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Table A Table B

— Ну да, — отозвалась Ольга. — Может быть, и так. Иной раз, когда я одна тут сижу, Варнава в Замке, Амалия на кухне, отец с матерью, бедняги, за столом носами клюют, я попробую, бывало, вместо Варнавы сапожничать, да у меня руки-крюки, бросаю и начинаю изо всех сил думать, только ума у меня на эти вещи совсем не хватает, и все как-то в голове путается, даже страхи и заботы уже не особняком стоят, а вроде как расплываются, пропадают куда-то.

— Вот тут, по-моему, ты к самому главному и подошла, — сказал К. — В этом все дело. Варнава
1. Edutainment 2. Multimedia   3. Expert system   4. Telecommute 5. Information superhighway a) Software that enables computers to ‘think’ like experts b) Use computers to stay in touch with the office while working at home c) Internet system designed to provide free, interactive access to vast resources for people all over the world d) Multimedia materials with a combination of educational and entertainment content e) A combination of text with sound, video, animation, and graphics.

Task 6.Mark the following as True or False.

1. A personal computer can process different forms of data including text, graphics, audio, animation and video. 2. Videoconferencing is a form of communication over a network that uses video cameras. 3. Anti-virus programs are used to connect a number of computers and peripheral devices together. 4. A hard disk is a piece of equipment used for putting data into a computer. 5. A chip which is the common name for a microchip is an electronic integrated circuit in a small package. 6. Desktop computers are referred to the powerful type of computers, operated by a team of professionals.


Task 7. Fill in the blanks with the words from the box.


ability to combine; handles; in hardware and software; operating systems; increased precision; parallel processing; to count; data and information; to store this program


1. The word ‘computer’ comes from a Latin word which means …. 2. The feature which makes the computer more than just a calculator is its … thousands of such small operations into a program and …. 3. All the data which a computer … are in the form of numbers. 4. The term “computer generations” helps to single out the major technological developments …. 5. The production of … - a type of systems software – and applications software packages increased rapidly. 6. We must be selective about the type of … we process. 7. Data processing is getting faster and faster, mathematical calculations continue to be performed with …. 8. Traditional computers act on only one problem at a time; … means that many processors will work on the problem at the same time.


Task 8. Translate the following sentences paying attention to the use ofIndefinite, Continuous, Perfect Tenses in the Active Voice.


1. The ability of tiny computing devices to control complex operations has transformed the way many tasks are performed, ranging from scientific research to producing consumer products. 2. These smart machines are designed to take over some of the basic tasks previously performed by people, by so doing, they make life a little easier and a little more pleasant. 3. Now that computers are proliferating in many areas and networks are available for people to access data and communicate with others, personal computers are becoming interpersonal PCs. 4. Distance learning and video conferencing are concepts made possible with the use of an electronic classroom or boardroom accessible to people in remote locations. 5. Not only is computing equipment getting smaller, it is getting more sophisticated. 6. I searched the Web for sites on digital cameras yesterday. 7. The programmer has added some other features to his computer. 8. We have indicated that the computer cannot replace the human teacher, nor it is desirable that it should. 9. In certain areas of both hardware and software we have facilities which the pioneers could only dream of. 10. Computers have decreased in price dramatically over the last ten years, but at the same time they have become much more powerful.



Task 9. Give the verbs in brackets in the Passive voice and translate the sentences.


1. The information superhighway (to design) to significantly expand this interactive connectivity so that people all over the world will have free access to all these resources. 2. Until the late 1970s, the computer (to view) as a massive machine that was useful to big business and big government but not to the general public. 3. Much of the computer activity (to centre) in the Silicon Valley in northern California, where the first computer-related company (to locate) in 1955. 4. The word’ software’ (to create) by analogy to hardware. 5. All these operations, together with input and output, (to perform) with great speed and accuracy. 6. The problem of being overloaded with information (to discuss) more and more in business and computer publications. 7. Modern personal computers always (to look at) with interest. 8. The experiments on the new microcomputer (to carry out) during the whole month. 9. Information (to transmit) between people in different continents or inside the human brain in the form of signals. 10. The first IBM PC (to develop) using existing available electrical components.


Task 10. Work in pairs. Find out this information from your partner. Make sure you use the correct tense in your questions. For example:


download music from the Internet [what site]

A Have you ever downloaded music from the Internet?

B What site did you use?


1. send a video email attachment [who to, when]

2. fit an expansion card [which type]

3. replace a hard disk [what model]

4. fix a printer fault [what kind]

5. make your own website [how]

6. have a virus [which virus]

7. watch TV on the Internet [which station]

8. write a program [which language]

Task 11.Translate the following sentences into English.

1.Общеизвестно, что пользователи бывают начинающие и продвинутые. 2. Отдельной категорией выступают люди, профессию которых вкратце можно назвать словом "компьютерщик" (эти люди умеют абсолютно все, правда, они сами иногда об этом не знают). 3. Первая категория пользователей является самой распространенной. 4. Работа компьютера для них представляется весьма загадочным явлением, и занимаются они в основном набором и распечаткой текстов, проводят время за играми и смотрят видеофильмы. 5. Вторую категорию, как правило, уже не удовлетворяет лишь одна работа за компьютером. 6. Сильное стрем­ление к достижению новых высот заставляет неокрепшие умы испытывать различные программные новинки, использовать полезные советы по оптимизации работы компьютера и многое другое, что начинающему пользователю совсем неизвестно. 7. Третья категория пользователей самая малочисленная. 8. В нее входят люди, чья профессиональная деятельность вынуждает их заниматься сборкой, настройкой и ремонтом компьютеров.


Task 12. Topics for discussion.


1. Describe the way how a computer processes information.

2. Speak on the range of sizes and types of computers.

3. The multi-purposeness of computers.

4. The compatibility of computer systems.

5. Dwell on the services provided by computers and their advantages (disadvantages).


Task 13. Read Text B and find the answers to the following questions.


1. How many generations of computers do you know? 2. What were the main characteristics of the first generation of computers? How did they differ from the second and third generations? 3. What helped to miniaturize the computer circuits? 4. How can computers change our lives for better (for worse)?

Дата добавления: 2015-10-15; просмотров: 2449. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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