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Study the essential vocabulary and translate the illustrative examples into Russian.


2. Translate the following sentences into Russian:


1. How a few words can bring it all back! 2. Clocks and watches should be brought forward one hour from midnight to­night. 3. In his speech he tried to bring out all the salient fea­tures of the author's career. 4. Nothing that she could have done, nothing that she had done, brought home to him like this the inner significance of her act. 5. The punishment cell was a dark, damp, filthy hole under ground. Instead of bring­ing Arthur "to reason" it thoroughly exasperated him. 6. Nick played so well at the concert that he brought the house down. 7. That scolding should bring him to his senses. 8. Mr. Brown,



who is on the editorial board, announced that the case would be brought before the committee the next Tuesday. 9. Clyde's work at the hotel brought him into contact with different people. 10. Soames had never seen such an expression on Irene's face. And since it is always the unusual which alarms, Soames was alarmed. 11. Luckily a passer-by heard the burglar-alarm ringing in the jewellery store. 12. The world's forests are shrinking at an alarming rate. 13. She set the alarm to go off at five. 14. She must be very nervous, she fusses about all the time. 15.1 bet it was Bassington who went to that doctor and made all that fuss about having cancer. 16. "I really don't see what you're making such a fuss about," said Larry coldly. 17. Why fuss so much about this trip? The things are already packed, the accounts paid. 18. She doesn't see her grandchild­ren very often so she tends to make a real fuss of them when she does. 19. George Smith had put on weight and got heavier in his movements, began to go grey and lose his temper now and then. 20. The want of sympathy on the part of the world made George sell his banjo at a great loss. 21. Tom seemed lost in thought. 22. There are losses that cannot be made up for. 23. They lost no time in telling me I was wrong. 24. No great loss without a small gain (proverb). 25. He is a TV addict. 26. Susan was afraid of becoming addicted to tranquillizers. 27. Drug addiction is a plague of the 20th century. 28. The problem with video games is that they are addictive. 29. We don't know the extent of his involvement in the affair. 30. Fagin and his friends involved Oliver in a robbery. 31. He had been taught that modern physics involved the manipulation of minute quantities of matter. 32. The accident involved two cars and a lorry. 33. She didn't feel like getting involved in a long argument on the phone so she hung up. 34. Travel tends to so­phisticate a person. 35. Some pieces of modern music can be appreciated only by a very sophisticated audience. 36. She was a country girl, shy and unsophisticated, so different from her rich cousin in New York. 37. The experiment involved sophisti­cated technologies. 38. Soames' most valued possession -r- his daughter — was of medium height and colour, with short, dark-chestnut hair. 39. A thing not being valuable or having no commercial value cannot be costly; nevertheless it may be pre­cious to us on account of the giver. 40. You should have learned to value other people's time. 41.1 will say it to John, his services to us are invaluable. 42. The value of life lies not in



the length of days, but in the use we make of them; a man may live long, yet get little from life (M. Montaigne). 43. Though he prided himself on trusting no one, he always accepted at face value any friendly gesture that was offered to him. 44. While the New Yorker can appreciate the beauties of nature where he can forget the urgent problems of the day, he seems to be un­affected by the joys of country life. 45. The expeditionNvas in urgent need of supplies. 46. Everything urgent had been dealt with by her efficient secretary. 47. Old Jolyon could hardly re­sist June's urgent requests. 48. "Well, a good novel is real, far more significant than most of the highbrow stuff — so-called", he said, taking a little time to answer. 49. "He knows his stuff', said Monsier Poirot with evident approval. 50. My father was a stuffy man. He always wore dark suits and ugly ties, and was for ever pursing his lips and wrinkling up his forehead before he said anything. 51. He stuffed his ears with cotton wool not to be distracted by the noise.


3. Give the English equivalents for:


вызвать горячие споры; добиться перемен; вызывать воспомина­ния о; снизить налоги; сбить температуру; выдвинуть возражение; выносить вердикт; подчеркивать (выделять) детали издать книгу; быть хорошо (дурно) воспитанным;

встревоженный взгляд; обеспокоенная мать; вспугнутая птица; тревожная ночь; тревожные признаки; поднять тревогу;

волноваться из-за пустяков; суетиться по дому; носиться с кем-л.(чём-л.); привередливый больной; быть разборчивым (привередли­вым) в еде; суматошный человек;

потерять ключ от квартиры, чемодана; проиграть сражение, игру; заблудиться, потерять кого-л. из виду; растеряться; не дойти до кого-л. (о намеке, словах, юморе), потерять равновесие; глубоко заду­маться; выйти из себя, рассердиться; нести потери; потеря крови;

наркоман; пристраститься к чему-л.; склонность; пагубная при­вычка;

влечь за собой расходы; втянуть кого-л. в неприятности; быть втянутым во что-л.; затрагивать чьи-л. права; ввести кого-л. в боль­шие расходы;

изысканный, утонченный вкус; изощренный аргумент; светская дама; искушенная публика; усложненная технология;

ценная вещь; ценная инициатива; ценные сведения; неоценимая помощь; представлять большую ценность; моральные ценности; оценить что-л. в...;

крайняя необходимость; срочный ремонт; срочный вызов; неот­ложное дело; насущная проблема; настойчивая просьба;


сладости; зелень; фаршированная рыба; пичкать ребенка; запи­хивать вещи в чемодан; совать что-л. в карман.


4. Paraphrase the following sentences using the essential vocabulary:


1. I could never understand what caused their quarrel. 2. Very often an emergency reveals a person's main qualities. 3. The noise of the gun scared hundreds of birds. 4. She is very difficult to please, always complaining or worrying when she is ill. 5 My hints failed to impress Sally. 6. He can't tear himself away from TV. 7. He was drawn into a smuggling ring. 8. Camping trips require/call for hard work. 9. She is a woman of worldly knowledge and refinement. 10. These are really very elaborate and complicated instruments. 11. Your opinion is of great importance to me. 12. This apparatus is to be used only in case of emergencies that demand quick action. 13. "SOS" is a message requiring immediate action. 14. Don't pack the girl's head with fancies.


5. Answer the following questions. Use the essential vocabulary:


1. What will a mother feel if her child is late in returning? 2. What do you say when a room wants ventilating? 3. What kind of news will cause fear or anxiety? 4. What would you say of a woman of worldly knowledge and refinement? 5. What would you say of grandparents when they try to please their grandchildren in every way? 6. What would you call a person who Is in the habit of constantly watching TV? 7. What would you advise a person who is very particular about all kinds of little things? 8. What would you call a present that may not be expensive but is very dear to you?


6. Fill in the blanks with prepositions or adverbs:


1. Seeing you brought... many memories. 2. The new dress brought... her hidden beauty. 3. How can we bring... to him the seriousness of his mistake? 4. The cool air outside soon brought her.... 5. He has just brought... a new book. 6. All children should be brought... to respect their parents. 7. The proposal brought... seemed a foolish one. 8. You must bring...... John that it is a matter of great urgency. 9. His remark brought... a lot of misunderstanding. 10. I did enjoy his lecture. And I think that a slightly sceptical audience brings...


the best in him. 11. They gave him an injection but it did not bring him.... 12. She wants to bring... all the old customs.


7. Choose the right word:


a) fear, alarm, dismay, panic


1. Robinson Crusoe was seized with... when he saw the footprint on the sand. 2. There is always a danger of... when a theatre catches fire. 3. The thought that she might fail the examination filled her with.... 4. He lived in constant... of his neighbours.


b) value (valuable, invaluable), price (priceless), worth


1. Some works of art have no... for they are unique and, therefore,.... 2. The... of a good education cannot be mea­sured in money. In Great Britain public education is free. It costs nothing. The... of books may seem high, but their... to a student who is educating himself may be great.


8. Review the essential vocabulary and translate the following sentences into English:


1. В наше время средства массовой информации ежедневно под­нимают вопросы, требующие неотложного решения. 2. Белая шляпа с широкими полями оттеняла (подчеркивала) красоту ее больших темно-синих глаз. 3. То, что подобное путешествие вводило семью в большие расходы, вызвало горячий спор. 4. Некоторые политики в Англии выступают за то, чтобы вернуть смертную казнь 5. Мысли Джейн становились все тревожнее, она ускорила шаг. 6. У него было какое-то тревожное предчувствие, от которого он не мог отделаться, как ни старался. 7. Многие родители встревожены тем, что дети про­сто не могут оторваться от телевизора. 8. Столько было суеты в свя­зи с моим приездом, что я чувствовала себя просто неловко. 9. Пожа­луйста, не поднимай шума, это просто царапина. 10. Больной ребе­нок часто капризничает, ему все не так, но родители не должны те­рять терпения. 11. Я в затруднении объяснить его отсутствие. 12. Он несколько раз намекал на свою крайнюю нужду в деньгах, но его намеки не дошли до редактора. 13 Алкогольная зависимость — это трагедия для семьи. 14. Многие, начав смотреть мыльные оперы, про­сто не могут оторваться от них. 15. Наркоманы теряют голову, пыта­ясь достать наркотики. 16. В скандале были замешаны известные по­литики, и это вызвало правительственный кризис. 17. На вашем мес­те директора школы я бы больше привлекала родителей к решению всяких проблем. 18. По-моему, некоторые телевизионные програм-


мы создаются для искушенной (подготовленной) аудитории. 19. Все признавали, что миссис Ерлинг имела утонченный вкус. 20. Вы ока­зали мне неоценимую услугу. 21. Я ценю ваше мнение больше чем чье-либо другое. 22. Ценность некоторых вещей не может быть из­мерена деньгами. 23. Неотложный вызов заставил врача отправиться к больному в такую ночь. 24. Она попросила не беспокоить ее, если не было крайней необходимости. 25 У меня голова забита всякими тревожными мыслями. 26. Индейка, обычно фаршированная, — обя­зательное блюдо в американской семье в День Благодарения.


9. a) Give the Russian equivalents for the following English proverbs:


Lost time is never found again.

Grasp all, lose all.


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