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The Belarusian National Technical University

The Belarusian National Technical University was founded in 1920 on the basis of the polytechnic college. Now the BNTU is considered to be the leading university in the field of higher engineering education in the Republic of Belarus. The University offers a great choice of engineering courses along with excellent study and research facilities.

The BNTU not only welcomes students from all over Belarus, its reputation worldwide makes it a multicultural institution with students from 30 countries. The University is divided into 17 Faculties, including Mechanical Engineering, Power Engineering, Automobile and Tractor Engineering, Mining and Environmental Engineering, Information Technology and Robotics, Instrumentation Engineering, Military Engineering and others. Each Faculty is subdivided into a number of departments and scientific research laboratories. About 35,000 students are taught on full-time and part-time basis in 88 specialities.

There are more than 2,000 highly qualified members of the academic staff at the University. Many of them have academic degrees and undertake fundamental and industrially focused research across a wide range of engineering disciplines. Through the programmes of study, students develop their intellectual abilities and specialist skills that employers value in today’s university graduates. The BNTU students are encouraged to be organised, initiative and take charge of their learning.

Lectures, seminars, laboratory and practical classes make up the majority of teaching time. Students are usually assessed at the end of each semester through a pass-fail system, written and oral examinations, and through coursework in the form of projects.

The BNTU campus is regarded as one of the largest and most attractive in the country. Conveniently located in the city centre, the campus offers excellent facilities for teaching, learning, research and recreation. As a student at the BNTU you are able to use one of the largest university libraries in Belarus, containing over two million books, many reading halls with quiet study places, well-equipped engineering laboratories and computing centres.

The BNTU has always been one of the top sporting universities, providing opportunities for sports participation at all levels. A state-of-the-art sports complex offers indoor and outdoor sports facilities, including many sports halls, a gym, a stadium with high quality pitches for a variety of sports. 33 combined teams in 26 sports are involved in inter-university competitions. handball and basketball teams compete at a national level.

Choosing a university is about choosing home. The University provides students with accommodation in 15 halls of residence, all located within a short walk or the underground ride from the campus. University life is more than just lectures and exams. To ensure that your years at the University are the best of your life, the Students’ Trade Union offers a wide range of entertainment and support for students. Numerous clubs and societies provide the opportunity to get involved in different out-of-class activities, from learning a foreign language to dancing.

The University is internationally recognized for its research, development and innovation. Every year both academic staff and students take part in scientific and technical conferences. The University is one of the main centres of postgraduate teaching in the country. All research degree courses offer research skills training to help postgraduate students realise their potential as researchers. The BNTU is developing strong links with industrial enterprises, academic and research institutions in Belarus and abroad.

The BNTU graduates stand at the forefront of Belarusian industry, possessing strong leadership characteristics, ingenuity and technical proficiency. The University provides educational experience that encourages students for lifelong learning and to continuously improve their knowledge and competence.


Дата добавления: 2015-10-12; просмотров: 719. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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