Different pieces of hardware – the physical devices – of a computer system are used to input, process, and output data. Input devices, which range from keyboards and touch-sensitive screens to mice and light pens, translate the information into a series of on and off electrical signals. Processing is controlled by the central processing unit (CPU), which consists of a control unit that directs the transfer of data and an arithmetic/ logic unit (ALU) that performs mathematical and logical calculations. Once entered, data is moved to memory for processing – this is the information that appears on the screen – or written to the disk for permanent storage. The system unit itself houses the processing devices, electronic circuits, and other components. Many of these devices are tiny silicon chips, also known as semiconductors or integrated circuits. These chips include the CPU, RAM (random access memory), and ROM (read-only memory); they are plugged into sockets on a printed circuit board (a board with electrical circuits printed on it). The board that contains the CPU is known as the system board (or motherboard); it provides several expansion slots that allow users to add memory and expansion boards for input and output devices (peripheral devices) such as mice, monitors, modems, and scanners. Read-only memory contains the computer's built-in instructions; the computer can read but not alter the contents. Random access memory allows the manipulation of data; if the program is ended or the power turned off before the changes have been saved, all new material is lost. Microcomputers typically include a hard disk and one or two floppy disk drives. The hard disk provides greater storage space and speed than a floppy disk provides; it is usually sealed within the unit (some removable drives are available) and contains the operating system and whatever programs and data you choose to write to it. Because hard disks can malfunction (crash), it is advisable to back up their data onto floppy disks (or tape) to be stored outside the system. Other storage devices include optical discs, where the data has been burned onto the disc by means of a laser, and interactive video. Input and output devices, connected to the system unit through serial ports, parallel ports, and specialized ports, let the user interact with the system to input data and receive processed results. Common input devices include the keyboard, mouse, scanner, and light pen; common output devices include the monitor, printer, and plotter. The modem functions as both an input and output device. The availability of modems has opened up staggering opportunities for people to link their computers via phone, to access information from remote databases, and communicate in a variety of ways.
Unit 3
Pre-reading activity
Guess the meaning of the following words. electronic ["elek'tronIk]; weigh ['weI]; card [kRd]; screen [skrJn]; swipe [swaIp]; keyboard ['kJbLd]; rechargeable [rq'tSRGqbl]; medium ['mJdjqm]; versatile ['vWsqtaIl]; gigabyte ['gIgqbaIt]; conventional [kqn'venSqnl]; convert [kOn'vWt]
Read and learn the basic vocabulary terms. peripheral (n) [pq'rIfqrql] периферийное (вспомогательное) устройство scales (n) ['skeIlz] весы barcode (n) ['bRkoud] штриховой код delete [dI'lJt] стирать, удалять, исключать cursor (n) ['kWsq] курсор resolution (n) ["rezq'lHSn] разрешающая способность measurement (n) ['meZqmqnt]измерение pixel (n) ['pIksIl] точка растра, элемент растра versatile (adj) ['vq:sqtaIl] разносторонний, универсальный random (adj) ['rxndqm] случайный, произвольный processing (n) ['prousesIN] обработка keyboard (n) ['kJbO:d] клавиатура plotter (n) ['plOtq] графопостроитель modem (n) модем, модулятор-демодулятор scanner (n) лексический анализатор (сканирующее устройство) – устройство ввода изображения touch screen (adj, n) сенсорный экран ['tAtSskrJn] back up (n, v) [bxkqp] резервирование; создавать резервную копию
Memorise the following word-combinations. LCD (Liquid Crystal Display) устройство отображения текстовой и графической информации на жидких кристаллах CCD (Charge-Coupled Device) устройство с зарядной связью EPOS (tills) электронный кассовый аппарат floppy disks гибкие диски (дискеты) barcode reader читающее устройство штрихового кода numeric keypad числовая (цифровая) клавиатура (вспомогательная) solid state memory память на полупроводниках storage device запоминающее устройство data medium носитель данных (материальный объект, предназначенный для хранения данных, напр. диск, перфокарта) disk or tape drive дисковод (лентопротяжное устройство) a read/write head головка чтения записи hard disk жесткий диск (винчестер) removable storage съемное запоминающее устройство (можно менять носитель хранения и переносить на другой компьютер) fixed storage постоянное запоминающее устройство (носитель хранения нельзя перенести на другой компьютер) light pen световое перо (используется как устройство ввода координат и как указка) dot matrix printer матричное печатающее устройство letter-quality printer высококачественное печатающее устройство daisy-wheel printer лепестковое печатающее устройство ink-jet printer струйный принтер desktop monitor настольный монитор graphics tablet or digitiser устройство (цифрового) ввода изображений