Part 1. The Earth. Study the list of vocabulary and pronounce the words after the teacher:
Unit 4. What Is Around Us?
Study the list of vocabulary and pronounce the words after the teacher: Vocabulary: Mercury [’mə:kjuri] – астр. планета Меркурий Venus [’vi:nəs] – астр. планета Венера Earth [ə:θ] – астр. планета Земля Mars [ma:z] – астр. планета Марс Jupiter [’dჳu:pitə] – астр. планета Юпитер Saturn [’sætən] – астр. планета Сатурн Uranus [ju’reinəs] – астр. планета Уран Neptune [’neptju:n] – астр. планета Нептун Pluto [’plu:təu] – астр. планета Плутон size [saiz] – размер shape [∫eip] – форма accurately [’ækjərətli] – точно ancient [’ein∫(ə)nt] – древний, античный flat [flæt] – плоский sphere [sfiə] – шар to approach [tə ə’prəut∫] – приближаться mast [ma:st] – мачта funnel [’fлn(ə)l] – дымоход, труба (паровоза, парохода) visible [’vizəb(ə)l] – видимый proof [pru:f] – доказательство to provide [tə prə’vaid] – снабжать, обеспечивать circumnavigating [‚sə:kəm‚nævi’geitiŋ] – кругосветное плавание to measure [tə ’meჳə] – измерять successfully [sək’sesf(ə)li] – успешно circumference [sə ’kлmf(ə)rəns] – окружность, длина окружности calculations [‚kælkju’lei∫(ə)nz] – вычисления measurement [’meჳəmənt] – измерение elevation [‚eli’vei∫(ə)n] – поднятие, возвышение, повышение simultaneous [‚sim(ə)l’teiniəs] – одновременный observation [‚ɔbzə’vei∫(ə)n] – наблюдение latter point [’lætə pɔint] – последняя точка (из двух названных) vertical [’və:tik(ə)l] – вертикальный sighting [’saitiŋ] – обнаружение to reason [tə ’ri:z(ə)n] – рассуждать (логически), делать выводы to appear [tə ə’piə] – появляться, оказываться to compare [tə kəm’peə] – сравнивать angular [’æŋgjulə] – угловой displacement [dis’pleismənt] – перемещение sail [seil] – парус evidence [’evid(ə)ns ] – подтверждение, основание, факты height [hait] – высота to incline [tə in’klain] – наклонять inclined [in’klaind] – наклонённый, отклоняющийся to correspond [tə ‚kɔri’spɔnd] – соответствовать pole [pəul] – столб outward [’autwəd] – внешний, наружный quantity [’kwɔntiti] – количество conclusion [kən’klu:ჳ(ə)n] – умозаключение, вывод resemblance [ri’zembləns] – сходство mile [mail] – 1,609 kilometres to accept [tə ə’ksept] – принимать currently [’kлrəntli] – в настоящее время Exercise 1. According to the following meanings find the words in the list of vocabulary given above:
Exercise 2. Match the words on the left with their definitions on the right:
A. Adjectives:
B. Verbs: 1. to approach a. to become visible or present 2. to provide b. to determine the size or quantity of 3. to measure c. to think logically in forming conclusions 4. to reason d. to examine things to find the resemblances and differences 5. to appear e. to come nearer 6. to compare f. to make available Exercise 3. Discuss vocabulary of the previous exercises 2. and 3. using the following models: Model 1: A. – Peter, tell me please what does the word flat mean? B. – I think it means even or smooth.
B. – You are welcome. Ask any time you need. Model 2: A. – Peter, tell me please what does the word circumnavigating mean? B. – Sorry, will you say it again, please? Which word? A. – Circumnavigating. B. – Ah, circumnavigating. It means sailing round the world. A. – How interesting! Thanks a lot, Peter. B. – No, problem. I am very glad to help you. Exercise 4. Listen to the text “The Earth Speaks” twice and answer the following questions: 1. How old is the Earth? 2. How many people live on it? 3. What does the Earth give them? 4. What does the moon do? 5. What does the sun do? 6. What can the Earth see?
Exercise 5. Practice the reading of the following expressions and translate them into Russian: calculated accurately, ancient peoples, from over the horizon, final proof, the elevation of the sun, photographs taken from spacecraft, simultaneous observations, widely separated observers, angular displacement of the sun, distance between the two ground sites, currently accepted
Exercise 6. While reading the following text “The Size and Shape of the Earth”, find the antonyms to the words given below: