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Stephen William Hawking

Stephen William Hawking (1942-) is a British theoretical physicist. Because of his work in the field of gravity, Hawking is considered perhaps the most brilliant theoretical physicist working today.

Hawking’s best–known work is on the nature of black holes, a phenomenon suggested by Einstein’ s equations describing what might happen should a huge star die, proposing it would crush into its own centre with such strong gravitational force that nothing could escape, not even light. Introducing his own theoretical modifications, Hawking posits the existence of mini-black holes. Created by the tremendous force of the big bang, these mini-black holes would not only emit sub-atomic particles and radiation (now called Hawking radiation), but would gradually evaporate over the space of 10 66 years, only to explode with the energy of millions of hydrogen bombs. At the same time, Hawking is the first to admit that there is as yet no physical evidence that black holes actually exist.

Hawking is one of a number of scientists concerned with theories linking quantum mechanics and gravitation. The premise of these so called grand unified theories is that it is scientifically possible to prove how the universe came into being.

Hawking was born in Oxford, England. After graduating from Oxford in 1962, he went on to study at Cambridge. In his first year there, he was diagnosed with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), otherwise known as Lou Gehrig’s disease of the nervous system. Confined to a wheelchair, he speaks through a computer synthesiser, and his movement is limited to a barely perceptible lifting of one finger and very little facial expression.

Hawking received his Ph.D. degree in 1966 from Cambridge, where he now holds the prestigious post of Lucasian professor of mathematics, a post once occupied by Sir Isaac Newton.

Hawking was among the youngest inductees into the Royal Society, one of the world’s most renowned scientific bodies. He has also received the prestigious Albert Einstein Award, has been named Commander of the British Empire by Queen Elizabeth, and has received honorary degrees from Notre Dame, the University of Chicago, Princeton, and New York University. In 1988, he published his book A Brief History of Time. He hoped the book would help non-scientists understand theories of nature, from the big band to black holes.


10 66 -ten to the sixty-sixth

amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) – болезнь Шарко, боковой амиотрофический склероз

a wheelchair – инвалидная коляска

hydrogen – водород


3.3 Find Russian equivalents to the following:

gravity, theoretical physicist, black holes, phenomenon, equations, gravitational force, existence, the big bang, sub-atomic particles, evaporate, hydrogen bombs, quantum mechanics, premise, grand unified theories, inductees, renowned.


3.4 Read the following words and state the part of speech:

mechanics, theoretical, renowned, gravity,prestigious, gradually, synthesiser, exist, subatomic,scientifically, radiation, phenomenon, tremendous, gravitational,existence,movement, perceptible, expression.


3.5 Make up questions to which the following sentences might be the answers:

1. Because of his work in the field of gravity, Hawking is considered perhaps the most brilliant theoretical physicist working today.

2. Hawking’s best–known work is on the nature of black holes.

3. Introducing his own theoretical modifications, Hawking positsthe existence of mini-black holes.

4. Hawking is one of a number of scientists concerned with theories linking quantum mechanics and gravitation.

5. After graduating from Oxford in 1962, he went on to study at Cambridge.

6. Hawking received his Ph.D. degree in 1966 from Cambridge.

7. He was diagnosed with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), otherwise known as Lou Gehrig’s disease of the nervous system.

8. In 1988, he published his book A Brief History of Time.

9. He hoped the book would help non-scientists understand theories of nature, from the big band to black holes.


3.6 Complete the following sentences:

1. Hawking was born in….

2. Hawking is considered perhaps….

3. Hawking’s best–known work is on … ….

4. Introducing his own theoretical modifications, Hawking posits .

5. At the same time, Hawking is the first to admit that….

6. Hawking is one of a number of scientists concerned with theories linking … and….

7. After graduating from Oxford in 1962….

8. Hawking received … … in 1966 from Cambridge.

9. In 1988, he published his book ….


3.7 Tell about the outstanding physicist Stephen William Hawking, using the key words:

to be considered, best–known work, to positthe existenceof, to admit, concern with, to go on to study, to be diagnosed with, to be confined to, to receive a degree, to hold the post of, a renowned scientist, to receive an award.


Дата добавления: 2015-10-12; просмотров: 401. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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