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The Faculty of History


Rostov State University's Faculty of History offers a wide variety of courses and majors in the humanities. Originally, the History Department was included in the Philology Department. Now, the two departments are separate and the History Department ranks among the largest in the University.

Since its foundation the History Department has been one of the most active and respected faculties in the University. The Department's first Chairperson was a world famous historian Professor Pokrovsky. The department has produced many outstanding innovators, researchers and teachers of historical science. The department provides the following specialties: world history, history of social movements and political parties, archaeology and regional studies.

The curriculum consists of history subjects such as: the history of primitive society, ancient history, the history of the middle ages, modern and contemporary history, local history, historiography, resource studies, the science of bibliography, the history of native cultures, the history of world religion and the history of the Russian Orthodox Church. There are subjects in the humanities and socio-economic disciplines: philosophy, educational methodology, sociology, politics, and economics and subjects in the natural sciences: computer technology, environmental planning studies and so forth.

The History Department is broken up into seven sub-departments:

• the Department of Russian History of Feudalism and Special Historical Disciplines;

• the Department of 19th and Early 20th Century Russian History;

• the Department of Contemporary Russian History;

• the Department of Social Movements and History of Political Parties in Russia;

• the Department of Ancient and Medieval History;

• the Department of Modern and Contemporary History;

• the Department of Political History.

Three of these departments have a common research area- Russian History. It studies a broad range of topics including the history of the Don River region and the people of the Northern Caucasus. It also tracks the history of this rich region from the time of feudal lords to modern times.

The Department of Ancient and Medieval History devotes itself to the study of the spiritual and economical culture of the Don region during the middle Ages. It concentrates on the link between the people of this region and the social and political development of Western Europe.

The Department of Modern and Contemporary History is concerned with the social and political history of modern Europe, North America, Asia and Africa.

The professors and instructors of these departments rank among the leading experts in historical research. Recently, the historical sciences have experienced an exciting phase of development. New approaches, new techniques and new areas of interest have allowed many documents and artifacts to be reinterpreted. This has made history a more appealing subject to study.

Graduates of Rostov State University's History Department are sought by a wide range of employers. After finishing their course work and graduating, students often become civil servants, politicians, librarians, museum curators, archives managers, tour guides or business people. Young specialists also work as teachers in secondary schools and universities.



4 Find in the text the English equivalents to the following Russian words:


гуманитарные науки; историк; новая и новейшая история; источниковедение; история средних веков (2); археология; историография; область исследования; первобытное общество; предметы (2); феодальный; методология; выпускник; новые подходы


5 Give the Russian equivalents to the following English words and phrases:


a wide variety of courses; department; ranks; local history; the science of bibliography; social movements; environmental planning studies; a broad range of topics; social and political development; a wide range of employers; civil servants; artifacts; to be reinterpreted; a more appealing subject; chairperson


6 Answer the following questions:


1) What faculty did the History Department come from?

2) Who was the first dean of the History Faculty?

3) What specialties does the faculty offer to the students?

4) What History subjects does the curriculum consist of?

5) Do students study subjects in the national sciences?

6) What are the departments of the History Faculty?

7) Which of them have a common research area?

8) What do the other departments study?

9) What professions can the graduates of Southern Federal University’s History Faculty get?

10) What sub-department are you going to specialize in?


7 Complete the following statements:


1) The History department was included……..

2) The History department ranks……..

3) The History department has been……..

4) The department has produced…….

5) The History department is broken up…….

6) The department provides……..

7) The professors and instructors of the department ……..

8) ………… have allowed many documents artifacts to be reinterpreted.

9) Graduates of Rostov State University's History Department are…………..

10) Russian History is studied at ………….


8 Express your agreement or disagreement with the following statements:


1) The History Department and the Philology Department are separate today.

2) The History Department is one of the smallest departments in the university.

3) The students study history of the USA and Great Britain in the third year of studying.

4) The department pays much attention to the studying of Russian History.

5) Computer technology, environmental planning studies as well as philosophy, sociology and politics are among socio-economic disciplines and humanities.

6) The curriculum includes only history subjects.

7) New approaches, new techniques helped to attract more interest to history as a science.

8) It is impossible for graduates to find job after finishing the Faculty of History. They can work as teachers only.


9 Retell the text.




1 Read and learn the following words:

architecture [ˏɑ:kɪˊɒlǝdӡɪ] архитектура
to chronicle [tǝ ˊkrɒnɪkl] отмечать, вести хронику
anthropology [ˏӕnθrǝˊpɒlǝdӡɪ] антропология
linguistics [lɪnˊɡwɪstɪks] лингвистика
discipline [ˊdɪsǝplɪn] дисциплина
relatively [ˊrelǝtɪvlɪ] относительно
allied [ǝˊlaɪd] родственный, близкий
to rebel [tǝ rɪˊbel] восставать, протестовать
hypothesis [haɪˊpɒθǝsɪs] гипотеза
rigor [ˊraɪɡɔ:] оцепенение, озноб
influence [ˊɪnflᴜǝns] влияние
cognitive [ˊkɒɡnǝtɪv] познавательный


2 Read the words in the bold types. Pay attention to the pronunciation and the stress. Translate them into Russian.


3 Read the text.

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