Seminar #4 Semantics
1. Русская философская мысль, этапы развития и особенности. 2. Спор славянофилов и западников о путях развития России. 3. Философские идеи Ф.М. Достоевского. 4. Философские идеи Л.Н. Толстого. 5. Понятия «всеединства» и «богочеловечества» в философии Вл. Соловьёва.
Доклады (по выбору): Свобода, творчество и отчуждение в философии Н.А. Бердяева. Философские идеи В.В. Розанова.
Список литературы: 1. Галактионов А.А., Никандров П.Ф. Русская философия XI – XIX веков. – Ленинград: Наука, 1970. 2. Лосский Н.О. История русской философии. – М: Высшая школа, 1991. 3. Новикова Л.И., Сиземская И.Н. Русская философия истории: Курс лекций. – М: Издательство Магистр, 1997. 4. Русская философия: Словарь/ Под ред. М.А.Маслина. – М: Республика, 1995. 5. Русские философы: конец XIX - начало XXвека: Биографические очерки. Тексты сочинений: Антология. – М: Книжная палата, 1993.
Seminar #1 Modern English Vocabulary 1. Lexicology as a branch of linguistics. The subject matter of lexicology 2. Language as a system 3. The word as the main speech unit. Types of words. 4. Reasons for changes in the vocabulary 5. English vocabulary today 6. Classification of archaisms 7. Semantic neologisms, transnomination, proper neologisms. 8. Phonological neologisms, borrowings, morphological, syntactical neologisms 9. Quinion M. Knee-jerk journo neologisms. Seminar #2 Etymology 1. Etymological background of the English vocabulary. Characteristic features of the native word stock. Criteria for considering a word as a borrowing. 2. Borrowings as the main source of replenishing of the English vocabulary. 3. Types of borrowings: oral, written. True borrowings. Partial borrowings. 4. Semantic borrowings. Loan translations. 5. Latin borrowings. Scandinavian borrowings. 6. French borrowings. Italian borrowings. 7. Spanish borrowings. German borrowings. 8. Holland borrowings. Russian borrowings. 9. Assimilation of borrowings and their influence upon the older words. Types of assimilation. 10. Completely assimilated borrowings 11. Partly assimilated borrowings 12. Non-assimilated borrowings 13. Etymological doublets. International words 14. Quinion M. A few words from Welsh. 15. Quinion M. Words from Malay Seminar #3 Morphology 1. Types of morphemes. Principles of morphemic analysis. Semantic and structural classifications. 2. Derivational level of analysis. Stems. 3. The word as the main speech unit. Types of words. 4. Primary ways of word-building: affixation. 5. Primary ways of word-building: composition. 6. Classification of English compounds. Features of modern English compounds. 7. Primary ways of word-building: conversion. 8. Primary ways of word-building: abbreviation. 9. Secondary ways of word-building: sound interchange. 10. Secondary ways of word-building: stress interchange. 11. Secondary ways of word-building: blending. 12. Secondary ways of word-building: back formation. 13. Secondary ways of word-building: reduplication. 14. Quinion M. Through the Blender: New words, portmanteau style 15. Quinion M. Help! A prefix out of control! 16. Quinion M. The evolving tele- prefix 17. Quinion M. Acronyms Selected for Your Enjoyment 18. Quinion M. EE: An ambiguous suffix explored 19. Nicholls,D. Cutting a long word short. Creating new words in English Seminar #4 Semantics 1. The lexical meaning of the word and its relation to the notion. Basic semantic triangle. 2. Types of meaning. Lexical and grammatical meaning of a word. 3. Semantic structure. Connotation and denotation. 4. Polysemy. Definition, sources and main aspect of study. 5. Semantic changes. Classification of semantic changes: main ways. Gradual semantic change (specialization and generalization) 6. Classification of semantic changes: main ways. Momentary semantic change (metaphor and metonymy) 7. Classification of semantic changes: main ways. Semantic shifts 8. Classification of semantic changes: secondary ways. Gradual semantic change (amelioration and pejoration) 9. Classification of semantic changes: secondary ways. Momentary semantic change. 10. Causes for semantic changes. 11. Quinion M. Chasing a changing sense