Студопедия — Careers in Physics
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Careers in Physics

2.11 Work in pairs and discuss the following questions:

1. Where do you want to work after graduating the University?

2. What spheres of industry can you work as a physicist in Tyumen?

3. Is it difficult to find the job of physicist?

Training for a career in physicsbegins in the home when boys and girls learn to make things and to discover why things work. It continues with elementary and high school studies in science and mathematics.

The chief training of physiciststakes place in college. They learn higher mathematics, the basic tool of physics. After a year or two of general courses in physics, students may begin to specialise. They may take courses in electricity, optics, or nuclear physics. Most physicists continue their training after receiving a bachelor’s degree. Most positions of responsibility in physics require a doctorate.

Employment. More than half of the physicists in the United States are engaged in research and development activities. Large numbers of physicists also teach in colleges and universities. Others have positions in administration and management.

Some physicists conduct experiments and work with instruments and other equipment. Others trained in mathematical analyses of physical problems, work with theories. These two sides of physics are closely related, and many physicists excel equally in both.

Many industries employ physicists in their research departments. These scientists work in applied physics, which deals with fields directly related to improving a manufacturing process or a product. They may also work in basic physics, the study of general physical principles that may or may not have practical applications. Many physicists work in government research

laboratories. Others work in the laboratories of foundations and research institutions. Physicists in colleges and universities may conduct research and help train other physicists.


1. training - обучение

2. tool - инструмент

3. to specialize in - специализироваться на

4. to take courses – ходить на курсы

5. to be engaged in – быть занятым

6. to conduct an experiment – ставить опыт

7. equipment - оборудование

8. applied physics – прикладная физика

9.basic physics – физические основы

10. application - применение

11. research laboratory – научно-исследовательская лаборатория


2.12 Read the following words correctly. Mind reading rules:

Career, physicist, science, higher, specialise, course, nuclear, electricity, bachelor, doctorate, engage, experiment, equipment, analysis, equally, industry, development, manufacturing, laboratory, foundation, scientist.


2.13 Make up sentences using the following words and phrases:

Career, to specialise in, to be engaged in, to conduct research, to take courses in, to require, to receive a degree, equipment.


2.14 Give the Russian equivalents for the following:

trainingfor a career, to take place in,a basic tool, to specialise,

to be engaged in research and development activities, to be closely related, to improvea manufacturing process, to have practical applications,conduct research.


2.15 Complete the following sentences:

1. Training for a career in physics begins….

2. It continues with….

3. After a year or two of general courses in physics….

4. They may take courses in….

5. More than half of the physicists in the United States are engaged in….

6. Some physicists conduct experiments and work with….

7. Many industries employ physicists in….

8. Many industries employ physicists in their research departments. These scientists work in….

9. They may also work in….


2.16 Comprehension questions:

1. Where does training for a career begin?

2. Is physics studied at elementary and high schools?

3. What is the basic tool for studying physics?

4. What are courses taken by students studying physics?

5. What is required for most positions of responsibility in physics?

6. What do physicists trained in mathematical analyses work with?

7. What do physicists employed in industry deal with?


Дата добавления: 2015-10-12; просмотров: 369. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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