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Discuss the following questions with a partner.

1. Why is it necessary to know emergency procedures?

2. What are the factors to consider for a proper safety strategy?

3. Who usually carries out assessment of risks and hazards in a company?

10. What is your opinion on the following statements?

1. A danger foreseen is half avoided.

2. Alert today. Alive tomorrow.

3. At work, at home, let safety be known.

4. Danger never takes a vacation.

5. Don’t learn safety by accident.

6. Expect the unexpected. Gear up for safety.

7. Good habits will normally keep you out of bad trouble.

8. Learn from the mistakes of others, don’t have others learn from you.

Write a safety slogan for your company.

e.g. “Our first priority is the health and well-being of our employees”

“Safety on the Job is Everyone’s Business”.

Unit 5 Ethics

Answer the following questions.

1. What are common unethical behaviors in the working place?

2. Can you think of any specific examples of unethical behavior?

3. Are there any jobs that require you to be an ethical person?

4. What can be unethical about the following jobs?

shop assistant, teacher, doctor, car salesman, plumber, accountant, construction engineer


Workplace ethics and behavior are a crucial part of employment. Generally, being ethical involves conducting yourself in accordance with accepted principles of right and wrong. Being ethical means acting morally right, being honest, not cheating your employer, co-workers, or customers and generally treating your co-workers well. Unethical workplace behavior can include inappropriate use of the Internet, outside-of-work activities, etc.

Companies specify what behaviors are acceptable, and they see high morale and teamwork as key ingredients for success. When hiring employees they usually address topics, such as work schedule, dress code and language, and summarize what kind of attitude is expected. Workers who fail to follow the code of conduct receive written and verbal warnings and can be fired.

It is absolutely necessary to keep professional knowledge and skills up-to-date. Besides possessing the necessary skills, being honest, doing the right thing at all times, taking responsibility for one’s actions is another key factor of workplace behavior. That means showing up on scheduled workdays, as well as arriving on time and doing one’s best in any assignment an employee gets.

Working well with others is necessary as well. It includes everyone from peers to supervisors to customers. Not all employees will like each other, but they do need to set aside their personal or even work-related differences to reach a larger goal. In many cases, those who are not considered “team players” can face demotion or even termination of their employment. You should not allow bias, conflict of interests or undue influence of others to override your professional judgments. On the contrary, those who work well with others often can advance, because teamwork can even enhance their performance.

Both bosses and employees should refrain from accepting any gifts or benefits from other organizations or customers that may have impact on their decision or performance of their duties.

Match the words from the text with the definitions.

1. cheat a. to improve
2. employer b. a person (a business) that employs workers
3. schedule c. to dismiss from employment
4. conduct d. to improve one's position, be promoted
5. fire e. an act of dismissing someone from employment
6. assignment f. the manner in which a person behaves, behavior
7. peer g. an unreasoned feeling, opinion
8. supervision h. a task
9. goal i. to outweigh, be more significant than
10. demotion j. a target, an aim
11. termination k. action or process of carrying out an action, task, or function
12. bias l. to stop oneself from, avoid
13. override m. to deceive, especially for one's own gain
14. advance n. a person who manages or supervises
15. enhance o. reduction in rank or status
16. performance p. a list of times, esp. of arrivals and departures, timetable
17. refrain q. a person who is an equal in social standing, rank, age, etc.

Дата добавления: 2015-10-12; просмотров: 523. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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