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Fort Resolution


Brenda McKay

Fort Resolution is located in the Northwest Territories, Canada. Our community is south of the Great Slave Lake, with a population of around five hundred and fifty residents. The main language is English, with our elders plus some younger people speaking or only understanding Chipеwyan. The men go out hunting around town.

In the summer time, there are many people who travel by boat. Since we 1ive by the lake, fish nets are out, or people go to catch fish. We have a good-size beach and wharf. The beach is a great place to go swimming. This is also a great place for the hunters, fishers, and travelers to launch a boat or come back.

The only thing that we miss in town is a shop to sell or just display different crafts that are done by our elders. This would be great, displaying the Chipewyan style as from many years ago.

Fort Resolution is still and will always be the best place that I will ever live and grow up in.




1. Выпишите в словарь следующие слова и выражения

to be located – быть расположенным, находиться

to be south (north, west, east) of …находитьсяна (юге…)

A population of around – населениепримерно….

resident – житель

go out (hunting, fishing etc) проводить время (за каким либо занятием вне дома)

crafts – изделия народных промыслов

the ….style as from many years ago – древние традиции, образ жизни как много лет назад

2. Составьте свои предложения со словами и выражениями текста, которые описывали бы ваш родной город (поселок, деревню и т.п.)


John-David Sayine

Fort Resolution is the oldest community in the north, yet it is still the same size as when I was a kid. Back then, I thought this town would be bigger by now. However, things change; it just takes time to change and the people need time to adjust to change.

We live in this community just to get an education and get out of Fort Resolution. The smarter the people get in Fort Resolution, the more Fort Resolution will change. The good things about Fort Resolutionare the school and adult learning centre, treaty rights (соглашение о правах местных аборигенах), tourism and land being not so expensive for natives. As long as we have our culture and traditional way of life, the people will always know what to do. The not-so-good thing about Fort Resolution is the negative thoughts of people around here. They think sometimes Fort Resolution is not a good place for the younger generation. I don’t know why they think like that. They should be happy they have a place to call home. It’s not like we are living out on the street, like the homeless in America. I’m not saying it is a bad place to be. I’m just saying everything needs time to change. The greatest thing about Fort Resolution is the family, friends and the loved ones. The ones that care will always be there for you no matter the outcome.

The good things about…

Traditional way of life – традиционный уклад

Задание к тексту

1. Сравните данный текст с предыдущим. Какой из них является информационным, а какой – описательным, эмоциональным? Какие выражения и слова доказывают патриотическое настроение автора?


Catherine Boucher

Fort Resolution, Northwest Territories, is located on the southeast shore of Great Slave Lake, and it has a population of about 550-600. It is known to be the oldest community, which was established by the fur traders, sawmill workers and the missionaries back in the late 1700s. People from around the lake used to come here for special holidays and treaty days, and they would celebrate for weeks. Today, people still do their own thing in the summer time. There are lots of activities, such as swimming at the beach, camping, canoeing, nature walks and berry picking. In the winter months, people can go ice fishing, on community hunts, snowmobiling and even gathering firewood for those that need it. Fort Resolution is the ideal place to visit any season of the year.

To pick berry – собирать ягоды


Henry Mandeville

Fort Resolution, the oldest community in the Northwest Territories, is located on the south shore of the Great Slave Lake. The town has several ways of transporting patients or supplies in and out of the community. These means of transportations areplanes, vehicles and boats.

The town also consists of both native and non-native people, but most of all the people live off the land for their own reasons and for their own living conditions.

We have several organizations that operate and run the towns business and do all the maintenance on the government buildings. The town is maintained through all seasons by taking care of all the important areas with man-power and machines. The office complex has several working groups that operate from the building and take care of all the municipal affairs. These groups are Deninu Community Council, Deninu Kue First Nations and Akaitcho Territory Government. They are involved in things that are most important to the general public.

We have two schools: one teaches from kindergarten to grade twelve, and the other is Aurora College for Adult Learning. This is where the adults learn, take up a trade and sometimes move on to bigger and better things.

We have one health center to take care of the old and the young that need treatment for any kind of illness.

The town also has two stores that provide the community with supplies and goods. The Northern store is located across Canada; the other store is Stans Quick Stop, which provides a gas bar and other confection s.

We also have two churches, but the one mostly used is the Roman Catholic Church because that is most peoples religion. The Roman Catholic Church just celebrated 150 years of being posted in Fort Resolution. The other church is Pentecostal, which is hardly used.

Last and most important is the local community hall, which is used to provide the public with recreational activities such as bingos and dances.


Emilie Rose Bjornson

Fort Resolution is a small native community of about five hundred people. The community is located on the south peninsula of the Great Slave Lake and the delta of the Slave River. Fort Resolution is in the middle of the largest water system of the world, starting in the mountains of British Columbia to the Beaufort Sea. The community is rich in history, culture, wildlife and vegetation. The Fort Resolution area is filled with spruce (хвойные деревья), birch, popular trees and berries. Little Buffalo River is ten miles out of town, and it is the best place to go fishing for pickerel (молодая щука, щуренок) or pike ( щука). There are two R.V. campgrounds (палаточный лагерь) and a village where the local people go to camp, hunt, fish or trap (капкан, силок),. Mission Island is a beautiful place to go and pick fresh berries and have day picnics with family and friends. They call it Mission Island because this is where the Roman Catholics first settled before moving to what is now known as Fort Resolution. Most of the people hunt and trap on the Slave, Taltson, Little Buffalo and Jean Rivers for moose (лось), beavers (бобр), rats (водяная крыса - ондатра) and other wildlife. Most of the native people lived on these rivers before settling in Fort Resolution. Fort Resolution is a beautiful place rich with all diversity of life.


Dawna Beaulieu

Fort Resolution is located off the shore of Great Slave Lake. It had the oldest trading post in the Northwest Territories. In the late 1800s, they began building the old church, hospital and mission. After construction, the mission opened to the children of the Northwest Territories for education. Today in the community, the only mission building standing is our church, which celebrated 150 years in Fort Resolution in 2002. Today in Fort Resolution, we have two local stores and no restaurants. There is one local health centre to help the sick, and there is an office complex for local organizations. Before when the Mission and the Hospital were still in running condition, this town used to have the most people in the Northwest Territories. Today the population is 500. I plan to live here for one more year to complete my education, and then I plan on continuing my education in Fort Smith, NT, to receive my certificate in cooking and baking.


A hot word: c ommunity

1. сущ.

1) общность

а) общее, совместное владение чем-л.; общая собственность

community of acquests — общность приобретенного имущества, общность доходов

community of goods — общность имущества

Syn: tenure

б) похожие, согласованные взгляды, схожесть характеров и т. п.

a state whose strength lies in the community of interests and feelings among its members — государство, чья сила заключена в общности интересов и чувств его граждан

в) общность, тождественность интересов

community of criminal purpose — общность преступной цели

community of interest — общность интересов

2) группа лиц, организованная как политическая, муниципальная или социальная общность

а) государство

Europe was broken into many separate communities. — Европа разделилась на большое количество отдельных государств.

б) группа лиц, живущих в одном месте, районе и т. п.

During the Norman period London appears to have been a collection of small communities, manors, parishes, church-sokens, and guilds. — В норманнский период Лондон представлял собой скопление небольших коммун, поместий, приходов, церковных округов и гильдий.

в) община, землячество (группа лиц, объединенных общим происхождением, религиозными воззрениями и т. п., которые отличают их от людей, проживающих рядом с ними)

the Jewish community — еврейская община

г) группа лиц, занятых в какой-л. области

business community — деловые круги

governmental community — правительственный аппарат

д) (the community) общество

Such men become a burden to the community. — Такие люди становятся обузой для общества. Syn: the public е) объединение, сообщество world community — мировое сообщество European Economic Community — Европейское экономическое сообщество


3) коммуна группа лиц, живущих вместе и имеющих общую собственность


2. прил.

1) общественный

community chest — общественная касса

community care — общественная забота

community feeling — общественные настроения, настроения общества community life — общественная жизнь

2) неспециальный, общий

community singing — любительское пение

community theatre — непрофессиональный (любительский) театр


Переведите на английский язык:


There are beautiful places around the town to go and pick fresh berries and have day picnics with family and friends.


The community (settlement, town) is rich in history, culture, wildlife and vegetation. Ugra area is filled with swamps, spruce (хвойные деревья), birch, popular trees and berries.


Most of the native people live on numerous rivers and streams, because fishing is their main food and economical resource


Используя ресурсы Интернета, найдите слова, описывающие природу ХМАО по следующим разделам (не менее десяти названий по каждому):

Животный мир

Растительность (деревья и кустарники, ягоды и грибы)

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