Аномальное сексуальное поведение (Под редакцией А. А. Ткаченко. М., 1997) Оглавление Abstract Предисловие Глава 1 ГРАНИЦЫ СЕКСУАЛЬНОЙ НОРМЫ И СОВРЕМЕННЫЕ КЛАССИФИКАЦИИ НАРУШЕНИЙ ПСИХОСЕКСУАЛЬНЫХ ОРИЕНТАЦИЙ Глава 2 ФЕНОМЕНОЛОГИЯ И ПСИХОПАТОЛОГИЯ ПАРАФИЛЬНОГО ПОВЕДЕНИЯ Глава 3 СЕКСУАЛЬНЫЙ ДИЗОНТОГЕНЕЗ И РАССТРОЙСТВА ПОЛОВОЙ ИДЕНТИЧНОСТИ У ЛИЦ С АНОМАЛЬНЫМ СЕКСУАЛЬНЫМ ПОВЕДЕНИЕМ Глава 4 ПСИХОЛОГИЧЕСКИЕ ОСОБЕННОСТИ ЛИЦ С ПАРАФИЛИЯМИ Глава 5 НЕЙРОПСИХОЛОГИЧЕСКИЕ ОСОБЕННОСТИ ЛИЦ С ДЕВИАНТНЫМ СЕКСУАЛЬНЫМ ПОВЕДЕНИЕМ Глава 6 НЕЙРОФИЗИОЛОГИЧЕСКИЕ МЕХАНИЗМЫ АНОМАЛЬНОГО СЕКСУАЛЬНОГО ПОВЕДЕНИЯ Глава 7 СОСТОЯНИЕ МОНОАМИНОВЫХ СИСТЕМ ПРИ ПАРАФИЛИЯХ Глава 8 ПАТОГЕНЕТИЧЕСКИЕ МОДЕЛИ ПАРАФИЛИЙ Заключение Литература Оглавление ABSTRACT: Abnormal sexual behaviour. (Ed. Tkatchenko A. A.) - Moscow: Serbsky Nat. Res. Centre for Social and Forensic Psychiatry, 1997.- 426 pp. У Tkatchenko A. A. & all., 1997. Presented are the results of the interdisciplinary study of abnormal sexual behaviour, first of all - paraphilias. Given are the results of clinico-psychopathological and psychological findings as well as of neurophysiological and neurochemical examinations of persons with different forms of sexual inclination pathology - exhibitionism, pedophilia, sadism etc. The materials presented give an opportunity to elaborate pathogenetic and regulative models of paraphilic behaviour, to develop expert criteria and therapeutic programs. For psychiatrists, sexologists, psychologists, criminologists and law-enforcement agency personnel. CONTENT: PREFACE, CHAPTER 1. A. A. Tkatchenko THE BORDERS OF SEXUAL NORMALITY AND CONTEMPORARY CLASSIFICATIONS OF PSYCHOSEXUAL ORIENTATION DISORDERS CHAPTER 2. A. A. Tkatchenko, G. E. Vvedensky PHENOMENOLOGY AND PSYCHOPATHOLOGY OF PARAPHILIC BEHAVIOUR CHAPTER 3. G. E. Vvedensky, L. O. Perezhogin, A. A. Tkatchenko SEXUAL DISONTHOGENESIS AND GENDER IDENTITY DISORDERS IN PERSONS WITH ABNORMAL SEXUAL BEHAVIOUR CHAPTER 4. N. V. Dvoryanchikov, A. V. Gerasimov, A. A. Tkatchenko PSYCHOLOGICAL PEGULIARITIES OF PARAPHILIC PERSONS CHAPTER 5. I. I. Batamirov, G. E. Vvedensky, A. A. Tkatchenko, L. O. Perezhogin NEUROPSYCHOLOGICAL PECULIARITIES OF PERSONS WITH DEVIANT SEXUAL BEHAVIOUR CHAPTER 6. A. V. Eliseev, A. A. Tkatchenko, T. V. Petina, Yu. E. Kunikovskiy NEUROPHISIOLOGIC MECHANISMS OF ABNORMAL SEXUAL BEHAVIOUR CHAPTER 7. B. M. Kogan, A. Z. Drozdov, A. A. Tkatchenko, A. V. Talizckiy, I. A. Kovaleva, T. S. Filatova, I. V. Man'kovskaya, L. O. Perezhogin, Yu. E. Kunikovskiy STATES OF MONOAMIN SYSTEM IN PARAPHILIAS CHAPTER 8. A. A. Tkatchenko, G. E. Vvedensky PATHOGENETIC MODELS OF PARAPHILIAS CONCLUSION, REFERENCES. ANNOTATION: CHAPTER 1 THE BORDERS OF SEXUAL NORMALITY AND CONTEMPORARY CLASSIFICATIONS OF PSYCHOSEXUAL ORIENTATION DISORDERS Described is the historical transformation of approaches to the typology of abnormal sexual behaviour. Demonstrated is the altaration of ideas about the genesis of paraphilias within the framework of different tendencies (clinical, psychoanalitical). Presented are endeavours to introduce the criteria of "normal"and "pathological"with respect to the sexual behaviour. Proposed is the original definition of normal sexual behaviour. Analyzed are present-day classifications of psychosexual disorders (DSM-IV, ICD-10) with the evaluation of merits and demerits of modern taxonomias. CHAPTER 2 PHENOMENOLOGY AND PSYCHOPATHOLOGY OF PARAPHILIC BEHAVIOUR Presented is the systematic description of clinical manifestations of the abnormal sexual behaviour, basing on the subdivision of phenomena into objective, subjective and psychopathological. Grounded is the introduction of new clinico-psychological terms describing paraphilia signs not distinguished previously. Put forward is the original scheme of the correlation of paraphiliac behaviour principal phenomena (subject-object-activity). Specially analyzed are first specified predisposing psychopathological states, reflecting the peculiarities of mental disontogenesis of persons with paraphilias.