Студопедия — The University of Manchester
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The University of Manchester

The University of Manchester is one of Britain’s most forward-thinking universities. It was established in 1824. The University has always been at the forefront of new discoveries in science and engineering. Manchester is the place where scientists first split the atom and invented the modern computer.

The University of Manchester is divided into four Faculties. These include Faculty of Engineering and Physical Sciences, Faculty of Humanities, Faculty of Life Sciences, Faculty of Medical and Human Sciences. Each Faculty is divided into a number of Schools. For instance, Faculty of Engineering and Physical Sciences brings together nine highly rated Schools, each with a powerful reputation for teaching and research success. There is, School of Mechanical, Aerospace and Civil Engineering, School of Electrical & Electronic Engineering, School of Computer Science, School of Materials, School of Mathematics, etc.

The University’s campus is home to more than 37,000 students from around 150 countries, creating a diverse and multicultural community. More than 5,600 academic and research staff provide stimulating learning environments and excellent standards of teaching.

The University of Manchester is one of the country's major research universities. There are 50 specialist research centres, conducting pioneering research in areas ranging from nanotmaterials to artificial intelligence. 25 Nobel Prize winners have worked or studied here and there are four among current staff. Professors Andre Geim and Konstantin Novoselov were awarded the Nobel Prize for Physics in 2010. These scientists invented graphene – the world’s thinnest, strongest and most conductive material.

The University offers a wide range of undergraduate and postgraduate degrees. A postgraduate research degree allows students to undertake in-depth study in a specific area, which is then written up as a thesis.

Students at the University of Manchester have access to world-class study facilities. They include one of the largest university libraries in the UK, with more than four million books, a large collection of electronic resources, and more than 3,200 computers across campus. There are a lot of Wireless Access Points across the University campus. These allow students to use their own laptops on the University’s high-speed network and connect to the internet quickly.

The University has cutting-edge scientific facilities, like Jodrell Bank Observatory, Manchester Interdisciplinary Biocentre, the Photon Science Institute, and the Integrative Centre for Molecular Cell Biology.

Many programmes of study include online components. The University of Manchester has a virtual learning environment (VLE) called Blackboard. This means you might study online using material created by your lecturers, download papers and take online tests, or access relevant audio and video material.

World-class sports facilities give students plenty to do outside lectures. The Athletic Union is made up of 46 sport clubs, catering for all levels, from beginners up to elite athletes. Most compete in the British Universities and Colleges Sport Leagues against other universities.

The Students’ Union has its own shops, cafes and bars, and it provides everything that students need to enjoy their time at Manchester University to the full.

At university a strong emphasis is placed on teaching students to apply information. Students are encouraged to read widely, to question and analyse what they have read, and to discuss openly their own ideas in seminars and tutorials.

This ensures that university courses equip students with not only academic knowledge, but also personal skills that will be useful across a diverse range of careers. These include: critical thinking, reasoning and analysis, advanced written and verbal communication, problem-solving and teamwork, civic values and responsibilities as citizens of the future.



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