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The author would like to acknowledge the experiences and the expertise of his colleagues, with whom he was privileged to work on the Well-being Literacy via Multimedia Education and Psychosocial Research (WeLL) program, in particular Elena Libin, PhD and Ellen Danford, BA. We would like to thank the founder of the International Society on Virtual Systems and Multimedia Professor Takeo Ojika, PhD (Institute of Dream Systems Development, Japan) for sponsoring cat-robot NeCoRo for the robotherapy study. The robotherapy pilot project has drawn on the experience and creativity of members of the Research Institute on Aging team, notably Jiska Cohen-Mansfield, PhD; Marx, M, PhD; Khin Thein, MD; Andrew Michaelson, BA: Jennifer Scott, MA; and James Biddison, BA; their dedication to the WeLL project is greatly appreciated.


Methodological support for this project was provided through the MedStar Health Research Institute, a component of the Georgetown-Howard Universities Center for Clinical and Translational Science (GHUCCTS) and supported by Grant U54 RR026076-01 from the NCRR, a component of the National Institutes of Health (NIH). Its contents are solely the responsibility of the authors and do not necessarily represent the official views of NCRR or NIH.


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Insight. Retrieved at https://www. youtube. com/analytics

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Libin, E. (2002). Psychology of Coping with Difficult Life Situations. Moscow: Psychological Institute of Russian Academy of Aducation. (in Russian)


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Libin, A., Libin, E., Libin, V. (2008). The Geometrical Form Preferences Test through Human-Figure-Constructive-Drawings (A manual for clinicians). Moscow: Eksmo Education, 380 p.

Libin, A; Schladen MM; Ljungberg I; Tsai B; Jacobs S; Reinauer K; Minnick S; Spungen M; Groah S (2011). YouTube as an on-line disability self-management tool in persons with spinal cord injury. Topics in Spinal Cord Injury Rehabilitation, Winter; 16 (3): 84-92.

Libin, A, Lauderdale M, Millo Y, Shamloo C, Spencer R, Green B, Donnellan J, Wellesley C, Groah S. (2010). Role-Playing Simulation as an Educational Tool for Health Care Personnel: Developing an Embedded Assessment Framework. Cyberpsychol Behav. and Social Networking, 217-24.

Libin, E. & Libin, A. (2004). Robotherapy. In: Spielberger, Charles (Ed.). Encyclopedia of Applied Psychology, pp. 289-293. Oxford: Elsevier.

Paiva, A.,Dias, J, Sobral, D, Aylett, P. Sobreperez, S. Woods, C. Zoll, and L. E. Hall. (2004). Caring for agents and agents that care: Building empathic relations with synthetic agents. In AAMAS, IEEE Computer Society, 194–201.


Paiva, A., Dias, J., Sobral, D., Aylett, R., Woods, S., Hall, L.,Zoll, C. (2005). Learning by feeling: Evoking empathy with synthetic characters. Applied Artificial Intelligence, 19, 235-266.


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Putten Rosenthal-von der, A.M., Schulte, F.P.; Eimler, S.C.; Hoffmann, L.; Sobieraj, S.; Maderwald, S.; Kramer, N.C.; Brand, M. (2013). Neural correlates of empathy towards robots. 2013 8th ACM/IEEE International Conference on Human-Robot Interaction (HRI), 215-216.


Reisberg, B. (1983). The brief cognitive rating scale and global deterioration scale. In: Crook, T., Ferris, S., Bartus, R. (Eds). Assessment in geriatric psychopharmacology. Mark Powley Assocaites, Inc., 19 – 35.


Tapus Adriana and Maja J. Matarić. (2008). Socially Assistive Robots: The Link between Personality, Empathy, Physiological Signals, and Task Performance. In AAAI Sping Sympoisum on Emotion, Personality, and Social Behavior, Mar 2008.

Sheldon, Kennon M. (2004). Optimal Human Being: An Integrated Multi-Level Perspective, Random House.

Washington Post (2005). Purr. Whirr. Your Next Pet May Not Be Fur in the Future - Or Could Be a Copy Cat. Psychologists Elena and Alexander Libin on the use of robotic cats in therapy. By Weeks, Linton. Sunday, April 24.


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Я, Румянцева Татьяна, студентка 2 курса Исторического факультета кафедры Регионоведения и туризма ЯрГУ им. П.Г. Демидова, провожу анкетирование в рамках учебного процесса, о привлечении туристов в Ирландию. Вы окажете мне большую помощь в написании курсовой работы, ответив на предложенные мною вопросы. Заранее сообщаю Вам, что все данные, полученные в ходе данной анкеты, носят конфиденциальный характер.

Прошу Вас честно ответить на вопросы. Надеюсь, это займет не слишком много времени.


Инструкция Ответами на вопросы будут служить выбранные Вами цифры (1), 2), 3) и т.д.). Подходящую цифру следует занести в бланк ответов, расположенный после анкеты. Прошу заметить, что от искренности Ваших ответов будет зависеть качество моей курсовой работы.


1. К какой возрастной группе Вы относитесь:

1) От 14 до 17;

2) От 18 до 24;

3) От 25 до 44;

4) От 45 и выше.


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