b) to eat

c) doesn’t eat

d) don’t eat

4. Choose the right variant. Many of the TV programs are broadcast with subtitles for

a) The deaf

b) The old

c) The young

d) The teenagers

Дата добавления: 2015-10-02; просмотров: 755. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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