Geographical names
Florida ['floridə], Texas ['teksəs], Washington [wofintdn], California [kəli’fo:nja], Hawaii [ha:’waii:] Vocabulary stretch – пространство territory – пространство corn – кукуруза Questions 1. Where is the USA situated? 2. Why is America a land of contrasts? 3. What rivers and lakes are there on the territory of the 4. What provides a solid base for American industry? 5. When was the US founded? 6. What sets the basic form of the US government? 7. Why is the USA called the nation of immigrants'? 8. What are the big cities of the USA? 9. What is the capital of the USA? RUSSIA The vast territory of Russia lies in the Eastern part of Europe and in the Northern part of Asia. In area, it is one of the largest countries in the world. Airlines service many cities throughout the country. A flight from Moscow to Magadan takes eight hours. Russia is washed by twelve seas and three oceans. The oceans are: the Atlantic, the Arctic, the Pacific. The northern and eastern coasts of Russia are washed by the White Sea, the Barents Sea and by the Okhotsk Sea. The land of Russia varies a lot from heavy forests to barren deserts, from high peaked mountains to deep valleys. Russia is located on two plains. They are: the Great Russian Plain and the West Siberian Plain. There are three main mountain Chains in Russia. The Urals, the longest mountain chain, separates Europe from Asia. There are various types of climate on the territory of Russia. But the temperate zone with four distinct seasons-prevails. Russia is a land of long rivers and deep lakes. The broad Volga River system is of great historic, economic and cultural importance to Russia. It became the cradle of such ancient towns as Vladimir, Tver, Yaroslavl, Kazan, Nizhny Novgorod. Numerous canals join all the rivers in the European part of Russia, making it the European's largest inland water transportation route. The Volga River runs in the Caspian Sea, which is in reality, the largest lake in the world. The Baikal is the deepest lake in the world. The European part of Russia is densely populated. There are a lot of cities, towns and villages there. Russia is rich in natural resources. It has deposits of coal, oil, natural gas, iron ore, gold, nickel, etc. Russia boarders on fourteen countries, including the former Republics of the USSA, which are now independent states. The history of Russia dates back to the year '862. Now Russia is a Presidential Republic. Russia has always played an important role in the world. It is one of its leading Powers. Questions 1. Where does the territory of Russia lie? 2. What is the surface of Russia? 3. What is the role of the Volga River in the history of Russia? 4. What natural resources are deposited there in Russia? 5. What countries does Russia boarder on? LONDON London was founded in the first century A.D. by the Romans. They left London in the 5-th century and the city was largely abandoned. By the 8-th century London was again a busy trading centre, and in the 11-th century it became the capital of England. Edward the Confessor built a palace and abbey at Westminster. The Norman period saw the construction of the Tower, old St. Paul's Cathedral and many churches and monasteries. Medieval London grew in importance as a trading centre and in 1215 its "citizens won the right to elect their own leader, or Lord of Mayor. London began to spread beyond the city walls during the Tudor and Stuart periods. The Great Fire of 1666 destroyed three-quarters of the city. Sir Christopher Wren rebuilt St. Paul's Cathedral and designed 51 churches. The rebuilding of London followed the medieval street plan, but the old wooden houses were replaced by buildings of brick to reduce the future fire risk. During the 19-th century London spread rapidly into the suburbs. As a result of it new forms of transport were developed, including the underground railway system. Britain was then at height of her Imperial Powers and this is expressed in such buildings as the Houses of Parliament and St. Pancreas Station. Large areas of London were destroyed by bombs during World War II and the rebuilding that followed was of mixed quality. Today in its full extent Greater London covers 625 square miles and consists of 33 separate boroughs, including the City, the West End, the East End and houses 7 million people. The City extends over an area of about 2, 6 square kilometres in the heart of London. About half a million people work there, but less than 6000 live there. It is the financial centre of the UK with many banks, offices and Stock Exchange. All the historical places and famous parks are in the West End. The West End, spreading from the political centre at Westminster includes the shopping area of Knightsbridge, Oxford Street, Piccadilly and the fashionable Covent Garden; it hosts museums and galleries, among them are the Tate Gallery, the National Gallery and Portrait Gallery, the British Museum. In the West End there are Houses of Parliament, Westminster Abbey, Buckingham Palace. The best known streets are: Whitehall with important Governmental offices, Downing Street, the residence of Prime Minister and Reel Street which stands for the press. The name "West End" is associated with wealth, luxury and goods of high quality. The port of London is in the East End. It is an area of docks, unattractive in appearance, but very important in the country's commerce.